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    fastwardo's Avatar
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    Angry Got Ripped Off... How Do I Prove It?

    3 months ago I bought a bottle of "testosterone enanthate " from a good friend of mine. He got it for me through one of his oldest friends who he said was trustworthy, so naturally I trusted him. I met his friend and he seemed cool. I am new to steroids , and these guys assured me that it was good stuff.

    Well, I started injecting this stuff 10 weeks ago and its fake. I actually lost 4 lbs since starting the "cycle." I told my friend this and he keeps insisting that it is a legit bottle. Someone is obviously me, and I would hate to think that my good buddy bent me over for editeduld like to be able to get proof that the stuff is fake. Is there a lab or some kind of testing kit I could get? There is no doubt in my mind that it is totally fake, but I would really like scientific proof of this before I go to his house and accuse my buddy of robbing me.

    I also spent a bunch of money on arimadex (which i've been foolishly taking throughout the cycle) and my PCT. Any advice on what to do? thanks guys!

  2. #2
    !!!ZeuS!!!'s Avatar
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    go get some blood tests done give us your stats age,hieght,wieght,body fat start of cycle till now your diet, workout program would drop the cycle and take pct as normal incase its real. the next part is reallt important get your fist and put it on your mates chin if it is fake

  3. #3
    Alphatier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by !!!ZeuS!!! View Post
    go get some blood tests done give us your stats age,hieght,wieght,body fat start of cycle till now your diet, workout program would drop the cycle and take pct as normal incase its real. the next part is reallt important get your fist and put it on your mates chin if it is fake
    There ya go, very good advice LOL.

  4. #4
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    I would def good bloodwork done!!! HAve it tested if u can!! IF not wait it out

  5. #5
    fastwardo's Avatar
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    so it wouldn't hurt me to take the PCT even if it turns out to be fake gear? Can PCT have adverse effects if there are no steroids in my body? I'm going to get my blood or urine tested this week. I live in the states and I don't have insurance right now so it would be cheaper for me to get a urine test done. I read they can detect any known steroid in your urine and test E would show traces for up to 3 months. I've been pinning 500mgs a week so if there were even a trace of real juice in that bottle it should show up.

    I'm 25 years old, 5'11'', 195lbs, bf%=15

    I eat 6-7meals a day of clean protein (fish, turkey, chicken, whey powder) and complex carbs (sweet potatoes and oatmeal), green veggies, and a little fruit. each meal has about 36 grams of protein, 20 grams of complex carbs and 20 grams of simple carbs (from fruit) and then a bowl of green veggies (I don't count those carbs.) I also eat 1/4 cup-1/2 cup of almonds a day for snacks.

    so in total, I consume 216-252 grams of protein, 240-280 grams of carbs (half complex and half simple), and some healthy fats (havent calculated the exact amount) plus like 10 servings of green veggies per day.

    I do cardio HIIT 3-4 times a week and I lift weights 5 times a week. I've been training really hard for 3 years and I've gained a tremendous amount of muscle and burned a ton of fat, but I've plateaued during this past year. I'm having great difficulty putting on more muscle naturally and I can't get rid of this little layer of fat. Any advise would be appreciated.

    I really don't know what to think about my friend. Him and I did a lot of training together and we drove down to the Arnold Classic in Columbus several months ago together. I can't imagine that he intentionally ripped me off. I hope that his friend was the one who ripped me off, and not him. If a friend of mine ripped off another friend of mine because I vouched for him, I would be embarrassed and pissed off!

  6. #6
    BokBok is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastwardo View Post
    so it wouldn't hurt me to take the PCT even if it turns out to be fake gear? Can PCT have adverse effects if there are no steroids in my body? I'm going to get my blood or urine tested this week. I live in the states and I don't have insurance right now so it would be cheaper for me to get a urine test done. I read they can detect any known steroid in your urine and test E would show traces for up to 3 months. I've been pinning 500mgs a week so if there were even a trace of real juice in that bottle it should show up.

    I'm 25 years old, 5'11'', 195lbs, bf%=15

    I eat 6-7meals a day of clean protein (fish, turkey, chicken, whey powder) and complex carbs (sweet potatoes and oatmeal), green veggies, and a little fruit. each meal has about 36 grams of protein, 20 grams of complex carbs and 20 grams of simple carbs (from fruit) and then a bowl of green veggies (I don't count those carbs.) I also eat 1/4 cup-1/2 cup of almonds a day for snacks.

    so in total, I consume 216-252 grams of protein, 240-280 grams of carbs (half complex and half simple), and some healthy fats (havent calculated the exact amount) plus like 10 servings of green veggies per day.

    I do cardio HIIT 3-4 times a week and I lift weights 5 times a week. I've been training really hard for 3 years and I've gained a tremendous amount of muscle and burned a ton of fat, but I've plateaued during this past year. I'm having great difficulty putting on more muscle naturally and I can't get rid of this little layer of fat. Any advise would be appreciated.

    I really don't know what to think about my friend. Him and I did a lot of training together and we drove down to the Arnold Classic in Columbus several months ago together. I can't imagine that he intentionally ripped me off. I hope that his friend was the one who ripped me off, and not him. If a friend of mine ripped off another friend of mine because I vouched for him, I would be embarrassed and pissed off!
    You maximum protein + maximum carbs equals about 2128 calories. Sure you add some fat somewhere along the way, but at the end of the day it still isn't that many calories.

    You are effectively trying to build a brick house without bricks.

    Not to mention that 3-4 HIIT session plus 5 lifting sessions would use shite loads of energy.

    I'm not at all surprised you lost weight.

  7. #7
    BokBok is offline Associate Member
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    Oh, and sometimes people don't know what they're getting for you. As far as you mate was concerned he was helping you.

    And if you are questioning him like that then he is not your friend at all

  8. #8
    fastwardo's Avatar
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    I guess my diet needs tweaking. I would hate to find out that the gear was legit and I wasted my cycle. Even if my diet didn't have enough calories, wouldn't I have at least felt different? I got no acne, my balls didn't shrink, I didn't feel any stronger, I had no more energy than usual. My buddies said I would be walking around with a hard on all the time and I would be feeling like king kong, but I don't feel any different at all. I guess there is no point in worrying about all this, the urine test should tell me everything I need to know.

    And even if I wasn't getting enough calories to grow, wouldn't I have at least shed alot of bodyfat? I have heard and read that steroids will maintain strength and muscle mass while on a calorie deficient diet in order to shed bodyfat and get cut up. I've lost 4 lbs since I started the cycle 10 weeks ago, and my bodyfat percentage may have gone down 1%. Maybe not even that much. Can't tell by looking.

    Any suggestions on my diet? I was told by a bunch of bodybuilders that I would need 1-1.5 grams of protein per lb of my bodyweight, and that I should be getting about the same amount of carbs as the protein. Thats how I figured out my current diet. I didn't really add up the calories, and now that I see how many calories I was getting, it seems so low. I could eat a lot of junk to make up for the shortage of calories but of course that would be counter-productive. I could use all the help I can get. I'm eager to learn! Thanks alot guys

  9. #9
    PT's Avatar
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    you wernt going to gain much off one 10ml bottle of test anyway
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  10. #10
    fastwardo's Avatar
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    no it wasn't a 10ml bottle, it was a 50ml bottle. I said that I have been running it for 10 weeks lol. 1ml twice a week for the last 10 weeks, so I've have 20 shots so far.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say it's 100% fake. Did you experience any side effect? Libido up? Any acne? I have lost weight on Test e if you dont eat enough. I still gained some size but lost weight, as a matter of fact I'm on HRT and I eat 6-8x a day. If I go a day without eating all the time I will loose 3lbs in one day

    Sometimes it tough eating enough in a day to keep the weight up. I need to start eating MORE so I can put on MORE weight.... LOL

  12. #12
    fastwardo's Avatar
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    no man I haven't had any sides at all. Libido isn't up any more than usual and no acne. I don't think I gained any size either. The only thing I've measured is my arms, and they are exactly the same size as they were before I started cycle.

    we shall see. I will definitely keep you guys informed. any advise would help. thanks

  13. #13
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    The best thing and only real thing you can do is get your blood work done to see what your test levels are.

  14. #14
    CHAP's Avatar
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    I have been on 400 mg for 18 weeks and have not gained any weight. there are alot of things that will determine if you gain weight. I have out on a good bit of muscle a mass

  15. #15
    gunslinger2's Avatar
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    Your diet does need tweaking, but no matter how bad your diet is you should have seen/felt something from 10 weeks of test. The gear is fake. Maybe your friend thinks its real.

    I had a buddy of mine at the gym a while back try to sell me a bottle of test that he got from his dealer. The shit was a bad fake. I asked him if he had ever taken it and he said he had. I asked him if his nuts shrunk and he said no. I asked how much he gained off of his last 12 week cycle and he said about 5-6 pounds. I told him I would pass.

  16. #16
    louiscypher's Avatar
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    Do you still have the bottle? If so take a pic, make sure to conceal any underground lab names and info, and post the pic here.

  17. #17
    DOM6's Avatar
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    50ml bottle of test e?

  18. #18
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Where did your friend get a 50ml bottle of test E?? I have never seen one of those? I have seen 10ml and 20ml but never have i seen anything bigger than that! Have any of your friends or the guy you got it from taken this compound? Usually most peopel who get it uually use it at some point!

  19. #19
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Where did your friend get a 50ml bottle of test E?? I have never seen one of those? I have seen 10ml and 20ml but never have i seen anything bigger than that! Have any of your friends or the guy you got it from taken this compound? Usually most peopel who get it uually use it at some point!
    50mL is usually either

    a.) Mexican vet gear, in massive bottle

    b.) Really shaddy UGL's sometimes produce these bottles.

  20. #20
    fastwardo's Avatar
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    yeh it's from an UGL. They said they have taken it before and that it was good. Said the lab was reputable and it was the only place they get it from. The bottle looks so shady though. There is no label on it except for a sticker that says "test." Otherwise its a big clear bottle. When he handed it to me I asked if he knew it was real, because I thought it looked so shady. He assured me that it was and that that's just the way this lab does it. I told him it looked like vitamin E oil. He just laughed. If my friend hadn't gotten it for me and swore it was good, I would never have bought it.

  21. #21
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastwardo View Post
    yeh it's from an UGL. They said they have taken it before and that it was good. Said the lab was reputable and it was the only place they get it from. The bottle looks so shady though. There is no label on it except for a sticker that says "test." Otherwise its a big clear bottle. When he handed it to me I asked if he knew it was real, because I thought it looked so shady. He assured me that it was and that that's just the way this lab does it. I told him it looked like vitamin E oil. He just laughed. If my friend hadn't gotten it for me and swore it was good, I would never have bought it.
    sounds like absolute crap to me.

    i never would have even injected it..

    i'd just cut your loses... and buy a new cycle. Never from that source again tho haha.

  22. #22
    irish_2003's Avatar
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    you weren't eating enough calories.....that explains the actual weight loss....but you should've become harder at least......did your nuts shrink at all or any other sides?

  23. #23
    Hazard's Avatar
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    sounds to me like the "UGL" IS your friends riend LOL..... a local source and friend of mine makes his own and when he sells it he puts a sticker on it that says "test" - nothing else LOL

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  24. #24
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    u should call the cops and make a report. tell them u were ripped off.
    they will help..

  25. #25
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Bro if you have been taking 400mgs or more of test (you said 1ml 2x week so I would assume 400-600mgs) and cant tell if its real or not then its fake. Simple as that. There are ton of ways libido, confidence, get madder than norm when somethin pisses you off, pumps, shrunken balls, facial and body hair growin quicker, acne, hairloss, gyno, SOMETHING noticeable WILL happen if you take that much test even if it ain't muscle.

  26. #26
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    yeh I haven't had any sides at all. At first I thought that maybe I was feeling a little harder, but I think it was in my head. I've been busting my ass in the gym these last 3 months so that would explain the slight increase in hardness.

    Hazard, that is exactly how this bottle looks. little sticker saying "test." maybe it was just a bad batch or something. This week I will know for sure because I took a urine test today and I should hear from the lab any day.

    Also, I haven't noticed any muscle loss at all. If I was eating to few calories like I've been doing, wouldn't I have lost more than 4 lbs in 3 months? and Wouldnt I have also lost muscle? I was also thinking that maybe the test was real and it was just helping me keep my muscle while I was burning fat on a calorie deficient diet. Maybe I did gain some muscle and lost a lot more fat than 4 lbs?? I don't feel or look noticably leaner though.

    As you can probably tell, I'm trying to give this "test" (and my friend) the benefit of the doubt. lol. we shall see

  27. #27
    DEE151's Avatar
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    you should beat up your friend that hook up the deal

  28. #28
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    ^From what I read it would seem as if he was trying to help and the other guy ripped him off. Especially if it came in the shady homebrew bottle then the friend would have no way of knowing that this time it was straight oil (assuming he has bought legit shit from same guy in similiar bottle). I would just tell my friend you know 100% fact that it wasn't real gear. If he keeps on like oh no your wrong or whatever I would tell him to **** off (cuz even if he wasn't in on it then he doesn't believe you). If he gets upset and calls his buddy to see what the deal is then you know hes a good friend.

    But as far as still tryin to see if it was legit or not you are wasting your time and money my man. Again if running 400-600mgs of test a week for 10 weeks you would notice SOMETHING. Atleast ONE effect (good or bad) would be noticable. As far as I am concerned this is not even an opinion but a 100% fact.

  29. #29
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Unfortunatly there is no way to get gear tested you would have to go get blood work soon while its still in your system.

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    thanks dog-slime. I'm hoping that my friend was really trying to help me and his friend ripped him/us off. Although, I did tell him that I was having no effects whatsoever and that I lost weight, and he just sort of said, "huh. Thats strange. I dont know what to tell you man, except that the stuff is definetly legit."

    that statement made me suspicious of him, because after hearing that I had no effects whatsoever from 10 weeks of 500mg of test a week, he should agree that something was up. He is, after all, an experienced juicer who should know better

    Its like we are both standing in a pouring rainstorm, and he's telling me, " uhhhhh it's not raining."

  31. #31
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    50mL is usually either

    a.) Mexican vet gear, in massive bottle

    b.) Really shaddy UGL's sometimes produce these bottles.
    Wow! You seem to have the correct answer to every question on this forum!
    I do not believe I was asking you! You are not the "OP" I want to know where he got the 50ml bottle from! He is the one complaining his gear is bunk! And I myself have never seen a 50ml vial of anything that was worth buying and that should have kind have been a red light right there!

  32. #32
    fastwardo's Avatar
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    ninesecz, my friends friend told me it came from a local underground lab. He said that he has used this compound before and that the lab always produces good stuff. Perhaps he was me.

    Like I said before, when I saw the bottle, I thought it looked shady, but my good friend assured me that it was totally legit and that it looked shady because it was a local brew. I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

    If it was a stranger at the gym selling me this shady looking bottle and not a trusted friend, I would never have bought it. I feel like a fool.

  33. #33
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Wow! You seem to have the correct answer to every question on this forum!
    I do not believe I was asking you! You are not the "OP" I want to know where he got the 50ml bottle from! He is the one complaining his gear is bunk! And I myself have never seen a 50ml vial of anything that was worth buying and that should have kind have been a red light right there!
    There used to be a great UGL that made 50ml bottles before they shut down all the US labs. So a 50ml bottle doesn't mean it is bunk right off the bat.

  34. #34
    irish_2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    There used to be a great UGL that made 50ml bottles before they shut down all the US labs. So a 50ml bottle doesn't mean it is bunk right off the bat.
    there's new jugs out just have to look in the right place......

  35. #35
    Dog-Slime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastwardo View Post
    thanks dog-slime. I'm hoping that my friend was really trying to help me and his friend ripped him/us off. Although, I did tell him that I was having no effects whatsoever and that I lost weight, and he just sort of said, "huh. Thats strange. I dont know what to tell you man, except that the stuff is definetly legit."

    that statement made me suspicious of him, because after hearing that I had no effects whatsoever from 10 weeks of 500mg of test a week, he should agree that something was up. He is, after all, an experienced juicer who should know better

    Its like we are both standing in a pouring rainstorm, and he's telling me, " uhhhhh it's not raining."
    Like i said tell him you know for SURE that it was not legit, you should not have to explain how you know this to him either. If he dont get pissed off and try to get your money back then he is pos friend and/or was in on it. Hell I'd be pissed off if someone I vouched for ripped off someone I barely knew... So whether hes in on or not if he dont care that you got ripped off because of his advice then its time to feed this fool your fist.

  36. #36
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastwardo View Post
    ninesecz, my friends friend told me it came from a local underground lab. He said that he has used this compound before and that the lab always produces good stuff. Perhaps he was me.

    Like I said before, when I saw the bottle, I thought it looked shady, but my good friend assured me that it was totally legit and that it looked shady because it was a local brew. I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

    If it was a stranger at the gym selling me this shady looking bottle and not a trusted friend, I would never have bought it. I feel like a fool.
    Let me ask you this and be honest...
    No increased Libido at all?
    No Strength gains at all..? None?
    No Aggression, Testicular Atrophy?

    Just wondering cause maybe, just maybe they screwed up when they brewed it and it is only like 125mgper ml instead of 250 or 300 or whatever they told you. You have enough and it will not kill you for a couple weeks have you though of trying to up the dosage to like 1000-1200mg a week for 2 weeks just to see if you can notice any libido / sex drive it is obviously not poison cause if it was after 10 weeks you would be 6' under already! Try doing that if you think it is safe! Did the bottle have a plastic safety ring over the rubber plunger? If not I would be starting to think your boy, or his boy took 30ml of it out and added a bunch of sterile oil and BA and gave you back a 50ml vial with a total of 15-20ml of test in it! So when you inject and think you are injecting 250mg, you are only injecting like 50-100mg!!
    Might be something to think about. People will always try to screw you if they think they can.,. My theory is that seems more plausable than a friend selling you something that might end up hurting you! Most friends would not do something like to someone even if thay hated them to the max!

  37. #37
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Blood work is the only way to know for sure. The real question is how the hell did one bottle last u 10 weeks at 500mg week?!?

  38. #38
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    wukillabee, it lasted this long because the bottle had 50ml in it. 2ml a week I've been taking. I still have a lot of it left lol.

    Hey ninesecz, maybe you are right about it being watered (or in this case, oiled down lol) because there was no plastic safety thing over the plunger. I thought about doing what you told me to do (taking 1000-1200mg a week) to see if it was just weak stuff, but I wasn't sure if that would any negative effects. If you think it wouldn't hurt, I will try it. Tomorrow is my injection day (wen and sun) so I will go ahead and do that, unless someone on here thinks thats a bad idea. Any additional advice would help.

    you guys have been such a great help to me! I don't know what I would do without you. There are very few people I can talk to about this stuff, since unfortunately I have to keep this all a secret. Thanks again!

  39. #39
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    oh and by the way ninesecz, I have not had any sides or even increased libido. No increased aggression or testicular atrophy. I might have gained a tiny bit of strength, but nothing noticeable. I write down everything I do in a workout journal, and my bench press has gone up maybe 5 lbs or so in the last 10 weeks, but that isn't really unusual for me when I'm really training hard naturally.

  40. #40
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    IF you talk to the guy or your friend dont come across so harsh as saying it NOT ligit, instead say you think it's bunk, you dont know if it's a bad batch or what but it's NOT what it is supposed to be and you have not gotten ANY gains or sides from it. You can say you even doubled the dose and nothing...

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