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(In my oppinion) I have worked out for years and have a good base to start on especially in my legs and bum ( I used t dance). I've got strong abs but can never seem to get them as lean as I would like them to be. I desire more results and am interested in introducing steroids into my life. However I know very little about them.
I don't want to be huge like some female bodybuilders but I do want to put on serious muscle and to be cut. I like how Kelly Ripa and Jillian Michaels look as examples. Although Jillian's arms are a big bigger than I would desire for myself.
My biggest concern is that I don't want to grow an adams apple or have a manly jawline. Is it inevitable for there to be extreme undesired side affect that make me look manly? Or if they are done properly with the proper dose and if I don't overuse them will there unlikely be side affects that make me look like a man? I'm willing to sacrifine some femininity like "some" hair growth or a deeper voice but not much.
Is it possible to take just a few cycles to get my body where I would like it to be, then stop taking steroids and just maintain it with excersice, supplementation and proper nutrition? Or will I have to continue to take them to maintain the muscle that I put on or to remain as cut as I'd get? (obviously I'll still have to eat right and work out)
What would be some oppinions on what to take, how much should I take and for how long should I take it for?
If I take steroids in the manner listed above will it ruin my bodys natural ability to function properly by itself?
I am 25 years old, 5feet 5 inches tall. What would be a good goal weight to aim for? (just curious to hear your oppinions)