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Thread: How should a women start steroids?

  1. #1

    How should a women start steroids?

    (In my oppinion) I have worked out for years and have a good base to start on especially in my legs and bum ( I used t dance). I've got strong abs but can never seem to get them as lean as I would like them to be. I desire more results and am interested in introducing steroids into my life. However I know very little about them.

    I don't want to be huge like some female bodybuilders but I do want to put on serious muscle and to be cut. I like how Kelly Ripa and Jillian Michaels look as examples. Although Jillian's arms are a big bigger than I would desire for myself.

    My biggest concern is that I don't want to grow an adams apple or have a manly jawline. Is it inevitable for there to be extreme undesired side affect that make me look manly? Or if they are done properly with the proper dose and if I don't overuse them will there unlikely be side affects that make me look like a man? I'm willing to sacrifine some femininity like "some" hair growth or a deeper voice but not much.

    Is it possible to take just a few cycles to get my body where I would like it to be, then stop taking steroids and just maintain it with excersice, supplementation and proper nutrition? Or will I have to continue to take them to maintain the muscle that I put on or to remain as cut as I'd get? (obviously I'll still have to eat right and work out)

    What would be some oppinions on what to take, how much should I take and for how long should I take it for?

    If I take steroids in the manner listed above will it ruin my bodys natural ability to function properly by itself?

    I am 25 years old, 5feet 5 inches tall. What would be a good goal weight to aim for? (just curious to hear your oppinions)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    please head over to the diet forum. you really dony need steroids, just most likely need to fine tune ur diet. u will see amazing results with a good diet and excersize.

    u dont need chems, go to the diet area, them guys in there are the best and will help u out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I agree! Tell us your stats. age, hieght weight experience with training ....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by pnjkh View Post
    (In my oppinion) I have worked out for years and have a good base to start on especially in my legs and bum ( I used t dance). I've got strong abs but can never seem to get them as lean as I would like them to be. I desire more results and am interested in introducing steroids into my life. However I know very little about them.

    I don't want to be huge like some female bodybuilders but I do want to put on serious muscle and to be cut. I like how Kelly Ripa and Jillian Michaels look as examples. Although Jillian's arms are a big bigger than I would desire for myself.

    My biggest concern is that I don't want to grow an adams apple or have a manly jawline. Is it inevitable for there to be extreme undesired side affect that make me look manly? Or if they are done properly with the proper dose and if I don't overuse them will there unlikely be side affects that make me look like a man? I'm willing to sacrifine some femininity like "some" hair growth or a deeper voice but not much.

    Is it possible to take just a few cycles to get my body where I would like it to be, then stop taking steroids and just maintain it with excersice, supplementation and proper nutrition? Or will I have to continue to take them to maintain the muscle that I put on or to remain as cut as I'd get? (obviously I'll still have to eat right and work out)

    What would be some oppinions on what to take, how much should I take and for how long should I take it for?

    If I take steroids in the manner listed above will it ruin my bodys natural ability to function properly by itself?

    I am 25 years old, 5feet 5 inches tall. What would be a good goal weight to aim for? (just curious to hear your oppinions)

    Look into Clenbuterol.

  5. #5

    Thanks for advice but....

    I will head over to the diet and exercise area and find out what advice they have for me. However why would any women be interested in steroids if the same results were achievable without them? Mosseman33, at what point would you ever recomend steroids for a women? Wouldn't you have to work out for years to gain the same muscle mass as you would with steroids in a few months?

    If I can get the muscle mass sooner with steroids then doing it all natural then why not? Will I regret the side affects or something?

    Women who compete in fitness competitions do they not take steroids? Is it possible to get those kind of results without steroids?.....I just don't want to limit myself.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live
    There are not to many great options for women. Androgens do more damage to the female body in most cases than good. There are a few chemicals that work well for women.

    The reason why Moose and others ref you to the diet section is cause diet/training/sleep must be on point prior to any use. Its a waist if its not.

    As for your stats we do need to know them to give you advice. Also your over all goals.

  7. #7

    My stats

    I'm not sure where I go to post my stats, ad pics etc so I'll put them here.

    25 years old
    I'm not sure what I weigh as I just had a baby 9 weeks ago. I believe I am at 145ish...honestly.

    My goal weight is 120lbs size 4-5. (I think thats a good healthy goal but not 100% sure) I'm not stuck on weighing a certain amount I'm more concerned with size and how I look.

    After my first child (I've got 3) I was down to 114lbs, size 5, but I definetely want more muscle then I did then. do I find the diet forum?

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Steroid won't help with your goals. Cardio and diet work the best.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I know several woman who take steroids. But, they all compete in bodybuilding. Without exception, they all have had some negative side effects from their use. Some worse then others depending on their dosing and duration. Sides ranging from loss of hair, added body hair, deepening of the voice and of course my favorite, genital deformation.

    Personally, I would not recommend using any AAS unless you compete. And even then, only if you have a desire to pursue competition to its furtherest point. But that's my opinion. With proper diet, supplementation and exercise most can build a very good physique.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    OP has moved to the Diet Forum. Thread is dead.

  13. #13
    In my humble opinion no woman should take male hormones.and definatly not if you arent trying to compete or go pro

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