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Thread: arimidex question..

  1. #1

    arimidex question..

    I know I should have it on hand during my cycle (12wks of test-e) and I will..

    I also want to run it at .25mg EOD, but the pills I get are 1mg.

    Can I just cut the pill into 4's and take a quarter pill EOD?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    that'll work

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    Not quite sure how small the pills are, but it may be difficult to quarter them and get an accurate dosing. Personally, I would go with a liquid.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Probably small may make it hard..... if the dose is of a slight bit i can't see it being an issue.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    With a pill cutter from the pharmistist you can.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    shouldn't be a problem..... as stated..... i wouldn't think a small fluctuation in size is going to make much of a difference


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    just get them as close as you can... not very expensive and worse scenario you end up with 3 1/3mg pills and a small pile of dust you can throw away. that is if the pills are so small you can not get 4 equals

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    just get them as close as you can... not very expensive and worse scenario you end up with 3 1/3mg pills and a small pile of dust you can throw away. that is if the pills are so small you can not get 4 equals
    I'd lick the dust


  9. #9
    haha you maniacs..

    I'm just being super cautious, and plan to have everything on hand.

    Nolva, Clomid, Arimidex, and HCG.

    Am I going overboard for just a 12wk test-e cycle front loaded with dbols for 4wks?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I'd lick the dust

    Snorting would be more potent! Seriously though, i have some of the tabs and yes, they are small as hell and would never imagine cutting less then half! Id cut half and just do .5mg eod bro! Are you gyno prone? if not, why the hell you takin em? Dont give me the usual i dont want bloat crap that everyone and their mom cries about. Bloat is good, bloat is ur friend, helps u push heavy as weight to grow big and strong! Those things must cost a fortune to be able to run em through a cycle bro!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Snorting would be more potent! Seriously though, i have some of the tabs and yes, they are small as hell and would never imagine cutting less then half! Id cut half and just do .5mg eod bro! Are you gyno prone? if not, why the hell you takin em? Dont give me the usual i dont want bloat crap that everyone and their mom cries about. Bloat is good, bloat is ur friend, helps u push heavy as weight to grow big and strong! Those things must cost a fortune to be able to run em through a cycle bro!
    I'm not sure if I'm gyno prone?.. I do have large nipples for my body size, and they (to me) are puffy normally.

    I've always been an ectomorph though, and not skinny fat either, just skinny.

    Just trying to take *every* precaution, I'm not trying to have my first cycle be my last! Especially going to be pissed off if I'm walking around at a healthy 215-220lbs with a broken dick and my balls trying to crawl back inside my body.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    I'm not sure if I'm gyno prone?.. I do have large nipples for my body size, and they (to me) are puffy normally.

    I've always been an ectomorph though, and not skinny fat either, just skinny.

    Just trying to take *every* precaution, I'm not trying to have my first cycle be my last! Especially going to be pissed off if I'm walking around at a healthy 215-220lbs with a broken dick and my balls trying to crawl back inside my body.
    Wow, so u want us to outline ur cycle is that right?
    weeks 1-12 test enth 500mg week
    weeks 4-14 hcg 500iu week (2 250iu shots same as test)
    2 weeks after last test shot start pct:
    weeks 1-3 arimidex 1mg ed
    weeks 1-4 nolva at 20mg ed
    week 1 clomid 100mg ed
    weeks 2-4 clomid 50mg ed
    If you are gyno prone then probably around week 4-5 youll get obivious symptoms like sensitive/itchy nips, small pea size lump behind nip, etc. The second you do get any of these symptoms use "nolva" at 20mg ed until sides go away. Once sides go away you can continue nolva at 20mg eod throughout cycle or start arimidex at .5mg ed throughout cycle to keep the gyno away. If you use the arimidex on cycle and leading up to pct then there should be no need for it during pct, only your serms (nolva/clomid). ANymore questions?

  13. #13
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    The pills are pretty tiny to cut into 4. I would do .5mg (1/2 pill) every other day.

  14. #14
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    Broken dick? If anything its gonna be broken cus ur gonna use it so damn much on test bro, dont listen to the media! Shrunkin balls, dont know bout u but i love some atrophy! Nice to have em outa the way. The hcg will bring em back though, thats what it does and also makes the pct/recover so much easier! U got all ur bases covered bro, just dont use things u dont know if u need to use or not yet.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Wow, so u want us to outline ur cycle is that right?
    weeks 1-12 test enth 500mg week
    weeks 4-14 hcg 500iu week (2 250iu shots same as test)
    2 weeks after last test shot start pct:
    weeks 1-3 arimidex 1mg ed
    weeks 1-4 nolva at 20mg ed
    week 1 clomid 100mg ed
    weeks 2-4 clomid 50mg ed
    If you are gyno prone then probably around week 4-5 youll get obivious symptoms like sensitive/itchy nips, small pea size lump behind nip, etc. The second you do get any of these symptoms use "nolva" at 20mg ed until sides go away. Once sides go away you can continue nolva at 20mg eod throughout cycle or start arimidex at .5mg ed throughout cycle to keep the gyno away. If you use the arimidex on cycle and leading up to pct then there should be no need for it during pct, only your serms (nolva/clomid). ANymore questions?
    I thought I read it was a bad idea to run arimidex and nolva @ the same time?

    I realize that while on the test I'll be a horny maniac, but once I come off I'm worried about the libido.. guess only time will tell.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by vaders4 View Post
    I thought I read it was a bad idea to run arimidex and nolva @ the same time?

    I realize that while on the test I'll be a horny maniac, but once I come off I'm worried about the libido.. guess only time will tell.
    Yeah on paper. Real world results are different though. They say arimidex can devalue the effects of nolva "slightly". Will that slight amount make a differenc in ur recovery, i dont see how. Especially with clomid as well. Who knows, u might be gyno prone and will have to run arimidex on cycle, if so then u wont have a need for it in pct. If ur the lucky few who arent gyno prone then use it in pct as i described for the first 2-3 weeks of pct. Next pct you can use aromasin which is an upgraded arimidex imo and will have no negative effect on nolvas effectiveness.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by wukillabee View Post
    Yeah on paper. Real world results are different though. They say arimidex can devalue the effects of nolva "slightly". Will that slight amount make a differenc in ur recovery, i dont see how. Especially with clomid as well. Who knows, u might be gyno prone and will have to run arimidex on cycle, if so then u wont have a need for it in pct. If ur the lucky few who arent gyno prone then use it in pct as i described for the first 2-3 weeks of pct. Next pct you can use aromasin which is an upgraded arimidex imo and will have no negative effect on nolvas effectiveness.
    Right on! I'm thinking of just running the arimidex anyways, I have it so might as well.

    I really am hoping for 15-20lbs off this cycle.. I'd love to be walking around at a solid 205-210 @ 10-12% BF..

    I'm a bout 14-15% now, going to keep dieting and training for the next 7 months and then start march 1st.

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