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  1. #1
    Cade is offline New Member
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    Aug 2009

    Nipple sensitivity

    I am doing a cycle of test 450 a blend from what I can tell its sustanon my question is that I've had this happen to me the last time I was on it my nipples get sensitive like not sore when I'm just sitting but just when i touch with some pressure not if I just just touch them or brush against them is that normal but when I look at them and I've had others check it doesn't appear that I'm developing Bitch tits I just want to know if sore nipples is not an normal thing to get while on cycle I take 2cc every week for 5 weeks I usually do another 1-2 cycles then dry out for a month to two months after coming down Please help my father who is a body builder has always been the one I refer to but he has moved so its hard to keep contacting him.
    Last edited by Cade; 08-16-2009 at 10:27 PM.

  2. #2
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cade View Post
    I am doing a cycle of test 450 a blend from what I can tell its sustanon my question is that I've had this happen to me the last time I was on it my nipples get sensitive like not sore when I'm just sitting but just when i touch with some pressure not if I just just touch them or brush against them is that normal but when I look at them and I've had others check it doesn't appear that I'm developing Bitch tits I just want to know if sore nipples is not an normal thing to get while on cycle I take 2cc every week for 5 weeks I usually do another 1-2 cycles then dry out for a month to two months after coming down Please help my father who is a body builder has always been the one I refer to but he has moved so its hard to keep contacting him.
    Its the first sign of gyno. Id be more concerned why the hell u doin long ester cycle for 5 weeks? What gains u get from that? Even test ace id run at least 8 weeks, wtf? Sounds like ur gyno prone bro and i bet if u did a cycle longer then 5 weeks (still cant understand that one), the sides would get worse. To combat it, look at warmachine's sticky at the top of this thread to combat estro while on cycle.

  3. #3
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    whats even worse is i bet that test has a few short esters in it and hes only injecting once a week. theres most of the problem right there. the rest has to do with the fact you have higher bf %.

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