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Thread: Would having low test to begin with make for faster gains?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Would having low test to begin with make for faster gains?

    I'm just curious if I may have had a low-end test level to begin with, because I've made VERY fast gains with dbol. (and no it is not dbol only, it is 40mg of dbol/day and 500mg of test E per week)

    In 16 days I've gained 15 lbs. This is with no visible bloating (my waist size has stayed about the same, and I've gotten more defined).

    So would that point to a normally low test level, or would it just mean I had not reached my natural potential and thus my first gains are faster, or does it just mean my body REALLY responds to dbol?

    Just kinda curious if this is odd (since most of the time ive read 8-15lbs for 4 weeks of dbol), or if this is really the normal gain speed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    You probably just respond very well to d-bol. and just because your waist did not get any bigger does not mean you are not bloated! Fat is what makes your waist grow, bloat does not always go to your midsection. Also 15# in 16 days is not unheard of! there is probably many people out there who have put on that much if not more. And so you you know, you can not gain 15# of muscle in 16 days! your body can not make that much muscle that fast! Which is obviously going to make some of the weight you have gained water weight! I myself with the correct amount of food could easily add 20# in a month with no steroids if i wanted to. it would not be healthy and would not all be muscle but i can do it! You have probably been eating a little more than before which has also helped the gains! Do tread on it enjoy the size and strength that will come with it!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    oh, im enjoying it, and I'm not fooled by thinking it is only muscle. I've also been taking l-dex to help prevent bloat. I know some of it has to be water weight. Though I know my strength gains have gone WAY up, but that is natural as well I'd guess.

    Just wondering if it was normal lol

    <--- hoping I respond to test as well as I do to dbol :P

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm curious if adding another 10mg/day of dbol for the last 12 days would make a noticeable difference. (I just counted out my pills and it appears my source was VERY generous on his counting lol)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by xephonics View Post
    I'm curious if adding another 10mg/day of dbol for the last 12 days would make a noticeable difference. (I just counted out my pills and it appears my source was VERY generous on his counting lol)
    No need to add any more gear if you are making gains.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yeah I guess so lol, just figured since I had planned on 50mg per day from the start, but then thought i got shorted, I went for 40mg. Now I see that I got more than I ordered, so I figured I'd go with my original plan.

    But I guess there is no real point in pushing my luck (I might turbo bloat on that extra 10mg lol)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by xephonics View Post
    Yeah I guess so lol, just figured since I had planned on 50mg per day from the start, but then thought i got shorted, I went for 40mg. Now I see that I got more than I ordered, so I figured I'd go with my original plan.

    But I guess there is no real point in pushing my luck (I might turbo bloat on that extra 10mg lol)
    Just save the extra for future cycle.

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