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Thread: trick to get ur doc to prescribe steroids?

  1. #1
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    trick to get ur doc to prescribe steroids?

    aite he's my idea lets say i do a cycle of gear, then when i get off of it I go to the doc with concerns that my testosterone levels are low, he tests me and sees they are low, could this be possible? if so how long after a cycle would be good? Just a random thought but worth the time to find out lol what are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I heard Insurance fraud yields bigger cock sandwiches than Custom's.

  3. #3
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    What are your stats ? Specificly your age?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    I heard Insurance fraud yields bigger cock sandwiches than Custom's.
    His Q has nothin to do with insurance fraud.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Age 25 6'4.5" 204 LBS 8% or less 4 yrs training never used gear

  6. #6
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    Well if you get technical. Insurance would help cover the cost of his supplemental test to boost his testosterone if he actually "fakes" having low testosterone. So that is like fraud isn't it?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Well if you get technical. Insurance would help cover the cost of his supplemental test to boost his testosterone if he actually "fakes" having low testosterone. So that is like fraud isn't it?
    lol what health care/insurance? i live in america O_o

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvfd253 View Post
    lol what health care/insurance? i live in america O_o
    I do too. Insurance wouldn't help cover this? IDK. Honest question. I know nothing about people who get it prescribed from doctors.

    But they sure as hell won't go prescribing you a cycle. It would be a lot lower of a dose for a cycle....

    why would you want to do that at such a young age.

  9. #9
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    BUMP BUMP BUMP no one remotely had any educated thoughts on the idea! c'on guys!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    I do too. Insurance wouldn't help cover this? IDK. Honest question. I know nothing about people who get it prescribed from doctors.

    But they sure as hell won't go prescribing you a cycle. It would be a lot lower of a dose for a cycle....

    why would you want to do that at such a young age.
    well i figure it would be a benifit in several ways, for one when i got bigger i could honestly say i was presribed steroids by my doc and say it in confidence without ppl assuming i went underground, ha i could even show then the prescription =) another reason is i am at a point where i cant seem to get the worth-whileness of my efforts, i need a lil pump and i also feel knowin i went thru the trouble of obtaining them would highly motivate me to push hard in my workouts, its a mental thing its gotta be a great feelin knowin it will work

  11. #11
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    I would imagine that it would depend on the doc. I would doubt that he would throw you straight on test without first exploring other possibilites, like clomid, hcg, and whatever else docs prescribe these days for your "condition". That would probably be followed by more bloodwork afterward to see if these had improved your levels.

    You probably would not help your case too much if you were under 30 and came in the docs office lookin like Arnold either.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Well if you get technical. Insurance would help cover the cost of his supplemental test to boost his testosterone if he actually "fakes" having low testosterone. So that is like fraud isn't it?
    If his test is low from a cycle or not it is still low test that has to be treated . If a dr perscribes test this is 100% legal. and there would be no fraud.

  13. #13
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    i doubt you'll get perscribed enough to really make a difference anyway
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvfd253 View Post
    well i figure it would be a benifit in several ways, for one when i got bigger i could honestly say i was presribed steroids by my doc and say it in confidence without ppl assuming i went underground, ha i could even show then the prescription =) another reason is i am at a point where i cant seem to get the worth-whileness of my efforts, i need a lil pump and i also feel knowin i went thru the trouble of obtaining them would highly motivate me to push hard in my workouts, its a mental thing its gotta be a great feelin knowin it will work
    So you need steroids to motivate you to work hard?? Hmmmmm

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    If his test is low from a cycle or not it is still low test that has to be treated . If a dr perscribes test this is 100% legal. and there would be no fraud.
    Ehhh idk... I see where he was coming from with fraud... Laws are stupid.... His test would be low due to the fact he caused it to shut down........

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    i doubt you'll get perscribed enough to really make a difference anyway
    Like PT said.. if even he were prescribed... most docs try to pawn of the cream shit first. And you will not get enough test from that. or even if he did prescribe you injections.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sust Man View Post
    So you need steroids to motivate you to work hard?? Hmmmmm
    ok wise ass i think everyone on this site who has used steroids can agree there is a mental part about knowin they are on a cycle of them that motivates them to push harder......

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvfd253 View Post
    ok wise ass i think everyone on this site who has used steroids can agree there is a mental part about knowin they are on a cycle of them that motivates them to push harder......
    Ehhhh i try to give 110% every day im in the gym... using steroids just makes you able to push 120%

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Like PT said.. if even he were prescribed... most docs try to pawn of the cream shit first. And you will not get enough test from that. or even if he did prescribe you injections.
    true true but imagine i didnt actually use the test and just stuck it in the cabnet until the next cycle i do, by then i may have gotten several refills and they'd be legal O_O

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Ehhhh i try to give 110% every day im in the gym... using steroids just makes you able to push 120%
    lol as u said it gives you that little extra advantage and i feel (my opinion) that knowin im on them and my efforts will produce, will give me a lil more incentive to go harder

  21. #21
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    you are not just going to go in there with low levels and alk out with a script for test.. There is bloodest after bloodtest after bloodtest! I just had my third test level done in 3 months. after they put you on the trt, they need to monitor you to make sure your levels are correct and be able to document that for their records. would honestly be pretty hard to shut yourself down, get prescribed the trt, (which they might want to do in the office at least the 1st couple shots anyway) then keep your levels at constant for 2-5 more months while they get your dosage adjusted corectly might be a lot of work trying to do that.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    you are not just going to go in there with low levels and alk out with a script for test.. There is bloodest after bloodtest after bloodtest! I just had my third test level done in 3 months. after they put you on the trt, they need to monitor you to make sure your levels are correct and be able to document that for their records. would honestly be pretty hard to shut yourself down, get prescribed the trt, (which they might want to do in the office at least the 1st couple shots anyway) then keep your levels at constant for 2-5 more months while they get your dosage adjusted corectly might be a lot of work trying to do that.
    thank you! that gives me alot of insight on my idea, and with that information my idea now dies lol, but it was a question worth finding out about, i was clueless about wheather it was possible or not before i posted the thread so thanks for the personal experience info!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Ehhh idk... I see where he was coming from with fraud... Laws are stupid.... His test would be low due to the fact he caused it to shut down........
    Most people cause there health problems in one way or another. If you have insurance they will pay for the problem to be treated if the plan covers the problem.

    If a fat person goes to McDonolds everyday. He has caused himself to be fat.

    Now when he goes in for a gastric bypass insurance will not call this fraud.

    If the plan covers it . Its paid for.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Most people cause there health problems in one way or another. If you have insurance they will pay for the problem to be treated if the plan covers the problem.

    If a fat person goes to McDonolds everyday. He has caused himself to be fat.

    Now when he goes in for a gastric bypass insurance will not call this fraud.

    If the plan covers it . Its paid for.
    Agreed, I could shoot myself in the foot on purpose and if the insurance covers it then its "A" ok , if i decide to take 10 hydrocodeiens and end up in the emergency room... same deal

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvfd253 View Post
    thank you! that gives me alot of insight on my idea, and with that information my idea now dies lol, but it was a question worth finding out about, i was clueless about wheather it was possible or not before i posted the thread so thanks for the personal experience info!
    I did not mean to squash your dream and I am sure it would be possible to do it, but IMO it would be easier to just buy a few bottles UGL and run the trt yourself. after 6-12 months of running it on your own you might just shut your self down for real.. permanently

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Most people cause there health problems in one way or another. If you have insurance they will pay for the problem to be treated if the plan covers the problem.

    If a fat person goes to McDonolds everyday. He has caused himself to be fat.

    Now when he goes in for a gastric bypass insurance will not call this fraud.

    If the plan covers it . Its paid for.
    That's true.......

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    I did not mean to squash your dream and I am sure it would be possible to do it, but IMO it would be easier to just buy a few bottles UGL and run the trt yourself. after 6-12 months of running it on your own you might just shut your self down for real.. permanently
    i dont really see it as a likely thing using steriods responsibly will shut a a mans testosterone down permenantly... i s that what you ment? i dont intend to abuse

  28. #28
    there is no trick to getting your doctor to do that for you. in fact, trying to trick your doctor is a pretty bad idea, they arent stupid. what you have to do is go to doctors who specialize in key words like: "bio-identical hormone therapy" and "anti-aging and longevity". i went to one and came out with T3 and a bottle of test e. didnt see it coming either.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    there is no trick to getting your doctor to do that for you. in fact, trying to trick your doctor is a pretty bad idea, they arent stupid. what you have to do is go to doctors who specialize in key words like: "bio-identical hormone therapy" and "anti-aging and longevity". i went to one and came out with T3 and a bottle of test e. didnt see it coming either.
    ahhh but i dont see that happening for me being 25, do you? lol

  30. #30
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    I also went to a doc and had low test and right off the bat with a 8 min. telephone conversation I was perscribed 400mg test cyp and 300mg deca on top of 2000 unitsof b12 and 1500units of hcg a week for 15 weeks. Now thats damn near a cycle. I could not belive it.

  31. #31
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    To answer the original question......
    Going to a doc after a cycle just to get tested, and hope for a prescription sounds like a lot of work just to get small doses of test.
    Im prescribed 200 mg of test cyp every 14 days, and thats not nearly enough to do anything major.
    Im running 500 mg every week right now, so I had to get some UGL to go with it.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_best View Post
    i also went to a doc and had low test and right off the bat with a 8 min. Telephone conversation i was perscribed 400mg test cyp and 300mg deca on top of 2000 unitsof b12 and 1500units of hcg a week for 15 weeks. Now thats damn near a cycle. I could not belive it.

  33. #33
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    Thats what I said!

  34. #34
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    Well if you get technical. Insurance would help cover the cost of his supplemental test to boost his testosterone if he actually "fakes" having low testosterone. So that is like fraud isn't it?
    Here's a scenario to explain what I mean, ADD/ADHD.

    In college many students get prescribed Aderral or the like to help them concentrate. Do they need it? Most of the time no - they don't have a medical problem like ADD - it just 'helps' them study. They go to the doctor, fill out an 'ADD test' which is a questionnaire and has the same legal qualifications as a blood test.

    Last year over 9 or 10 insurance companies filed fraud reports on TONS of students for insurance fraud for not really needing the prescription. I can try to find the link if I get some spare time. They were in quite a lot of trouble - needless to say. (They also owed a lot more money then it would have been to buy illegally).

    Shutting down your test like that - especially at a young age and never having problems before - can be 'caught'. I'd give a personal scenario close to this (minus the trying to obtain illegal substances, legally) but there's no point.

    It's my .o2 cents - I wouldn't **** with insurance fraud. And that's only one, small, obsolete scenario.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Juturna View Post
    Here's a scenario to explain what I mean, ADD/ADHD.

    In college many students get prescribed Aderral or the like to help them concentrate. Do they need it? Most of the time no - they don't have a medical problem like ADD - it just 'helps' them study. They go to the doctor, fill out an 'ADD test' which is a questionnaire and has the same legal qualifications as a blood test.

    Last year over 9 or 10 insurance companies filed fraud reports on TONS of students for insurance fraud for not really needing the prescription. I can try to find the link if I get some spare time. They were in quite a lot of trouble - needless to say. (They also owed a lot more money then it would have been to buy illegally).

    Shutting down your test like that - especially at a young age and never having problems before - can be 'caught'. I'd give a personal scenario close to this (minus the trying to obtain illegal substances, legally) but there's no point.

    It's my .o2 cents - I wouldn't **** with insurance fraud. And that's only one, small, obsolete scenario.

    dude there is no blood test for ADD/ADHD, LOL...

  36. #36
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    haha thats crazy cuz i also get 60 30mgs a month from my family doctor. I do have add though since grade school but my freinds will buy them from me. Why not work the system to get what you want though?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    dude there is no blood test for ADD/ADHD, LOL...
    Yeah you sit down and take a test that lasts for ever i had to go to a university when i was a kid to take the test.

  38. #38
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    dude there is no blood test for ADD/ADHD, LOL...
    When did I say there was Jigga? I'm sorry if you skimmed however I clearly state that there is an ADD Questionnaire which has the same legal implications and legitimacy as a blood test for other medical problems.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paul_Best View Post
    I also went to a doc and had low test and right off the bat with a 8 min. telephone conversation I was perscribed 400mg test cyp and 300mg deca on top of 2000 unitsof b12 and 1500units of hcg a week for 15 weeks. Now thats damn near a cycle. I could not belive it.
    no more telephone for you if this post is true.

  40. #40
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    It is not a lie.

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