I'm 25 and I've been weight training since 16. I started taking anabol tablets and later androlic around 20 years old. Last year for the first time I took anavar and also proviron and the results I've had are good. I've never injected because I have a phobia of needles. I'm sure many of you will say "man up" or "just get through it" but I've tried many different ways to get through it myself. I just need to know how I can achieve the best results from orals alone.
I finished an 8 weeks cycle 3 weeks ago of the following.
Anabol x 50mg per day
Anavar x 25mg per day
Proviron x 50mg per day
I train every day weights, 3 times a week I train weights twice. Each session is no longer than an hour. I train each muscle group every 72 hours and I do cardio 3 times per week for 30 minutes.
I want to achieve a more muscular physique, and 5%/6% body fat.
What would be a great oral cycle to do to help with this? I'm currently living in Thailand so can easily get hold of any oral easily.