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Thread: Test and EQ

  1. #1
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    Test and EQ

    I am going to stick with the EQ, and run the cylce as long as I am able to. 12 weeks to 16 weeks.

    1-12 weeks 750mg of Test E (Injected 250 Monday - Wed- Fri)
    1-11 weeks 500mg EQ (Monday- Friday)
    1-4 weeks 30mg / ed Dbol

    I have the option of Front Loading the Test E and EQ and scrapping out the Dbol... any suggestions for dose protocol? Or even take low dose dbol for first 2 weeks at 20mg.

    Do you guys suggest I run nolvadex with the cylce? I have never run a SERM during the cycle.

    Any other additions?

    Supps I have bcaas, protein, creatine, dextrose and fish oil

    PCT 14 days after test shot

    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva. Not sure if I need HCG for a short cycle.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    Stats please..

    Years training
    Cycle history???

  3. #3
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    Age 23
    Height 5'8
    Weight: 205. Was at 225 then cut to 205
    Bf% 12%
    Years training 6 years and 1 year power lifting
    Cycle history

    1st Cycle Test E 500mg /week (12) d bol 40mg/day (4 weeks)

    2) Test E (750mg) 14 weeks and deca 550 (12 weeks)

    PCT was a mix of clomod, a dex and nolvadex

    Goals for this cycle
    1) Pack lean quality dense muscle mass- Will keep a clean bulk diet.
    2) I plan to use a hypertrophy style training program and go for size, with some powerlifts.

  4. #4
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    EQ isn't on my list of things that work BUT..... if i going to run what you planned..... i'd skip the frontload and definately run the EQ atleast 15 weeks and the test 16. Use the Dbol to kickstart and maximize whatever you can with the EQ by running it longer.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  5. #5
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    I was not too fond of the puffyness I gained from Deca . What would you suggest I stack Test with instead?

    I am looking for slow leaner gains

  6. #6
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    cycle looks good the way it is. i would not consider frontloading. like stated extend the EQ if you can. i actually had decent results from EQ. only issue i see you potentially having is controlling BP so be sure and keep an eye on it. For on cycle opt to use an AI such as dex rather then a SERM.

    on a side note if your going for lean muscle i would drop the dextrose.

  7. #7
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    EQ isn't on my list of things that work BUT..... if i going to run what you planned..... i'd skip the frontload and definately run the EQ atleast 15 weeks and the test 16. Use the Dbol to kickstart and maximize whatever you can with the EQ by running it longer.

    What is your suggestion then?

    Tren is too advanced, and deca will result in too much wet gains

  8. #8
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I would use the EQ,if yours is good you will be happy.That sure is a lot of test,you definately need an AI and i would keep some Nolvadex ready. I have done EQ and Decca and prefer EQ because Decca only bloats me and Eq will keep you lean,given you keep the Estrogen under control from the test.

  9. #9
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    a-dex or l-dex at .25mg ed?

    Should I dose at test 500/ eq 400 per week?

    What was your gains like and what sort of training program did you use?

  10. #10
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    That would be a good doseage for the Test, EQ. I use letro at .25 ED. I train everything 3 times every 2 weeks. I do 3 sets per exercise,9 sets total per body part,but i train each set to failure and minmum rest between sets.I train with my son and we onlt rest long enought to change positions. Sometimes after training for 4 or 5 weeks like this we take a few extra days off and then continue where we left off.

  11. #11
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I would keep your EQ dosage higher..... stick with the 500mg's/wk. I ran it at 600mg's/wk and didn't really like it - don't lower it to 400 as i personally feel it needs to be run for a longer period at a higher dosage.

    Maybe drop test to 600mg's/wk.....

    You could also run a cycle like this.....

    1-4 Dbol
    1-12 Test E
    10-14 Anavar

    5 weeks of var at the end would be pretty good. If you already have the EQ tho..... just run it.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  12. #12
    leviathan_sos is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I would keep your EQ dosage higher..... stick with the 500mg's/wk. I ran it at 600mg's/wk and didn't really like it - don't lower it to 400 as i personally feel it needs to be run for a longer period at a higher dosage.

    Maybe drop test to 600mg's/wk.....

    You could also run a cycle like this.....

    1-4 Dbol
    1-12 Test E
    10-14 Anavar

    5 weeks of var at the end would be pretty good. If you already have the EQ tho..... just run it.

    My test comes in 250mg/ml hence why I wanted to split up injects at 250 3x a week.

    My other option is to run deca with a-dex or l-dex to control the bloat. Could even go down to 500 test and 300-400 deca

    I am going to my source tomorrow.

  13. #13
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Test at 500mgs and deca at 400mgs looks much better...

  14. #14
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I think Deca and Test would be your best stack if you feel you must stack! Test at 500-600mg a week and Deca 350-400. I do not think you need to go any higher. I also would not run any type of ancillary during cycle unless you really need it. an "AI" Is a different story if you are gyno prone etc..

  15. #15
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    I think you'll like the test and deca better. Grab some winny and throw it in for the last 6 weeks...... Winny dries out your joints and deca lubes em - good combo.

    maybe something like this.....

    1-13 Test E
    1-11 or 12 Deca (i like to run test 2 weeks past deca)
    10,11,12,13,14,15 - Winny

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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