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Thread: This Happens to be an ANADROL question...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Question This Happens to be an ANADROL question...

    Ok so I am sick and tired of hearing everybody go on about how ANADROL bloats the hell out of you...

    I have run drol... ONCE.. when I was younger... haven't in the longest time bu I do remember when I ran it, I kept my diet CLEAN as a whistle. My sodium intake extremely low and did everything correctly (and this was before I knew anything about nutrition.) Now I know a LOT more about nutrition and I feel it is TIME to actually give this compound I real go for the gusto kind of thing...

    Now here it is YEARS later and I wanna give the HG Drol a run... Nothing Big, thinking maybe... 50-75mgs ED for 6 weeks.. with a TRT dose of Test as a base...

    Now am I wrong in assuming that I won't bloat in all actuality if done correctly not only will I add a lot of Mass but won't it harden me up without the bloat/watery appearance??? YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT !! So that is why i think I can UTILIZE Anadrol to achieve these results...

    How many of you have experience with doing it this way?

    I know that ancillaries have absolutely NO EFFECT on Anadrol's bloat possibility if it happens because it is not estrogen related when in fact if you happen to bloat from this compound it is from having a piss poor diet.. correct right??

    I mean what I am inherently looking at here is a baseline of Test Cyp at 200mgs EW, 50mgs ED of Proviron (maybe 25mgs), and 6 weeks of HG Anadrol.. 50 for the first 3 weeks and 75mgs for the next 3 (moderate dosage).. this is kind of like a bridge between the end of this cycle and the start of my WINTER BULKER... I know how a lot of people do not recommend this sort of thing.. more or less.. when it's time to come off.. you come off and don't use anything else... well It's not that I care.. and it's not that I am all gung ho on letting COMPOUNDS do the work for me... I am pretty much dedicated to my Cause. I make my achievements not the compounds.. they are more of a helping hand.. an assistor(sp?) if you wll... I obviously have blood work routinely done because of the fact I am prescribed to TRT.. So that isn't an issue.. I have never had a faltered or abnormal test.. OTHER THAN TOTAL TEST LEVELS... Obviously they were higher than the NORM...

    Just curious as to what you guys think?? I mean someone even told me I should go the route of doing a Anadrol/Dbol combo route... with 100/40-50 split.... and I imagine that one day down the road I will give that a whirl.. I kind of like my Liver though so I don't want to be slamming it too much.. know what I mean??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    i ran anadrol a little differently in my cycle i used it as a jumper for the first 2 week then got off of it for a week then used again for 2 more weeks just to give my liver a break. i didnt experence many side effects or bloated. i could feel my self starting to get a little aggravited and felt like a was just having a shity day towards the end of the 2 weeks, but thats about all, my bench went up fast, and i gained about 1.5 lb every day after the 3rd day

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Ive cut to shit on drol and deca. Looked sic, drol pumps were killing me though.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  4. #4
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Ive cut to shit on drol and deca. Looked sic, drol pumps were killing me though.
    Yah it's not like I am looking to "cut to shit" haha so to speak.. yah it'd be nice.. but, I have hovered at the same exact weight for the past 4 months.. but!! I have gone from 20%bf to 15%bf in that 4 months.. so it's not like I wasn't making any progress.. in fact, I was making hella progress.. it's just weird... being on 100mgs of Test P per day and not gaining any weight.. but when I look in the mirror I DEFINITELY DO NOT COMPLAIN!! I am watching changes in my body at this point weekly. Been running 100mgs ED for 6 weeks... I kick started this cycle with 14 days of T-BOL at 50mgs ED... and will end on the same note.. well.. instead of 2 weeks worth... I'll finish with 3 weeks at the same dosage... (well almost.. instead of 50mg it'll be 45mgs for 21 days) I just do not know when to conclude this cycle.. I am experiencing...

    ABSOLUTELY NO SIDES !! Except an INCREASE in Anxiety... so let me ask you something.. if I were to reduce the amount of Testosterone I am taking in daily.. DO YOU THINK THAT IT WILL REDUCE THE ANXIETY AT ALL??

    Anyways enough about that, back to the Anadrol question... 50-75mgs Daily for 6 weeks... feasible?? For my purposes?? I am looking to keep back pumps to a minimum, I'll be rockin' 3000mgs daily of Taurine MINIMUM to help with that (always found that helped my back pumps from DBOL) To be frank, I COULD RUN DBOL but.. it gives me a headache.. sometimes, and I just would rather run ANADROL right now.. I am feeling as though I want to give it it's just due !! If this makes ANY SENSE whatsoever.... If I cross-examine it..

    DBOL(FOR ME)= Headache[maybe],stomach aches, and back pumps [usually controlled with Taurine]

    Anadrol(from what I remember)= Increased appetite, No Back Pumps, better strength gain, and MORE RETAINABLE Solid worth while gains without the BLOAT and just that UHHHH feeling...

    So what do you think?? I know this is a lot to read and digest but I wanted to give the full book so I get accurate answers... ya know??

  5. #5
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Ok, I don't know what you're asking your last post, bro....can I get the cliff notes version?

    But from my experience, I was able to keep water weight to a minimum by introducing drol with an already low BF and keeping a clean diet

  6. #6
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    Anytown USA
    I did not get any loat for the little over 3 weeks I ran my drol and I was upwards of 100mg a day. Unreal strength gains but I only put on about a total of 4-5#

  7. #7
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    See that's all I am looking for.. to basically have no bloat... I RUN A CLEAN DIET REGARDLESS WHAT I DO.. It's just how I eat...

    But I want to keep my strength up and ready for my upcoming winter bulker... I won't hit the 100mg mark.. I might even keep it right at 50mgs straight through... if it's doing what I need it too.. why mess with a good thing??

    and if I gain a lb- 5lbs. I am not going to complain as long as it is lean weight... ya know what I mean?? hahaha...

    I dunno.. it just seems like I am going to be going from 700mgs EW down to 200mgs EW .. OBVIOUSLY there will be a drop in strength.. I am used to it.. I am not stupid... it's just that went it comes time for the winter bulker... about 12 weeks away or so... I wanna be back up to par to get what I need to get done to put on the weight I need to ... as I get good and ready to shred up for my first contest come MAY 29th... then after that... I can take a well deserved break for a little while before I get back at it...haha.... just basically looking for an overall consensus on this.... lol

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok so I am sick and tired of hearing everybody go on about how ANADROL bloats the hell out of you...

    I have run drol... ONCE.. when I was younger... haven't in the longest time bu I do remember when I ran it, I kept my diet CLEAN as a whistle. My sodium intake extremely low and did everything correctly (and this was before I knew anything about nutrition.) Now I know a LOT more about nutrition and I feel it is TIME to actually give this compound I real go for the gusto kind of thing...

    Now here it is YEARS later and I wanna give the HG Drol a run... Nothing Big, thinking maybe... 50-75mgs ED for 6 weeks.. with a TRT dose of Test as a base...

    Now am I wrong in assuming that I won't bloat in all actuality if done correctly not only will I add a lot of Mass but won't it harden me up without the bloat/watery appearance??? YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT !! So that is why i think I can UTILIZE Anadrol to achieve these results...

    How many of you have experience with doing it this way?

    I know that ancillaries have absolutely NO EFFECT on Anadrol's bloat possibility if it happens because it is not estrogen related when in fact if you happen to bloat from this compound it is from having a piss poor diet.. correct right??

    I mean what I am inherently looking at here is a baseline of Test Cyp at 200mgs EW, 50mgs ED of Proviron (maybe 25mgs), and 6 weeks of HG Anadrol.. 50 for the first 3 weeks and 75mgs for the next 3 (moderate dosage).. this is kind of like a bridge between the end of this cycle and the start of my WINTER BULKER... I know how a lot of people do not recommend this sort of thing.. more or less.. when it's time to come off.. you come off and don't use anything else... well It's not that I care.. and it's not that I am all gung ho on letting COMPOUNDS do the work for me... I am pretty much dedicated to my Cause. I make my achievements not the compounds.. they are more of a helping hand.. an assistor(sp?) if you wll... I obviously have blood work routinely done because of the fact I am prescribed to TRT.. So that isn't an issue.. I have never had a faltered or abnormal test.. OTHER THAN TOTAL TEST LEVELS... Obviously they were higher than the NORM...

    Just curious as to what you guys think?? I mean someone even told me I should go the route of doing a Anadrol/Dbol combo route... with 100/40-50 split.... and I imagine that one day down the road I will give that a whirl.. I kind of like my Liver though so I don't want to be slamming it too much.. know what I mean??
    You can get cut on ANADROL. Ive done it and used it on top pros for years. DIET is the essential element.

  9. #9
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    Nov 2007
    Exactly, I have been saying that all along... my favorite saying to people when they ask me face to face "MAN HOW DID YOU DO IT??" I just laugh and smile and say "You are what you Eat Man, Eat like Shit your gonna be shit.. eat healthy you are gonna be healthy.. simple as that"

    Then the obvious reply is.. "Well if I am what I eat then I must be A --P U S S Y--.. HAHAHAHA..."

    iDIOTS... Lol... some people never grow up...

    But yah back on topic, I think I will be just fine.. it's an experiment.. and I am sure I will not be disappointed, as always I will be posting PROGRESS PICS up in my Thread in the Members Pic Area.. Like I do about ONCE a month anyways.. lol...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    Duece, I would not be worried about cutting while on it but if you eat clean and do your thing the right way, you should get some serious strength gains! I myself have tried both Drol and D-bol now and to be honest the strength from Drol is spectacular but i think I will tke D-bol over Drol anyday. Drol made me tired better yet Lethargic, no sex drive at all, heartburn, and little loss of appetite. none of which i get from D-ol. on top of D-bol gives me a sense or Well being, Sex drive should come back and I still get very good strength gains from d-bol to boot They are both good but now that I have had a chance to compare which i have wanted to do for years now I can safely say that D-bol side for side vs. gains I hae to put my money in the D-bol. But Everyonhe has to try it once and some absolutle love the stuff. so goo luck! Oh and on top of it not sure if this is what everyone is referring to as "back pumps" but I get some serious pains from back there. I myself bet money it is kidney/ liver pain from the abuse from the Orls, but may be these are the pumps people are speaking of. whatever way.. Good Luck Duece

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    yea u can definatly get cut with drol based on diet it hardens me up very well,however I like using it alot more in a bulker to gain sheer mass,I put size on it faster than anything else even with minimal bloat.also if u get headaches from dbol than I would probably say u will most likely get them even worse with drol,I also get just as bad of back pumps from it as dbol

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