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Thread: Shipping Question

  1. #1

    Shipping Question

    A good buddy of mine hooked me up with a cycle and was sending it himself domestically to my house. It is coming from a place about 12-14 hours driving distance. It was shipped normal ground and it has been about 5 days and it is still not here.

    I have been reading the posts so I know how to avoid getting caught but I have not recieved a letter or anything. If it did get nabbed, would I definitely have some sort of correspondence from either the authorities or USPS or could it just be taken and I never hear anything? Or am I just being anxious and should give it some more time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Venice CA
    Domestic mail is not inspected so you won't get caught unless it was leaking or something.

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