I tried posting this in PCT forum but no one would answer!
Just want to double check and make sure my PCT looks good.
This is my first time to run prop, just want to make sure I run my PCT to perfection as I am loving these gains and vascularity and want to keep them around ALAP! Been running 100mg EOD prop, about to run out ending up being 11 week cycle, been running winny tabs (50mg ED) the last 5 weeks.
Start PCT two days after last shot right?
Running the winny all the way up to the day before? Planning on:
100/100/50/50 Clomid daily and
40/40/20/20 nolva....or should I make clomid 150 ED the first week?
Thanks Oh yeah also have some clen on hand, was going to start 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off two weeks into PCT, planning on 60-120 ED pyramid up...sound OK?