would 750mg of test be good for 2nd cycle, on my 1st i ran 500mg.
height: 6ft 3
weight: 14.7 stone
would 750mg of test be good for 2nd cycle, on my 1st i ran 500mg.
height: 6ft 3
weight: 14.7 stone
How were your gains from your first cycle??? What will you run for pct???
clomid for pct. made 15lb of muscle on 1st cycle. also will be using armoasin threwout the cycle and as pct also.
Then why not run the test again at 500mgs but this time add anadrol at 50mgs ed...
If you have had good gains at 500mgs a week then why change it??
Id add nolva to your pct..
i carnt take tablets, my liver aint 100% due to illness i had earlier in life.
what about 500mg test and 300mg deca?
That would work, you may get better results from 400mgs, split it like you do the test...
Here is my opinion.. if 500mg of test worked for you on your last cycle, Stick with what works! I do not even think you need to get into Deca yet. I undertand if you do but not sure you need it. If you do, just run the test 2xa week and shoot the deca with it. If you are going to do the Deca, I would go with 350-400mg a week. you should see very respecable results from that
would 450mg be ok because the the dosage im gunna get is 300mg a ml and it would be far much easier to work out
also deca is good for joints and i get joint pains quite a bit -.-
I agree with mad matt if you are going to add the deca which is not a bad idea IMO then bump it up to 400mg a week so you can see some gains from it.
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