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Thread: I think I may have an infection...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    I think I may have an infection...

    Yesturday, I took an injection of test prop 75mg and tren a 50mg into my left delt. Underneath the injection site about 1 to 2 inches my arm has a quater size red mark. I had this last week in the other shoulder just not as red. It is a lil swollen and sore but all my delt injections have been this sore. I just changed from test a to test prop recently so, Could it be a reaction from the gear or is it an infection and my body just fought off the other similar feeling in the right delt last week? The mark isn't warmer than any other skin around it but it is slightly swollen. What are my options? Should I wait a couple days and see if it gets worse. Should I take anything now to help? Obviously if it gets worse and I know for sure its an infection I will get to the doc. Input would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Just go to the damn DR.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You could wait but I think waiting is the worst idea in the world

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    If you think you have an infection do not wait until it is a full blown infection to go to the doctor. Just go and find out for sure. If it was just a tiny bit red and really really sore, I would say it is 95% the prop cause prop can be pretty painful for a lot if us. Rememer brotha this is your body and you only get 1! it is not very smart to hurt yourself and nit go to the doctor and risk hurting that 1 body you got even worse. Insurance or not, $100 office visit is well worth the piece of mind. And just cause maybe you do not want your PCP to know you are pinning steroids, hit the ER. you will still get a 100% definitive answer and your doc never has to knwo unless you tell him/her

  5. #5
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    in dreamy land
    Quote Originally Posted by personaltrainermark View Post
    Yesturday, I took an injection of test prop 75mg and tren a 50mg into my left delt. Underneath the injection site about 1 to 2 inches my arm has a quater size red mark. I had this last week in the other shoulder just not as red. It is a lil swollen and sore but all my delt injections have been this sore. I just changed from test a to test prop recently so, Could it be a reaction from the gear or is it an infection and my body just fought off the other similar feeling in the right delt last week? The mark isn't warmer than any other skin around it but it is slightly swollen. What are my options? Should I wait a couple days and see if it gets worse. Should I take anything now to help? Obviously if it gets worse and I know for sure its an infection I will get to the doc. Input would be great.
    that's what I would do...notice i don't say that's what you SHOULD do....just what i would do. Prolly take a bunch of garlic too just in case...garlic = natural antibiotic

  6. #6
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    Same situation with me ... Just go to the doc ... I told him it was my monthly Vitamin B shot...

  7. #7
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    Why the hell do people post shit like this? I mean what the hell are people on a forum going to do?

    If you ever have the tiniest doubt in you mind, go to a f'ing doctor!


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by personaltrainermark View Post
    Yesturday, I took an injection of test prop 75mg and tren a 50mg into my left delt. Underneath the injection site about 1 to 2 inches my arm has a quater size red mark. I had this last week in the other shoulder just not as red. It is a lil swollen and sore but all my delt injections have been this sore. I just changed from test a to test prop recently so, Could it be a reaction from the gear or is it an infection and my body just fought off the other similar feeling in the right delt last week? The mark isn't warmer than any other skin around it but it is slightly swollen. What are my options? Should I wait a couple days and see if it gets worse. Should I take anything now to help? Obviously if it gets worse and I know for sure its an infection I will get to the doc. Input would be great.
    What is Test A? Is this a typo? I would see how the pain and swelling goes bro, I dont do to well with DOCS and I work in a hospital. If you have been getting the same pain with all of your stuff and no problems I wouldnt worry, BUT if this is different shit I would definitely be cautious.

  9. #9
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    test acetate , shorter ester than propionate

  10. #10
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    couple of days and then doctor doctor doctor d...

  11. #11
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    I would also wait just a few more days.

  12. #12
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    more or likly its the prop had same thing and slight swelling i mean u would do ur inje!cting things in ur muscle its going to raise alittle it should feel really tight and after the first and second day feel as tight as hell then it will faid but if it burns and is hot doctor time m8

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by swol_je View Post
    What is Test A? Is this a typo? I would see how the pain and swelling goes bro, I dont do to well with DOCS and I work in a hospital. If you have been getting the same pain with all of your stuff and no problems I wouldnt worry, BUT if this is different shit I would definitely be cautious.
    Test ace, same ester as tren ace.
    I get this sometimes from my injects using eo based gear. I know now my body doesnt seem to like eo based gear. Personally id wait it out and i bet it will go away. Now if things get worse of course personally id go right away to the doc. Would i go to the doc with no insurance cus i got a bit of redness and some pain from shooting test prop and tren? Fu!k no. If a day or two goes by and the redness gets worse, swells up, etc, fuc!k yeah id be goin to the doc. Only u really know what kind of boat ur in bro. From what youve described it sounds very very normal. Sh!t, my first cycle of test enth gave me swelling and redness and pain every site i shot it, quads, delts, pecs, etc. Did i go to the doc, nope. Just my body reacting to the gear bro. Let us know how it turns out.

  14. #14
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    Alright, so its the 3rd day after the injection, the redness has faded. I have asked a few people if they can see redness or swelling in the location it was and they don't see it. It is slightly red in my opinion still but I am looking for it. The swelling has gone down but the area where the redness and swelling was is still a lil harder than the opposite shoulder. I think it was a reaction to the prop and not an infection. It was similar to what my other delt injection felt like just a bit worse. I will give it 2 more days to keep hopefully going away. If the pain and hardness is still there I will hit up one of those emergency clinincs and get some anti-biotics. I will dis continue shots in the delts with my current cycle as those are the only sites that have reacted this way. I'll keep you guys updated and thanks for most of the advice.

    P.S - Bok Bok way to be super helpful, you ass. People ask questions like this to make sure that other people haven't had this same reaction without having an infection. You can have doubts about alot of things and not have to do something about it. I have never had an infection or a reaction so I wanted to get some input on what it is. Maybe you should try not being such a jerk and realize this is a forum that we all try to help each other, not be complete asses. Thanks

  15. #15
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    You are most likely BA sensitive.
    Last edited by BG; 08-24-2009 at 09:54 AM.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BokBok View Post
    Why the hell do people post shit like this? I mean what the hell are people on a forum going to do?

    If you ever have the tiniest doubt in you mind, go to a f'ing doctor!

    i agree. um i have 3rd leg growing from my quad should i go get it checked out or wait for it to disapear lol. sorry i couldnt resist

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