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Thread: please help second cycle!!!

  1. #1

    please help second cycle!!!

    hi all,

    im 6.0 ft
    bf 15 %
    weight 196lb
    age 35
    tarining for 1 year

    first course was test cyp and deca taking the test on monday and frida and deca on weds, did this for 6 weeks and gained 28 lb

    then took hcg and nolva for pct had in total 5 weeks off then have started cycle 2

    test enthanate monday and friday at 250 ml per ml and deca on weds,
    i also take 40ml of dynabol daily 20 in the morning and 20 at night,

    now in week 4 and have just added whinny at 50ml eery 3 days,

    have only put on 3lb so far on this cycle and my libido and agressiveness seem not to be the same on this curse. do u guys have ny ideas on this course and why i may not be growing, my diet is not that clean but in getting about 4000 calories a day and im sure im getting enough protien.

    thanks in adviance.

  2. #2
    lol why are you taking the deca on wednesday? save yourself the damn trouble and shoot it with the test. dont bother with the winny every 3 days. shame you paid top dollar for desma too.

    edit: now that i notice you are using ml instead of mg, is it even injectable or is it a tablet? either way you arent well off using steroids the way you are now. theres no reasoning behind it (they way you are using them) and personally thats quite frightening to see.
    Last edited by JiGGaMaN; 08-16-2009 at 06:44 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    WOW..... Sorry but you are doing this completely wrong. Put the pin down and walk away. I'm calling bullshit on all your gains as well.

    Test Cyp and deca for 6 weeks? So as you were coming off. They were just starting to kick in. As well as 90% of people don't see any gains till like 4th or 5th week.

    Probably not growing because your bodies f*cked up with you jamming whatever you think is necessary into it to grow.

    There are proper procedures to follow. There is way to much wrong with they way you are doing this. And are only going to end up like all the others who "should have listened and researched"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Winstrol every 3 days,amazing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Your dbol is fake or underdosed. The rest of the steroids...the deca and test won't kick until week 4 or 5.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    And I agree with c-Z, completely!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    WOW..... Sorry but you are doing this completely wrong. Put the pin down and walk away. I'm calling bullshit on all your gains as well.

    Test Cyp and deca for 6 weeks? So as you were coming off. They were just starting to kick in. As well as 90% of people don't see any gains till like 4th or 5th week.

    Probably not growing because your bodies f*cked up with you jamming whatever you think is necessary into it to grow.

    There are proper procedures to follow. There is way to much wrong with they way you are doing this. And are only going to end up like all the others who "should have listened and researched"
    I concur

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    WOW..... Sorry but you are doing this completely wrong. Put the pin down and walk away. I'm calling bullshit on all your gains as well.

    Test Cyp and deca for 6 weeks? So as you were coming off. They were just starting to kick in. As well as 90% of people don't see any gains till like 4th or 5th week.

    Probably not growing because your bodies f*cked up with you jamming whatever you think is necessary into it to grow.

    There are proper procedures to follow. There is way to much wrong with they way you are doing this. And are only going to end up like all the others who "should have listened and researched"
    I was just about to write were this guy is going wrong, but i dont have to bother, the above post says it all.

    I would like to add who told you to run test and deca for 6weeks? is it the same guy who told you to start cycling with just 1 years worth of training under your belt? or os it the guy who told you to use various compounds on your first and second cycle.........and now you come here because you have problems!!! pheww your doing it all wrong thats why you have problems!

  9. #9

    gains re real

    thanks for ur replys. i also fogot to add that im als taking 3ius of hgh a day as well, and have ben since started cycling.
    the thought process behind the deca on weds was some advice i got from my source and i have als read all the books from mick hart lamens 1 2 3 etc and the course im doing isnot oo far from one he recomends. i have haso sides what so ever apart from a spotty back and a bitf water retention i have ben taking nolva at 20mg a day and proviron at50mlsa day fo that reason.

    would soeone give me soe avice on what they tink shuld be doing with tis cycle then andplease kep it constructive.

    i have on hand test cyp 10 ml
    test enth lots
    test sust lots (not currenly using
    also 3 vials of tes prop
    winstrol injectable 50mg per mil
    dianabol 10s

    goal is to gain as much solis mass as poss wit out to much bloat at theend
    many thanks
    anda 10ml vial of deca 20mg per mil

  10. #10
    1-13 500mg/wk test e/c
    1-12 xxxmg/wk deca
    12-15 50mg/day of winny or 30mg/day dbol whichever you have enough for
    hgh do 5 days on 2 off. current dose is fine. i guess this is a start, and its a more liberal suggestion than most will recommend.

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