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Thread: HCGvsClomid

  1. #1


    taking 500mg of enathate a week for 12 weeks, is it okay to just take hcg at the end of my cycle or should I ad clomid with it?

    what'll happen to my gains if I just take hcg?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    take one or the other...
    they are very similar but in my opinion HCG is the more effective and cheaper in my area...
    If you want, depending on how you bodys doing you can dose some clomid in the middle to make your boys drop and kick in gear. Then do an average 5000ius of HCG a week for 3-4 weeks after your cycle.
    Not going to comment on your vitimin pak; because I dont know what your purpose is or what your trying to acheive...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    wrong advise. HCG will gt your boy going and ususaly used betwen cycle but also can be used at the end. since you run test enanthate wait til 3 week then start your clomid. during those those 3 wek w/o any exogenuos test, (man made test) use HCG to keep you nat test back to normal. HCG is a magician, it trick your HPTA into releasing natural test but only teporary.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    HCG and Clomid aren't very similar at all.

    HCG is a temporary fix. It mimics the signal that your brain sends to your nads in order to tell them to make test. Notice how the brain is by-passed?

    Clomid tricks the brain into sending signals to your nads so that they make test. See the difference? Clomid does not by-pass the brain- it acts on the whole HTP axis (what you want at the end of a cycle).

    Some people like to take HCG mid-cycle just to make their nads drop.....many do this purely for peace of mind. It is sometimes taken post-cycle too.....but clomid is used later to get the whole HTPA online.

    Originally posted by mmaximus25
    take one or the other...
    they are very similar but in my opinion HCG is the more effective and cheaper in my area...
    If you want, depending on how you bodys doing you can dose some clomid in the middle to make your boys drop and kick in gear. Then do an average 5000ius of HCG a week for 3-4 weeks after your cycle.
    Not going to comment on your vitimin pak; because I dont know what your purpose is or what your trying to acheive...

  5. #5
    What is a fair market price for clomid?

    I get them for 3$ a tab.

    How much should be taken post cycle?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by GandolfReturns
    What is a fair market price for clomid?

    I get them for 3$ a tab.

    How much should be taken post cycle?


    dude you are getting ripped off big time I would say. I think average prices for clomids is $24 -$45 for 30 clomids. In fact I can get them for $9. for 24 clomids.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Oh yea Gandolf the White BTW was a alwsome movie., get 36 of them and day1 300mg, next 10 days 100mg, and next 10 days 50mg. I had to watch Two Towers twice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Not similar...I'm speaking of the effect not the make up

    Ok lets not get The way their similar is they both create a spur in testicular activity. There is no signal from your brain we work on hormonal massages. pituitary from adrenal to pituitary to testes/gonad...from gland to gland...
    Clomid is a synthetic mask... HCG is a hormonal pro-tein and does not mimic... your gonads begin production simply because of the hormone nutrient presence. It’s not a synthetic estrogen... AND YES Clomid works very well with HCG... with HCG... most individuals suffer from adverse reactions at the sebaceous glands because they have no idea what there test levels are at to begin with and diet is poor.

    Your one androgen hit is not a justification of dosing both unless your trying to be really cautious about keeping your gonads working while on.
    One or the other will suffice at the end...Both would be better... Justify it with your total array, but your not breaking some high level of enanthate dose... Just see how you feel while on you may not even need any Clomid or HCG until the end

    I use HCG in middle and at the end of a high androgenic lesser anabolic derivatives...I stay on all year long little brother and nolva, and HCG are the only antiestros and hormonal pro-tein I use... I dose high androgens in the first half of the year and and mix towards the end.

    What I was trying to say is if your feeling scared, take a low dose of Clomid as an aniestro(unless you have nolvadex) use the HCG to bring your normal test production back... You will level off after about two weeks and then your body will dip down under again under your normal test levels and unless your gonna hit again.... your body will slowly get back to normal messaging...

    You can bring your body back to a normal a state faster if you use your HCG and follow up with Clomid and next time use a little nolva as your antiestro during, but only with high androgens, with weaker ones the nolva will have a counter effect- like with deca...
    How about you look up the both of these and come back here if you have more ???
    Good growing brother

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Not similar...I'm speaking of the effect not the make up

    Ok lets try again...........

    There is a signal from your brain to your testes......that is what hormones are used for. Hormones are molecular messengers. The system that alot of users are concerned with involves a loop between the Hypothalamus (in the brain), to the Pituitary (again in the brain) to the testes. There are two 'signals' between the pituaitary and the testes.....FSH and LH (which induce the testes to produce and secrete more test respectively).

    Here comes the funky part, in the male body HCG acts like LH so it effectively replaces the 'signal' that is sent from the pituitary (brain) to the testes. Which is what I said originally.

    Lets deal with clomid do this we need to consider some extra info. When your test levels are elevated, your oestrogen levels also elevate as your body attempts to maintain a constant ratio. The oestrogen is a problem as it interacts with the hypothalamus in such a way that it no longer sends its signals (LH and FSH) to the testes which tell them to make and secrete test. This of course is a problem post cycle as you want to get your natural test levels back up quickly. So how do you avoid the oestrogen issue?? Simple, stop it binding to receptors in the Hypothalamus.........this is what clomid does. Clomid binds to the Hypothalamus so that it is no longer inhibited from sending its hormone signals to the testes.

    So whats the bottom line.........clomid does a more complete job than HCG. Use clomid alone or in conjunction with HCG. Use of HCG alone will cause a rapid rise in test levels, and therefore oestrogen levels, and hence further inhibition of the HPT axis.

    BTW.....not to be picky, but HCG is too small to be a protein. It is a peptide hormone.

    Originally posted by mmaximus25
    Ok lets not get The way their similar is they both create a spur in testicular activity. There is no signal from your brain we work on hormonal massages. pituitary from adrenal to pituitary to testes/gonad...from gland to gland...
    Clomid is a synthetic mask... HCG is a hormonal pro-tein and does not mimic... your gonads begin production simply because of the hormone nutrient presence. It’s not a synthetic estrogen... AND YES Clomid works very well with HCG... with HCG... most individuals suffer from adverse reactions at the sebaceous glands because they have no idea what there test levels are at to begin with and diet is poor.

    Your one androgen hit is not a justification of dosing both unless your trying to be really cautious about keeping your gonads working while on.
    One or the other will suffice at the end...Both would be better... Justify it with your total array, but your not breaking some high level of enanthate dose... Just see how you feel while on you may not even need any Clomid or HCG until the end

    I use HCG in middle and at the end of a high androgenic lesser anabolic derivatives...I stay on all year long little brother and nolva, and HCG are the only antiestros and hormonal pro-tein I use... I dose high androgens in the first half of the year and and mix towards the end.

    What I was trying to say is if your feeling scared, take a low dose of Clomid as an aniestro(unless you have nolvadex) use the HCG to bring your normal test production back... You will level off after about two weeks and then your body will dip down under again under your normal test levels and unless your gonna hit again.... your body will slowly get back to normal messaging...

    You can bring your body back to a normal a state faster if you use your HCG and follow up with Clomid and next time use a little nolva as your antiestro during, but only with high androgens, with weaker ones the nolva will have a counter effect- like with deca...
    How about you look up the both of these and come back here if you have more ???
    Good growing brother
    Last edited by Imnotdutch; 12-24-2002 at 02:21 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by GandolfReturns
    What is a fair market price for clomid?
    I get them for 3$ a tab.
    Why not just get the liquid clomid... 50ml $30. More than enough. It's just the worst taste I've ever tasted...YUK!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Sorry...I need to retract, I'm going off of memory and had it in my head that since HCG is a gonadotropin your body used it as the signal to start producing testosterone. I retract the non minic statment of LH. Which is how your body precieve the hormone...
    Not easy admitting least for me...
    I however prefer the use of HCG in my staggers... it allows my transfer to the next androgen a very smooth one...
    good crit...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    what is clomid and HCG?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    K, if you run low dosage adex (.25 ed) durring a 20 week 300mg/week cyp cycle will that keep your natural test from shutting down? I ask cause i read that estro is what shuts your test down.

    Now, i have been on between 250mg - 300mg of cype a week for about 14 weeks, my doc checked my test levels and they were 1300 (how high is that compared to others cycles) two weeks ago. I have been taking about .25 adex eod. I plan on running 6 more weeks, i have clomid and my doc said that he would give me hcg.

    Some observations, my sex drive is not strong at all and i have read that some experience an INSANE sex drive and i was wondering why i havent.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Originally posted by Rugby13

    Why not just get the liquid clomid... 50ml $30. More than enough. It's just the worst taste I've ever tasted...YUK!!!
    Definitely go with the liquid clomid if you are paying $3/tab, thats just ridiculous when I've seen them go at 16 cents/tab. In massive bulk quantities, I've seen them even cheaper, as low as 8 cents/tab.

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