Thread: EQ Only Cycle
08-24-2009, 11:51 AM #1Junior Member
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EQ Only Cycle
Just wondering what everyone'e opinion is on running a EQ cycle only for 10-12 weeks at 500 mg's a week?? Also, what type of gains would one be looking at? Thanks everyone!
08-24-2009, 11:54 AM #2Banned
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I've run EQ alone @ 800mg each week for 16 weeks.
It's not a great cycle.. but you will see results. Gained some weight, and quality vascularity.
Strength gains were none-existent though
08-24-2009, 11:55 AM #3
You would have to be in real good shape to benefit from it -10% bf and mean true 10% and as stated above run at least 800mg.
Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.
Everything was impossible until somebody did it!
I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!
It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.
Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Great place to start researching !
08-24-2009, 12:34 PM #4
Watch your blood pressure if you go high on the dose. Even 500mg/wk will make your pressure go up noticeably.
It's a nice cycle because you'll get lean quality gains and some vascularity. Recovery is also easy and you don't need a real strong PCT.
Just be aware that you could see some testicular atrophy, and your sex drive may get a little fickle after being on for several weeks.
08-24-2009, 12:52 PM #5
08-24-2009, 03:49 PM #6
can you realy run a EQ only cycle with out test? how is that?
08-24-2009, 05:27 PM #7
can you..... yes. Can you run deca alone? yep lol..... would i? HELL NO.
As weak as EQ is..... it's still supressive. I'd atleast run test with it..... and i would run atleast 800mg's of EQ to see much from it - if anything.
08-24-2009, 05:47 PM #8
I'm just not even touching this one... JUST GONNA LEAVE IT RIGHT ALONE !!
08-24-2009, 06:02 PM #9Banned
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You can obviously run anything solo.. is it the best way to run them.. No! anything that will shut you down should be ran with at least a maintenance dose of test. Some people just choose to not run test cause they feel they do not need it. Myself.. I run test no matter what! not just cause i am on trt but because the reason i am on trt is because i decided to not run test one time..
08-24-2009, 06:10 PM #11
I guess the only way to know if EQ only is any good is to try it and see for yourself, in the past ive tried eq only once and ive also used it in many stacks at various dosages, from a personal stand point i feel EQ is very weak and aids no muscle building qualities what so ever, its does increase the hunger and dramaticly increases the RBC's but for a compound to build muscle tissue i feel there are far better compounds out there to achieve this without running a huge risk of using something what many call useless, kind of speaks for itself really but the only way to find out is to try it and see.
08-24-2009, 07:17 PM #12
Horrible horrible advice. This advice doesn't even make any sense.
You're saying to add tesosterone to the cycle, which is known to be much more suppressive to your HPTA than EQ, and you're implying that adding this test will avoid shutting you down.
NO! Adding test will shut you down much harder!! You will recover faster if you do NOT add test. Just do a proper PCT.
Why are you people spewing this non-sense?
08-24-2009, 07:20 PM #13
Ding Ding!!!
Exactly. I recall a member of this board who shared his bloodwork 6 weeks into a EQ only cycle and his free testosterone was still in normal range.
08-24-2009, 08:07 PM #14
Is there a test shortage? I mean really...
Test is needed for normal labido and immune function...
I just don't understand why all these no test cycles!
08-24-2009, 10:49 PM #15
1) Various compounds suppress your HPTA to varying degrees. You will never have zero test in your system.
2) You recover faster from compounds that are mild on your HPTA. Most don't need to run HCG during or after an oxandrolone or EQ cycle, and you can recover just using nolva and/or clomid.
3) People may not want the gains testosterone has to offer. Some people would rather have leaner more quality gains. Blowing up 20-25lbs being in a professional job is like wearing a big pink sign that says "Look at me...I'm juicing!". 30-50 year old men aren't supposed to grow like that in 12 weeks.
4) People may not want the pontential sides testosterone has to offer. It is a fairly potent androgen that accelerates hairline issues, body hair, acne, etc... It aromatizes so you are more prone to gyno and all of the associated side affects of estrogen such as bloat, and further suppression of your HPTA.
5) You may need ancillaries such as HCG and an AI, which make the cycle more complicated. HCG adds further estrogen so read #4 again.
6) Testosterone and tren are potent androgenic compounds. Adrogens are associated with CHD (cornary heart disease).
7) You may or may not have sexual dysfunction using EQ alone. Adding test is not always affective for some people in improving sex drive. My dick went in the dirt on tren and no amount of test could help it.
Again, I have done many EQ based cycles without test and my immune system is fine. I haven't had the flu in years, and never while on cycle. Moot point however, because there is never zero test in our system, and other compounds could do fine in support of our immmune system.
Hope that helps...Last edited by spooledup; 08-24-2009 at 10:52 PM.
08-25-2009, 05:37 AM #16
Im of the view that while a low dose of eq may not shut your hpta down 100%, a dose of 500+mgs pw or 12 will. Also remember that everyone is different, what may not shut you down may shut someone else down...
08-25-2009, 07:27 AM #19
Not enough to have a healthy functioning dick or immune system, otherwise there would be no need for PCT.
Say on a scale of 240-880 free test levels an average 25 year-old male who would normally produce ~750~ would be reduced after that cycle to a 140.
To a certain extent it is true and your nuts dont freaken' fall the F' off but your nuts will be shriveled up to such and extent that for your regular function they would be working as if it was zero...
08-25-2009, 08:33 AM #20
08-25-2009, 08:35 AM #21
What we can say is if you add testosterone you will definitely be shut down harder and recovery will be more difficult.
08-25-2009, 08:38 AM #22
Just because you get sick when you come off test doesn't mean everyone does. I never have. You have some other kind of issue going on. I've never heard of people consistently getting sick because of low test. See a doc.
If you can't understand why people don't want to run test based on what I wrote you're just being stubborn.
Edit: Btw, Var and EQ are very weak androgens. EQ is mostly anabolic .Last edited by spooledup; 08-25-2009 at 08:42 AM.
08-25-2009, 09:57 AM #23
Its not really just me kinda response.
I know how I react to diff aas.
You know how you react to diff aas.
The issue on most of these thread is the OP, my response is to let the OP know what possible issues may come from the given course of action. Here again its possible your dick works great on tren or what have you, however it is important that the OP knows the worse case. I hope no sides may comes from the course of action.
08-25-2009, 10:39 AM #24
I agree Dancer. As I mentioned in my first response, he could experience testicular atrophy and a fickle sex drive. He's going to get the atrophy whether he uses test or not, and even worse if he uses test. Adding test can only bring more sides with maybe the exception being more horny (which isn't always a good thing).
What I've noticed however, is people on this forum are quick to recommend test without discussing the potential negative affects, and I find that somewhat disconcerting.
I don't even think anyone asked his goals? Maybe he doesn't want as much mass as possible. Maybe he needs to make weight for some kind of competetion or something.
The main issue when using any AAS is a proper PCT. You can use any compound you want, as long as you know how to restore your HPTA after a cycle then it should be considered safe.
08-25-2009, 12:55 PM #25
Spooled Up LOVES THE DEBATE huh ?!?!
Dude it's common sense to use TEST at a TRT level no matter what kind of COMPOUND you are using... EVERYTHING IS SUPPRESIVE... Yes OBVIOUSLY TEST is Suppressive.. BUT !! It compensates for that BY putting synthetic TEST into your system to make sure YOU DO NOT LOSE YOU LIBIDO.. So that You are still in an environment to build muscle tissue.. an EQ only cycle is GOING TO SHUT YOU DOWN... Hence NO TEST ... NO TEST mean NO MUSCLE GAIN.. No Muscle gain ... means WASTE OF TIME and MONEY !!!
To include even a MINIMAL amount of TEST per cycle.. even just 100mgs EW which will replace the NATTY TEST exactly.. will allow your body to be in an environment of good standing to build muscle tissue.. I believe you would be BEST OFF running at least 300mgs EW .... but to each their own...
IF DONE PROPERLY... NO MATTER WHAT... When you finish a CYCLE you either A) Do a full standard PCT to get your body back to homeostasis to RETAIN GAINS And to make sure MR. HAPPY... Well.. STAYS HAPPY... or B) Return to your PRESCRIBED Amount of TRT (if you are on TRT--Like someone like ME)
To even recommend a cycle without TEST as a BASE is not only UNSAFE and UNWARRANTED... It's down RIGHT IGNORANT !!! You don't ever recommend that to anyone ever... This is people's endocrine system, and NEWBS coming on here for HELP are most likely going to do 1 of 2 things... 1) LISTEN TO THE ADVICE WE GIVE or 2) Do what THEY want regardless of our influence.. be that as it may.. We here like to try and steer people in the RIGHT direction so that they do not harm themselves or permanently damage their ENDOCRINE system....
So anyone RECOMMENDING (Not just saying you SPOOL) but ANYONE recommending a cycle WITHOUT a TEST base is just plain not educated enough to be using AAS in MY PERSONAL OPINION !!
If you are going to take the TIME and EFFORT to stick a needle into your body with JUST -- EQUIPOISE ... Have the common sense to keep your ENDOCRINE SYSTEM HEALTHY AND HAPPY by adding at MINIMUM A TRT dose of TESTOSTERONE ....
That's ALL I have to say on this issue.
08-25-2009, 02:00 PM #26
i had a friend of mine on 800mg a wk of eq for 16wks and var the 1st and last 4 wks of his cycle, he also decided not to run a pct. this was his firsdt cycle and he didnt want his results to be to noticeable at work or his fiance finding out. he had really lean gains, he was real happy with the cycle, no problems with his dick or anything and after about 6months now and no PCT he still didnt really lose any of his gains he made. I can keep my dick up just fine when im on no test and got deca in my system but i cant when i have no test and eq, ppls bodys respond to diff drugs very diff. Try ur Eq only cycle and have a bottle of test ready incase u neeed to run a low dose like 125mg a wk 200mg a wk ect just to keep u going. or fvck man eat sum cialis
08-25-2009, 02:18 PM #27
Deuce you need to read what I wrote. All of your comments have been previously made and addressed.
To say a cycle without test is unsafe is just plain ignorant. You will do MORE harm to your endocrine system by including test in an EQ cycle. You will be MORE suppressed and you will take LONGER to recover. End of story.
You have some kind of reading comprehension issues, and you like to argue without basis and facts. You just blindy parrot test without taking into consideration the goals of the user, or discussing the potential side affects of test. YOU are going to hurt someone with your ignorant advice.
08-25-2009, 02:52 PM #28
Do you have any studies that show adding test to another aas in a male will cause more potential negative affects? As you have stated prior test is an androgen and prior you stated it will shut you down worse than other chemicals, is there any data to support that.
I just do not agree with a few points. Adding test will not cause more mass gain that is a function of diet/lifting/sleep/cardio.
I also do not agree that low dosages of test will cause more harm when combined with another aas... But, I have learned from being on the boards to keep an open mind, If there is data to support the points I would like to study it.
I do fully agree with your point on PCT...
08-25-2009, 03:15 PM #29Banned
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08-25-2009, 03:21 PM #30
With regard to introducing exogenous test:
"Endogenous plasma testosterone was suppressed to near-castrate levels."
For androgen therapy, hemocrit levels rise generously as well as RBC counts. Increased hemocrit levels are very closely related to CHD. It's all summarized here, just read the first half of the page:
This could mean all of you on HRT are more likely to develop CHD.Last edited by spooledup; 08-25-2009 at 03:25 PM.
08-25-2009, 03:39 PM #31
The differential increase in RBC count is 200% more so for bold, more over I hate to point out if RBC is a factor you are stating in usage of test then you will have to contribute 200% increase if you use bold... I will pull the study... That is also public knowledge that usage of EQ dramatically increase red blood cell count... but that is not the point.
Can you answer this from prior:
1Do you have any studies that show adding test to another aas in a male will cause more potential negative affects? As you have stated prior test is an androgen and prior you stated it will shut you down worse than other chemicals, is there any data to support that.
I just do not agree with a few points. Adding test will not cause more mass gain that is a function of diet/lifting/sleep/cardio.
2I also do not agree that low dosages of test will cause more harm when combined with another aas... But, I have learned from being on the boards to keep an open mind, If there is data to support the points I would like to study it.
Both studies listed do not answer any of the questions...
08-25-2009, 04:13 PM #32
If you're suggesting that adding test to an oxandrolone cycle will not suppress you anymore than doing oxandrolone alone, or if you're suggesting that adding test to an EQ only cycle will not suppress you anymore than EQ alone, then you need to do some basic research.
I doubt you'd find a study that detailed because it's simply a waste of time and money. You'll be suppressed to the level of the most highly suppressive AAS you use. Are you really suggesting otherwise? If that's true, a test only cycle, which is highly recommended on this board, would be one of the most highly suppressive.
It is common knowledge that various DHT and testosterone derived hormones suppress you to varying degrees. Just the majority of the testimony of people that have posted in this thread that have used EQ alone (including myself) verifies it's lightly suppressive.
Do you have any studies showing that the addition of exogenous testosterone inconjuction with other known mildy HPTA suppressive AAS does NOT further suppress your HPTA? This is the question that makes more sense.
08-25-2009, 04:27 PM #33
Here again can you post studies that suggest just EQ is less suppressive than Test? Define mildly suppressive and post studies to prove the point?
There is no studies and I have looked for them for years that suggest EQ is less suppressive than test. But, here again I am open minded please prove the point...
08-25-2009, 04:38 PM #34
Here again can you show studies that show testosterone is less suppressive than EQ? Define suppressive. Show me the length of the study and the different concentrations over time.
There is no studies and I have looked for them for years that suggest testosterone is less suppressive than EQ. But I'm open minded please prove the point.
08-25-2009, 04:47 PM #35
There is not any studies or cases that show testosterone is less or more suppressive than boldenone and that is the point that I
I would never suggest that one exogenious aas is more suppressive or less suppressive than another.
I did not make that point.
There is also no studies to back any of your points.
You have thus far answered none of the questions.
Well, you answered questions with questions, which is not a debate. Either prove the point or state that you can not.
08-25-2009, 05:14 PM #36
You suggested adding testosterone will not further suppress you over an EQ cycle. You have not proved your point.
Prove that all AAS suppress equally. Where is your research? You just made a point, now back it up.
You haven't answered any of the points with valid data. Prove the point or state you cannot.
An extremely good and interesting debate...
Whats important to remember is that everyone reacts in a different way to any compound, weather it be test or eq.. I suffer very few sides when on test and love the stuff, i could not imagen a cycle without it...
Ive run a couple of cycles in the past that didnt contain test and loss of libido was a serious problem for me...
I still believe that a 12 week cycle of eq at 500+mgs pw will shut you down and i also believe its a complete shut down.. But i too am all ears if others can prove otherwise...
08-25-2009, 05:40 PM #38
This is exactly how I feel. If it didn't cause a complete shutdown..... guys would be using it as a bridge..... kinda like how people justify using 10mg's of dbol as a bridge.....
08-25-2009, 05:46 PM #39
Here is something else I been thinking.....
All steroids are a derivative of testosterone . When EQ is injected..... the body's response will be to shutdown natty test production to compensate for the "EXTRA" thats being introduced. Why would you inject a small ammount of EQ and raise your test levels JUST high enough to shut down your natty production. If it's "barely" shutting you down..... then you're better off not running anything at all.....
Hence the use of test while on cycle. If you are injecting 125mg's of test EW - you will be replacing what you're going to lose whether you use EQ alone or not. Since you're replacing it..... the EQ will raise your test levels higher than "normal"
What i am trying to say is..... running an EQ only cycle (unless maybe running 800mg's/wk) is like running 125mg's of test a week. Why would i run a replacement dosage of test to screw up my HPTA when I could stay natty and hae the same levels.
I hope i projected that right LOL
08-25-2009, 05:52 PM #40
When you inject EQ..... your intent is to raise your testosterone levels . If you're testosterone levels raise.... your body will cut down production to keep them at a "normal" level.
So even if you're arguement that it doesn't suppress you as bad is true..... than it's leveling your levels out to a normal level. Rendering it as good as not using anything.....
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