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  1. #1
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    T-Bol + Anavar Stack Cycle

    Ok guys I found this cycle, and Im quite keen to give it a go.

    Week1: VAR 20mgs/TBOL 30mgs ***Extremely LOW dose to ASSESS contraindications***
    Week2: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 40mgs *VAR Never EXCEEDS 30mgs, due to it's negative affect on LIBIDO.
    Week3: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 50mgs
    Week4: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 60mgs
    Week5: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 60mgs
    Week6: VAR 30mgs/TBOL 50mgs
    Week7: VAR 30mgs
    Week8: VAR 30mgs

    I am just unsure of wat PCT protocol I should follow. I will be taking milk thistle, are there any other precautions I should take?

    Oh.. stats (cos I know youll ask lol)

    Age 22
    Weight 230 lbs (105kg)
    Height 6 ft 2 (1.89cm)
    Training for 4-5 years, and have gained 20 kg in that time.

    Thnaks for the help guys

  2. #2
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
    Dog-Slime is offline Senior Member
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    Ah the old ross cocktail.... Keep the tbol dose the same throughout or atleast dont drop the dose on week 6 but i would go with the same throughout the cycle. Also, drop week 7 and 8 30mgs of var alone ain't gone do shit. Pretty much any basic pct should work.

    Question is what do you expect to get from this cycle? And do you only want this cycle to avoid injects?

    I ask because this is a great recomp/strength cycle but I doubt you will blow up on it.

  3. #3
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Ok so your saying I should make it a 6 week cycle, instead of extending it for 2 exta weeks of var? So you reckon I should do 60mg the whole way thru? Instead of gradually building up?

    From this cycle Im hoping to get strength gains and gain maybe 5 kilos? Im at 105 kg now, I would like to be 110.. getting a bit leaner would be nice.

    I am an athlete and this would be an off season cycle, I dont really want to blow up, cos it would be quite obvious to my coaches etc.. Are my expectations fair?

    Would nova at 20mg ED for 3 -4 weeks be ok for PCT?

    Thanks Dog-Slime

  4. #4
    geronamo is offline New Member
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  5. #5
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Ah the old ross cocktail
    haha.. that's exactly what I was thinking bro.

    Geronamo, this will be a good cycle. IMO, begin the T-bol @ 40mg and then bump it up to 60mg, and stay there for as long as possible (if you can handle sides).

    Also, just up the var dosage to 40mg ED for the 6 weeks.. and disregard the last two.

    (weeks 1 - 6) T-bol @ 60mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 6) Var @ 40mg ED

    It shouldn't affect libido. Strength will improve greatly. And it'll cut you up pretty nicely, while packing on some lean muscle mass.

    IMO, if you have extra T-bol continue to run it for 8 weeks @ 60mg ED. T-bol takes a while to provide solid gains.. 6 weeks just doesn't cut it IMO.

    PCT of nolvadex should be suffice.. 40/40/20/20... may want to consider adding some clomid in there too.

  6. #6
    Necrosaro's Avatar
    Necrosaro is offline Senior Member
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    ^ I have done t-bol and anavar both ran at 40mgs. Ran it for 7 weeks and it had an effect on my libido a bit. WATER is very important I have found while running anavar!

  7. #7
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys!! Thats exactly what I was after..

    Just to clarify Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 is 40mg everyday for the first two weeks then 20mg everyday for the last two? Clomid? How would I use that?

    Also, what side effects am I likely to encounter? From what I read sides are minimal compared to other cycles, am I wrong?

  8. #8
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    haha.. that's exactly what I was thinking bro.

    Geronamo, this will be a good cycle. IMO, begin the T-bol @ 40mg and then bump it up to 60mg, and stay there for as long as possible (if you can handle sides).

    Also, just up the var dosage to 40mg ED for the 6 weeks.. and disregard the last two.

    (weeks 1 - 6) T-bol @ 60mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 6) Var @ 40mg ED

    It shouldn't affect libido. Strength will improve greatly. And it'll cut you up pretty nicely, while packing on some lean muscle mass.

    IMO, if you have extra T-bol continue to run it for 8 weeks @ 60mg ED. T-bol takes a while to provide solid gains.. 6 weeks just doesn't cut it IMO.

    PCT of nolvadex should be suffice.. 40/40/20/20... may want to consider adding some clomid in there too.
    Exactly. Only thing I dunno bout is the needing 8 weeks on t-bol but everyone is different and its a known fact to me that I seem to respond (but also to quit responding) quicker than most people so he is probably right.

    And yes 40/40/20/20 is 40 for first 2 weeks and 20 for last two. Should be pretty much side effect free. Just take in a lot of water. Only sides I could see coming is maybe headaches or gas. Both are temporary and not to hard to deal with.

  9. #9
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    I suppose I can always go for 6 and if I feel the need to extend to 8 I can do so. Will milk thistle alone cover my Liver or should I add something else in there? How often and how much milk thistle should I take?

    Thanks guys!!

  10. #10
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Also, can I do cardio while on my cycle? Or will that hinder my results?

    If I can do cardio, will I be fitter? Or will this make me unfit while on my cycle? Thanks

  11. #11
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    I would save the milk thistle for after pct (nolva is liver toxic too ya know) as I really dont believe it helps much while running toxic compounds but should help it recover faster during your off time.

    As for cardio I would do it if your looking to stay lean or even drop bf. Just dont get excessive with it.

  12. #12
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Cool thanks!! I have also been reading about Liv52.. Should I use that as well, or is milk thistle enough?

    Thnaks Dog-Slime, you have made this so easy!! The man!!

  13. #13
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    I used Milk thistle twice a day with my pills(one in the morning and one in the evening) I used no nolva just Clomid ran at 100 the first week and 50 the 2 last remaining weeks.

  14. #14
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Cool thanks Necrosaro.. I am thinking I will follow your advice, I figure protecting my liver during my cycle wont hurt.. How do I give you guys a +1?

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    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    If you could please put your final cycle out there to make sure you are set it go. There is also rep points in the top right hand corner of every message.

  16. #16
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Week 1 -40mg Var/ 40 mg tbol (should I just start the tbol at 60mg?)
    Week 2 - 40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 3 -40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 4 - 40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 5 -40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 6 - 40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 7 - PCT begins - Nolva 40mg ED
    Week 8 - Nolva 40mg ED
    Week 9 - Nolva 20 mg ED
    Week 10 - Nolva 20 mg ED

    I am thinking I will split my doses, half in the morning and half in the evening for both my cycle and PCT. I would love some feed back on my PCT, also which is more cost and health effective? Nolva or Clomid? As for my on cycle therapy I will probably go with Necrosaro, 2 milk thistle tablets with a split dose (still looking into Liv52 - unsure which is better).

    Im gonna try give you guys some rep points now!! Thanks heaps!!

  17. #17
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    +1 rep for both of ya!! actually Im gonna give u more lol

  18. #18
    Necrosaro's Avatar
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    I would personally stick with 40 var and 40 t-bol and see how things go. If things go well then good stuff no need to add anymore. I got results from that and I am sure you will too. Nolva is fine at that dose or Clomid at 100 for the first week then 50 for the last two weeks.

  19. #19
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geronamo View Post
    Week 1 -40mg Var/ 40 mg tbol (should I just start the tbol at 60mg?)
    Week 2 - 40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 3 -40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 4 - 40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 5 -40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 6 - 40mg Var/ 60mg Tbol
    Week 7 - PCT begins - Nolva 40mg ED
    Week 8 - Nolva 40mg ED
    Week 9 - Nolva 20 mg ED
    Week 10 - Nolva 20 mg ED

    I am thinking I will split my doses, half in the morning and half in the evening for both my cycle and PCT. I would love some feed back on my PCT, also which is more cost and health effective? Nolva or Clomid? As for my on cycle therapy I will probably go with Necrosaro, 2 milk thistle tablets with a split dose (still looking into Liv52 - unsure which is better).

    Im gonna try give you guys some rep points now!! Thanks heaps!!
    Looks good to me. Nolva or clomid just comes down to preference but clomid is known to give more noticable sides. I still am of the belief that while on cycle most liver aids especially natural aren't gonna do much but maybe help your liver expell more of the compound you are trying to put in your body. Not sayin you shouldn't play it safe but just wanted to warn you that your liver values would prob still go up so I would still recommend it during your off time(after pct) as I feel this is the most beneficial period for such a thing.

  20. #20
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Necrosaro, what were your results from your cycle? Weight increase? Body fat %?

    Did you follow roughly the same dose? 40 var/40 tbol for 6 weeks?

    Dog slime, what is your view on taking the tbol back to 40mg? Also, wat your saying is milk thistle during will only hinder my results?

  21. #21
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geronamo View Post
    Necrosaro, what were your results from your cycle? Weight increase? Body fat %?

    Did you follow roughly the same dose? 40 var/40 tbol for 6 weeks?

    Dog slime, what is your view on taking the tbol back to 40mg? Also, wat your saying is milk thistle during will only hinder my results?
    I doubt it would actually be to a noticeable degree but my main point of that was if liver values are gonna elevate they most likely still will.

    As for the t-bol issue I guess it really depends on the quality of gear and any previous cycle experience. Both are fairly weak compounds tho so taking 700mgs/week with the 40/60 split is a moderate cycle so less its your first one I prob wouldn't drop it.

  22. #22
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Yeah this would be my first cycle.. So you reckon in that case I should drop it to 40/40? Wat sort of results do u think I could expect?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by geronamo View Post
    Yeah this would be my first cycle.. So you reckon in that case I should drop it to 40/40? Wat sort of results do u think I could expect?
    Id think you would still get great results at that dose on a first cycle. You do realize that if one of these gives you bad sides (very uncommon with either of these but still possible) that you wont be able to tell from which one. Do you already have your gear on hand? If not I might would reconsider a t-bol only cycle at around 60mgs ed for 6-8wks. If you do have it already I would go ahead with the 40/40 split. Only reason I suggest t-bol only if dont already have the var is because it would be much cheaper and you could gauge how you react to that one compound and not wonder which did what.

  24. #24
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    No dont have my gear yet. So I guess I could look into a tbol only cycle.. Is var quite expensive and hard to get compared to tbol?

    Wat sort of results would a first time user get from Tbol only compared to the stack?

    Thanks dogslime!!

  25. #25
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Well maybe slightly less fat loss and almost definately less strength. But t-bol only is an ideal first cycle IMO and would yield great gains in lean body mass with no bloat and very minor sides. And yes var is more expensive and prob more often underdosed than t-bol.

  26. #26
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Cool thanks. What results have you seen on a Tbol cycle? strength increase of x amount of kgs? Weight increase of x amount?

    I am thinking I may just do the Tbol, as it is my first cycle.. Plus it leaves your system in 6 days.. Perfect!!

  27. #27
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    Strength was not as prominent for me as some make it out to be but definately was stronger than normal. Gains of 12-15 solid lbs in 6 weeks would not be uncommon for a first cycle.

    Now Im gonna let you in on a lil secret and this is huge and will save you tons of money/time/worry. I have had better gains off of CEL's H-drol (contains an active turinabol metabolite) than I did off turinaplex. In fact I had better strength and equal weight gain off 50mgs of h-drol than I did off 70mgs of that t-bol and i only ran the h-drol for 30 days where as the t-bol was 6 weeks. That is the only real t-bol I have tried to compare it against but for the difference in price it would be foolish to try other brands. It costs around 30 bucks for a bottle of 60 25mg pills of h-drol. I say just get ya 2 bottles of that and run it @ 50mgs for 4-6 weeks. I always run it for 4 but some people say for them it dont kick in until week 3 which is why i suggest to get 2 bottles and go for 6. But from my person experience it actually seems to quit workin after 4 weeks, I ran it for 6 and gains in lbs per week were as follows 2/2.5/3.5/2/1/1.

  28. #28
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    I do not think you are going to be very happy with the gains you get out of this cycle! Var at even 30-40mg a day is very low for a grown man and is not going to yield much for you! I would really reconsider and up the dosages by 50-75%! I would (if it was me) run the Var at least at 50mg a day if not up to 70-80mg a day! I have a 100 Anvar here in my box and could do 30mg a day for close to 6 weeks but I will not ever run it until i have enough to run 75mg a day for 8 weeks. I had this left over from my brother, I did not buy it but if i never obtain the other 200 I need to do it, They will niot get used! I think it would be a waste of abuse on my liver and not even worth having to pop them every 4 hours all day to see almost no gains!
    On the other hand, I think 60mg of T-bol a day is g2g and ill do you fine! But i bet you will use them anavar and never know if it helped out or not! On top of it you are running an all oral cycle which is not really good to be doing in the 1st place

  29. #29
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    ninesecz, when you say I wont be happy with my results are you aware I dont want that blown up huge look? I just wanna gain like 5 more kgs and I feel I am pretty close to my genetic max at the mo. I am thinking I may just do a T-bol only cycle, as the more feedback I read about Var, I find price vs results is not to good.

    Dog Slime, thanks for the tip on Hdrol.. what is hdrol? A prohormone? Wat makes it so effective? Do I still need PCT? I will do some of my won research, but Im all ears on anything you got..

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by geronamo View Post
    ninesecz, when you say I wont be happy with my results are you aware I dont want that blown up huge look? I just wanna gain like 5 more kgs and I feel I am pretty close to my genetic max at the mo. I am thinking I may just do a T-bol only cycle, as the more feedback I read about Var, I find price vs results is not to good.

    Dog Slime, thanks for the tip on Hdrol.. what is hdrol? A prohormone? Wat makes it so effective? Do I still need PCT? I will do some of my won research, but Im all ears on anything you got..
    It is marketed as a pro-hormone but like I said its actually an active metabolite of t-bol. Active meaning it works on its own so is technically a steroid but i believe it converts to t-bol also making it technically a pro-hormone too. I have used both and can say the only difference I could tell was that the h-drol kicked in faster and gave me more strength. Some people dont wanna believe that something you can legally buy otc in america can be just as good but if you do your research I am sure you will find that just about anyone who has ran both will tell you there is little difference other than price.

  31. #31
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Thanks Dog Slime, it almost sounds to good to be true. The only problem is I live in New Zealand, and Im pretty sure thats illegal here.. Cant find it on any NZ based sites.. Gutted!! Might just have to go the Tbol route.. The only thing that is comin up in NZ is Gasparis Halodrol 50, is this at all simillar??

  32. #32
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    Yes h-drol is a clone of gaspari halodrol 50. But the original version they made was discontinued here and they began selling halodrol liquid gels which is basically a shitty supplement and not the same thing at all. Post the active ingredient on here and I will tell you if its good or not.

  33. #33
    geronamo is offline New Member
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    Blend: 571mg
    Arachidonic Acid (40% In A Proprietary Fatty Acid/oil Blend), Peak ATP adenosine-5-triphosphate disodium salt, LJ100 Tongkat Ali Extract (standaardised for 22% eurypeptides, 40% glycosaponins), sodium alpha lipoic acid, -(-)3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran, zinc monomethionine.

    I think this is it.. does that look right?

  34. #34
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    That would be the shitty supplement version. Just go with real t-bol as that will do nothing (or very little).

    Halomethetioallocholane <-- Something similiar to this should be the sole active ingredient in what i was talking about.

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