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Yesturday, I took an injection of test prop 75mg and tren a 50mg into my left delt. Underneath the injection site about 1 to 2 inches my arm has a quater size red mark. I had this last week in the other shoulder just not as red. It is a lil swollen and sore but all my delt injections have been this sore. I just changed from test a to test prop recently so, Could it be a reaction from the gear or is it an infection and my body just fought off the other similar feeling in the right delt last week? The mark isn't warmer than any other skin around it but it is slightly swollen. What are my options? Should I wait a couple days and see if it gets worse. Should I take anything now to help? Obviously if it gets worse and I know for sure its an infection I will get to the doc. Input would be great.