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Thread: Could'nt Inject!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Could'nt Inject!!!!

    Ok, so i came to inject yesterday. I knew the drill on how to do it. I cleaned site, hands then put on gloves. I got clean sryringe and needle drew my sust.

    But i couldnt inject. I was too nervous. I couldnt belive it! I'm giving it another go today and am intent on doing it but could anyone give me some tips on how to do it. To physically put the needle in cause everytime i tried my arm froze a centimetre from the skin!

  2. #2
    Been there, you really just gotta do it. After your first time its generally smooth sailing. You just gotta go for it, it really does not hurt AT ALL. Just put on your favorite song and go for it without any thought.

  3. #3
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    Ottawa, ON Canada
    First time's a bitch. Just get it close and poke, then slowly put in the needle. You just gotta breathe and do it. That's all.

  4. #4
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    i heard sustanon is a bitch to inject. and wouldnt doing it slowly hurt more?

  5. #5
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    Jul 2009
    Am I the only one who pops the needle in quickly?

    I was nervous too my first time. I considered taking Valium before my first solo injection but it turns out I didn't need it in the end. Sure I hesitated and had to stop and get myself together, but I was able to poke it in in the end. It helped a lot though to have somebody there with me the first time.

    Five solo injections later and I feel like a pro

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Am I the only one who pops the needle in quickly?

    I was nervous too my first time. I considered taking Valium before my first solo injection but it turns out I didn't need it in the end. Sure I hesitated and had to stop and get myself together, but I was able to poke it in in the end. It helped a lot though to have somebody there with me the first time.

    Five solo injections later and I feel like a pro
    Nah I dart it in. Once it's through the skin it's all good... Well, unless you hit a nerve.

  7. #7
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    What's the deal with hitting a nerve? Are you handicapped for the rest of your life if you hit a nerve?

    Is there any way to avoid hitting nerves other than getting an MRI scan of your ass to actually see where the nerves are.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    What's the deal with hitting a nerve? Are you handicapped for the rest of your life if you hit a nerve?

    Is there any way to avoid hitting nerves other than getting an MRI scan of your ass to actually see where the nerves are.

    Nah, nerves are everywhere. I just normally plow them and everything is fine.

    I believe there is some main nerve near you spine that if you hit you can lose some feeling, but I always hit the quads so I never have that problem.

  9. #9
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    the first time i pinned im suprized i didnt break the needle because i was shaking so bad my heart was racing. i build it up in my head too much did qauds so i could see what was going on. it was a cake walk after that i made a big deal out of nothing. youll see

  10. #10
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    I almost did not go through with my first injection either, then I thought of all the planning time and money I spent and I took a deep breath, told myself not to be a biatch, and shoved it in.

    I was amazingly surprised that I basically did not even feel it go in. Just press the gear in slow and easy, and you will feel almost no pain.

  11. #11
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    I went through the exact same thing. I promise that once you do it, youll realize that its nothing.
    I had a friend inject it the first time because I couldnt do it. A few nights later, I was ready to try again, and I just went for it. Its been smooth sailing from then on.
    My favorite spot is delts. I use a 23 guage X 1 inch, and push it about 85% in. Doing quads is easy also because you can use both hands.

  12. #12
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    yeah after doing 2 shots in glutes, I decided to try quads, and I'll never go back lol.

    Quads are so damn easy, except it seems a bit harder to push in (denser muscle I'm guessing), but overall quads are my fav.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumper88 View Post
    i heard sustanon is a bitch to inject. and wouldnt doing it slowly hurt more?
    You shouldn't get much pain while injecting. Sust pain will come on later like the next day if at all. I say just pick your spot and if you have the right gauge and length pin just stick it in all the way then breath, asperate (if no blood)and slowly inject.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumper88 View Post
    Ok, so i came to inject yesterday. I knew the drill on how to do it. I cleaned site, hands then put on gloves. I got clean sryringe and needle drew my sust.

    But i couldnt inject. I was too nervous. I couldnt belive it! I'm giving it another go today and am intent on doing it but could anyone give me some tips on how to do it. To physically put the needle in cause everytime i tried my arm froze a centimetre from the skin!
    why gloves?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Am I the only one who pops the needle in quickly?

    I was nervous too my first time. I considered taking Valium before my first solo injection but it turns out I didn't need it in the end. Sure I hesitated and had to stop and get myself together, but I was able to poke it in in the end. It helped a lot though to have somebody there with me the first time.

    Five solo injections later and I feel like a pro

    I do it at a medium speed, just so I can tell what I'm tearing through. You can feel what you hit on the way in if you know your stuff.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Am I the only one who pops the needle in quickly?

    I was nervous too my first time. I considered taking Valium before my first solo injection but it turns out I didn't need it in the end. Sure I hesitated and had to stop and get myself together, but I was able to poke it in in the end. It helped a lot though to have somebody there with me the first time.

    Five solo injections later and I feel like a pro
    F**k no bro. I site inject just about every muscle i have, and still to this day i stab it like a dart.. Sometimes even close my Knock on wood, still never f**ked up yet.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by starboots View Post
    Been there, you really just gotta do it. After your first time its generally smooth sailing. You just gotta go for it, it really does not hurt AT ALL. Just put on your favorite song and go for it without any thought.
    I also agree! Hatebreed and a loaded pin, you wont find a better rush!!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ted666 View Post
    why gloves?
    If you've washed your hands properly, the only thing gloves will do is stop the sweat from your hands getting on anything.

    I remember when I was in college, we had a replacement nurse for a while. I had a really bad throat ache one day so I went in to her looking for a Neurofen or something along those lines.

    First she says she wants to take a look at my throat. Without wearing gloves, and without washing her hands, she goes over and picks up one of those wooden ice-pop sticks they use to hold your tongue down. Just as she's about to put it in my mouth, she stops and says "Wait, we have to follow protocol. Hygeine.".

    So who can guess what the genius did next? She put the ice-pop stick down on the table (yes, the unwashed bacteria-ridden table), and then went over to put some gloves on. Now with gloved hands, she picked the stick back up and put it in my mouth.

    Now this was a PERFECT example of someone being thought something but not understanding it. This woman was STUPID. I could explain to a bright 7 year old what was wrong with what she did. The 7 year old would understand how she actually made things LESS HYGIENIC by putting the stick down on the table and going to put on gloves. The woman lacked the intelligence required to be a nurse, and was a danger to the medical centre.

    I meant to send an anonymous letter to the guy that runs the college telling him about the incompetent nurse, but I never got around to it. Ah well.

    Before I play around with ampules and syringes, I put on a face mask covering my nose and mouth, then I was my hands with soap. Next I prepare the syringe. Once the syringe is prepared, I place it down on the table (with the cap on it of course). Next I go wash my ass with soap, again I was my hands afterward, then I dry off. Next I wipe with alcohol and pop the needle in. Aspirate, wait a second, then push the good stuff in. Ummm....

  19. #19
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    Injecting is like breathing air for me bro. I have literally probably done over 1000 IM injections by myself as many here have also. When you get good you will know when you went through a vein or just nicked a nerve. When you go through a vein you will feel it and it is something I can not really explain but you just know and when you nick a vein you feel your arm either jump a little bit or get a sharp pain. Just watch out for those shots in the delt where you will have a fountain of blood flying out when you hit a vein those can be annoying but not a big dealio.

  20. #20
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    So you've hit nerves before? I thought nerves don't heal themselves (or that they heal themselves ridiculously slowly)? Do you not lose feeling or get paralysed or whatever if you hit a nerve? I've known people who suffered severed nerve from industrial accidents, and they've lost sensation in a part of their body, or they can't move a body part as articulately as they used to be able to.

  21. #21
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    First time can be nerve racking, but once you will be amazed how there is almost no pain from the needle.

  22. #22
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    suck it up. Have you never got a shot from the doctor? Not to downplay it, i still get a little antsy here and there when i inject. But i pretty much associate it with gains and good feelings, so i almost get giddy and excited for injections. At least when i start a cycle i do. Towards the end it gets pretty old, esp. if you are doing 3-4 pokes a week.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pumper88 View Post
    Ok, so i came to inject yesterday. I knew the drill on how to do it. I cleaned site, hands then put on gloves. I got clean sryringe and needle drew my sust.

    But i couldnt inject. I was too nervous. I couldnt belive it! I'm giving it another go today and am intent on doing it but could anyone give me some tips on how to do it. To physically put the needle in cause everytime i tried my arm froze a centimetre from the skin!
    Lose the gloves, suck it up expect pain and enjoy it, Think about why you are talking it, Shouting get massive will help to seriously try it haha

  24. #24
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    haha, i just wash up my hands and injection site ... then just dart it in... never had a problem with needles though ...

  25. #25
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    Did you ever see the movie : Something About Mary ?

    There is a part where guy is told not to go out with a loaded gun .

    Maybe watch the movie if you haven't seen it .

    Try unloading your gun ?

  26. #26
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    Go get an orange and stick a pin in it...... or an apple. The orange skin is tougher than our skin and the pin just glides right in. This mite help you a little psychologically..... or you can skip that and just suck it up


  27. #27
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    Yeah injecting for the first time can be a bitch, i was abit like that but i love it so much now that i even inject for practice when im not on a cycle...

  28. #28
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    Damn matt..... you're johnny on the spot right now ahahaha - posting like a fiend


  29. #29
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    so did u ever get the needle in m8?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Damn matt..... you're johnny on the spot right now ahahaha - posting like a fiend

    Its 2 in the morning and im bored lol...

  31. #31
    i freaked out the first time too (1 week ago). before my first injection, I kind of practiced a little with a syringe and needle and kind of tried to poke it a little bit to get use to it. the first time i actually did it and drew the test, i knew there was no looking back so i blasted rap music and just stuck the dam thing in my ass

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Yeah injecting for the first time can be a bitch, i was abit like that but i love it so much now that i even inject for practice when im not on a cycle...
    X2 Bro.

    All been there.....

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Its 2 in the morning and im bored lol...
    yah coulda said.....

    "Yeah I like to get on here and help out as much as i can.... I like to spread the knowledge I have to help others so one day they can follow in my footsteps"

    But you being bored works just as well


  34. #34
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    between corn and soybeans
    i recommend delts for your first injection. Glutes can be tricky. Quads are the easiest, but you would want a bigger needle which might be kinda intimidating. My first was 1 inch 20g on the delts, those fvckers hurt. 5/8 25g is butter however

  35. #35
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    ^^ 20gauge! wtfffffffffffff. F THAT.

    Have someone you trust do it for you... My girl does my pinning.

  36. #36
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    Yea, save the harpoons for the sharks!!! I use 5/8 25g for delts.

  37. #37
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    Don't forget to use a fresh pin for your injection bro. You didn't mention you did so. Using a fresh pin helps it break the skin and glide right in, also you can lube it with some of the injection, just push a drop out and let it run down the dart.

  38. #38
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    I always use the same pin that i load with.

  39. #39
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    PU$$Y!!!!! J/K
    I had a hard time the first time, it's still not easy but it never hurts. Just a needle phobia but it's worth it and I dont have a choice since Im on HRT.

    Gloves??? Why? LOL Just wash your hands. Once you do it you will say WTF, that didnt hurt. LOL
    Last edited by lovbyts; 08-16-2009 at 10:18 PM.

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