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Thread: +++Frequently Asked Questions!+++

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    +++Frequently Asked Questions!+++

    This helped me so much, I had to post it for the bros here at AR

    Written By CMC

    Question #1
    I am interested in trying steroids but do not know where to begin?

    If you?re interesting in learning about anabolic steroids, peptides, and ancillaries or related, your best option is to start reading as much as possible. Much information can be found on this web site alone, as well as using your own search functions such as Google and Yahoo.

    Step #1 Read the FAQs

    Step #2 Read and understand the profiles of the various different types of steroids

    Step #3 Use your best judgement based on what facts you can find. There are many myths out their regarding steroids and peptides and should be taken with a grain of salt. With that said, there is also a whole lot of truth out there, obviously. Once you have a decent knowledge base, you can make your own opinions based on what research you have done.

    Step #4 There are basics to using steroids properly. Granted everyone responds differently, there is no sense in trying something that 90% of steroid users tell you not to do, and to go and try it to see if its true or not. There have been thousands of mistakes made by users and with the information available, we all try to stop the newcomers from making the same mistakes. Stick with what works and try your best to abide by the common bro-science ?laws? of safe use and not abuse.

    Question #2
    I'm not yet 21, should I use steroids ?
    HELL NO. Plain and simple. Steroids WILL, not may, WILL stunt your growth. They close the epiphysial plates in your bones and stop all possibility of attaining a greater height. Further more using steroids during puberty, when you are dealing with an already very unstable endocrine system can have severe consequences in the long run: Erectile dysfunction (impotence), loss of libido and even infertility! I assume most men in their late teens and twenties hope to have children some day and lead a long and fulfilling sex life, so steroids before the age of 21: NO!

    Questions about steroids by teens may well be ignored.

    If you are a teenager wondering about steroids, heed this advice. Read the boards, absorb the knowledge and learn so you can use them properly when you are old enough. But for your own good steer clear of them now. For once and for all, use your mind, we have nothing to gain or lose by telling you not to use them.
    Not only are there the above mentioned physical issues specific to teenagers who decide to use, there are also mental aspects to consider. Your brain is still developing pathways and settling into it's normal functions well into your early 20's. Causing rounds of hormonal imbalance during this time can leave you with lasting depression, anxiety, or anger control issues.

    Question #3
    Are steroids magic? Will they make me ?Jacked??
    They are merely effective hormonal supplements. They increase the rate of protein synthesis in the body, but to synthsize protein one still needs to take in enough protein and take care of his energy needs with fats and carbs. Those thinking that steroids will get them out of the rut their bad diets have created are sorely mistaken. A steroid user needs a minimum of experience because his diet will take a lot more work than the diet of a natural athlete. We are talking in excess of 25 calories per pound of bodyweight daily, where 18-22 will suffice for a natural. And most can't even make that. Large amounts of protein, especially, needs to be consumed. Upwards of 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight daily. Steroids do not cause growth, they merely speed up the process and stretch it to supra-physiological levels, working with the means they have. And those means are the food you consume.


    Question #4
    Why should I wait to use steroids before reaching my natural limit?

    Well lets say you need to be close to it. This has a lot to do with the previous points and for two reasons. The first being that if you are not near your natural limit, there is no way you tried enough variations in your diet to assume you are ready to use steroids.

    The second reason is that if you cannot attain a near natural limit, you simply do not possess the nutritional skills to make steroids work to their maximum. The result being that you will waste a lot of money, get lots of side-effects, but not the gains you were hoping for.

    Question #5
    Why should I have all of my gear, syringes, and PCT prior to beginning my cycle?

    Ordering steroids in many small packages reduces the cost of each package and reduces the chance of a large amount being seized. Do not however, start a cycle with your first package if the rest has not arrived. Breaks in a cycle can be hazardous to recovery, mass retention and your entire endocrine system, often with disastrous long-term consequences. If your package does not arrive, or does not arrive on time, you will have to stop your cycle, stay off as long as you were on and start again from square one.

    This goes for ancillary drugs as well. All of us are quite sick of hearing from kids that their cycle is almost over, yet they don't have Nolva /clomid to help them kick natural test back in after the cycle. Sorry, that's not our problem, its something that would not have happened had you done some basic research first. DO NOT post such stupid questions on the board. We will keep a two strikes and you're out; record, meaning the first time you get a warning, the second time you get banned.

    Question #6
    What sort of gains should I expect ?
    This question cannot be answered by anyone but YOU! It is highly dependent on numerous things such as the gear itself, genetics, nutrition, training, sleep..etc. One person may gain 10lbs whereas another may gain 30lbs. It varies from person to person,

    Question #7
    Do i need something to bring my natural test levels up after a test cycle?
    This should go without saying. If you were thinking of asking this question, take it from me, you are not ready to start using steroids. After a cycle of steroids your natural sex hormone levels will be severely suppressed due to a mechanism called negative feedback. To preserve gains and keep a mentally and physically healthy life-style, you need to get your testosterone levels back on line. When a deficit of steroids in the body has occurred, it will attempt to make natural testosterone again. But unfortunately steroid levels do not drop off, usually there is an estrogen rebound which prolongs the negative feedback. Estrogen of course will not suffice to keep your gains. So the need of an estrogen antagonist is needed post-cycle, either Clomid (clomiphene citrate) or Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate).

    During longer or very suppressive cycles (Deca, long term test, trenbolone) your testicles may begin to shrink heavily due to disuse. this may make it harder to make natural test right off the bat. In such cases it is advised you use HCG as well to bring back the size of the testicles first.

    Question #8
    When should I use Clomid or Nolvadex for this purpose ? How long and how much ?

    This depends first of all on the products used. Specifically what the longest acting product was in teh cycle. If you used only orals or test suspension or winstrol injections, then you need to start Clomid/Nolva therapy immediately afterwards. If short esters like propionate or acetate were used, then start 4-6 days after your last shot. If you use long esters (enanthate, undecylenate, undecanoate, decanoate, enanthate/heptylate, ...) then start therapy 10-14 days after your last shot.

    For Clomid start with 100 mg/day for 1 week, then 50 mg/day for 3 more weeks. With nolvadex, which should be given preference, start with 50 mg/day for 1 week and 25 mg/day for 3 more weeks. In both cases that is 4 weeks. ( Many different PCT protocols. Research what is best)
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 08-24-2009 at 07:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Question #9
    When, how and how much HCG should I use ?

    Again, consult the appropriate profile for more detailed information prior to use. But basically the idea is to start as soon as your cycle is over, or even the last week of the cycle. Take 4 shots over 20 days, 3000/3000/1500/1500 IU respectively, taken every 5 days. For this method, inject intra-muscularly. HCG can also be injected subcutanously but that requires more injections.

    For shorter cycle bouts, an amount of 500Ius once every 5 days or so totaling 1500-3000Ius in all seems to be very beneficial. Although HCG is not a necessity during cycle, it can greatly benefit a speedy recovery.

    Another, equally as effective method for HCG usage is weekly during your cycle. 250iu-500iu in one or two shots every week will keep atrophy from occurring.

    Two things to note : HCG is suppressive of natural testosterone, so make sure your Nolvadex or Clomid therapy lasts at least 2 weeks longer than your HCG therapy. NEVER do an HCG run without the concomitant use of Clomid or Nolvadex.

    HCG in high doses or during long term use (longer than 25 days or higher than 5000 IU per shot) can have a reverse effect and may hinder your recovery, stick to the above protocol.

    HCG comes in two vials, once vials are mixed, it needs to be kept refridgerated.

    *The above protocol varies, an amount of 500IU every 4-5 days can be found to be sufficient enough for 4-6 weeks during the end of cycle up til PCT begins. Some may find the above amounts (3000,1500 ie) too high a dose but seems to not be overkill if being used for a short period. There are many methods and everyone will respond differently to each, be safe and see what works best.

    Question #10
    I heard you can drink Injectable winstrol / D-bol. Is this true ? Are the results the same ?
    This is one question all of us are REALLY sick of hearing.Winstrol (stanazolol) and D-bol (methandrostenolone) are both 17-alpha-alkylated steroids. 17-alpha-alkylation is a structural alteration that allows the steroid to withstand degradation in the liver and makes them orally available. So YES, these steroids can be taken orally.

    Note 1 : The efficacy of this method is equal to taking an oral winstrol or D-bol preparation. Usually this is 75-80% of the efficacy one would get when injecting. Most are willing to accept 1/5th less gains or will take 1/5th more of the product because taking it orally is still easier than daily injections

    Note 2 : These products are toxic to the liver. When injected they only pass the liver once, so they are a little less toxic. When ingested, only use them for 6 weeks on end and then stay away from them for 14 weeks. This goes for all 17AA steroids.

    Note 3 : Not all injectable steroids can be taken orally, only 17AA steroids (D-bol, Winstrol, Anavar, Anadrol) and 1-methylated substances (Proviron and Primobolan). Other injectables will yield only 4-6% of their injectable capacity.

    Question #11
    I'm planning a cycle with only D-bol. How should I use it ? What gains can I expect ?

    This is without a DOUBT the stupidest question we hear here every day. Oral steroids only are not the way to go. Because they are extremely hazardous to the liver, lethal even in the long run, they can only be used for short periods and require extensive off periods. No mentionable amount of mass can be built during the short cycle and no mentionable amount of mass can be retained during the long off periods.

    With D-bol or Anadrol its twice as bad. The gains are mostly estrogen mediated. That means lots of bloat and water, fat gain, easy to lose your gains (never expect to keep more than half from a D-bol only cycle, even if your diet is perfect) and so forth. D-bol is part of any good bulking cycle , but D-bol alone IS NOT A CYCLE.

    For safe and maintainable gains you need to inject.

    Question #12
    I'm afraid of injecting, I don't know how to do it. What should I do.
    Injecting is childsplay. Basically you pierce the skin with the needle, when it gets a little tougher, you've hit muscle. push through it. Now pull back on the plunger. If no blood enters the syringe, inject. If blood enters the syringe, pull the needle back slightly and then inject. Always make sure the muscle you inject into is relaxed. if you inject into the glute, you NEED to sit down to make the muscle relax if you inject yourself but stand up when someone else injects it. With the quad, make sure the knee is bent.

    You can learn how to inject here, including all types of spot injections :

    www. s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m (remove spaces)

    Spot injections for local growth only work, and even then not very well, with water based or esterless hormones. Spot injecting oil based substances is just another way to keep your sites fresh and free from oil buildup.

    If you are still scared, have someone else do it for you.

    This is a .pdf file and you need to RIGHT CLICK and "save target as" directly to your computer and read through Adobe Acrobat or print out. Thanks for the heads up Humannkid

    When injecting any irritating substance, oil based steroids are irritants, do not massage the injection site directly after you shoot. Light pressure with a swab to stem any bleeding is OK, but not pushing hard on the site and "kneading".

    Question #13
    I can't get any needles. How do you expect me to inject ?

    This is the lamest excuse there is. Syringes and needles are legal over the counter products in 99% of the world.
    What size needle should I use ?

    For glute and even quad injections a 23 G will suffice, 1 to 1.5 inch. The longer for the glute injections. For spot injections, the use of a 25 or even a 27 G is recommended. Its more comfortable.
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 08-24-2009 at 03:35 PM.

  3. #3
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    Jun 2008
    Question #15
    What are my nutritional requirements when using anabolic steroids ?

    I think this is perhaps a question that should be asked MORE often. People seem to think that steroids are the magic bullet and that they can slack off with diet and training. Nothing can be further from the truth. To use steroids correctly, you should be near your natural limit of muscle growth. That never makes things easier. You will have to eat even more to gain muscle, 25 calories per pound of bodyweight and 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound over 6-7 meals daily.

    If you are dieting to lose fat, that' is another matter. You should deprive yourself of calories while still keeping protein as high as possible, in the 1.5-2g/lb range. In such a state you WILL NOT gain ANY muscle. The use of Anabolic steroids in such conditions is only the preservation of lean mass while trying to lose fat with a catabolic condition.

    Question #16
    I want to use Winstrol, my friends say it will get me "cut" !

    FALSE!!! Steroids do not cause any serious degree of fat loss. Steroid use during dieting phases is only to preserve lean mass. Not to cause fat loss.

    Question #17
    I cannot obtain steroids locally. I'm a little worried about ordering on the Internet. Are there any precautions I should take ?

    we do not endorse sources nor will we direct you on where to find them or how to tell if they are legit. We are only here for sharing of information related to health, diet, training, and the chemistry of steroid usage.

    Legal matters.
    Carry around a copy of the ACLU Bust Card which outlines your rights and civil liberties and what can and cannot occur during an arrest.

    If you need legal assistance, contact Rick Collins who should be able to offer you his services or refer you to a lawyer who can help.

    Question #18
    I have some gear, but I'm not sure if it is real. How can I tell whether it is fake or not ?

    Take a high-resolution picture and post it on the forum and list what it supposedly is including content and concentration. Make sure the photos are high resolution and can be easily seen and not blurry. You can upload them to ImageShack® - Image Hosting or other free image hosting providers or simply attach them to the message. You will need to use HTML to post an image in the steroids section. ImageShack will generate this code for you. ** MAKE SURE the lab names are not listed. Human/Vet grade labs are okay to be discussed and shown.

    Question #19
    What is the safest steroid I can use to make the best gains ?

    Side-effects caused by steroids are either of an androgenic or an estrogenic nature. The gains caused by steroids come from the activation of androgen or estrogen receptors. In essence that means reducing the side-effects is the same as reducing the gains. So you need to know what you want, good gains or a safe cycle. Every steroid has a risk of side-effects as well, there is no safe steroid and there is no one safest steroid.

    The best advice I can give in this regard is to make a choice which side-effects bother you most, estrogenic or androgenic, and then attempt to eliminate those as best you can. But you will have to come to terms with the risks eventually. if you cannot deal with the fact that you may (because side-effects are rarer than you think if you use responsibly) experience side-effects, then you are not ready for steroids. Either your gains mean more to you, or they do not. Make the choice.

    Question #20
    How should I store my gear ? Does it need to be refrigerated ?

    This question comes in many regards. To new gear, to multi-dose vials etc. The plain and simple fact is, you need to store them in a cool, dry and dark place. Like a basement for example. Refrigeration is not necessary unless you basement is hotter than 65 degrees or is very humid. Possible exceptions are of course Growth Hormone, which is best kept refrigerated and HCG. HCG comes in two vials, and they can be kept just like any other steroid. But once the vials are mixed, if its a multi-dose and there is some left, it needs to be kept refrigerated. That's the reason it comes in two vials, so it wouldn't have to be kept in the fridge.

    Question #21
    How many mg go in 1 ml ? How much is one CC ? Etc.
    Questions of this nature usually go back to education. If they didn't teach you this in junior high, then you live in the retarded parts of the world. but lets go over them anyway, simply because I know how much this question is asked.

    1 cc is one cubic centimeter. 1 ml is 1 milliliter. They are exactly the same. 1 cc = 1 ml. These are volumetric assignments according to the metric system, the system used by 95% of the world. They indicate a volume, not a weight.

    1 mg is 1 milligram. Its a weight measurement. In exact weight one could compare 1000 mg of any substance to 1 ml of any fluid, but depending on the substance and the fluid this will slightly differ. there is no exact match between weight and volume. The amount of mg per ml is always smaller than 500 or otherwise it would no longer be liquid. But basically it can range from 1 mg to 400 mg for every ml. It depends on the product and should be listed on the vial or amp. If it states 250 mg/ml then 1 ml or 1 CC contains exactly 250 mg. No more, no less. If it states 20 mg/ml, then each ml or each CC contains 20 mg. And so on. ITS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU COMPREHEND THAT THE AMOUNTS OF MG PER ML WILL DIFFER FOR EVERY PRODUCT, AND THAT THERE IS NO RELATION BETWEEN WEIGHT AND VOLUME.

    1 mcg or 1 µg is 1 microgram. A measurement 1000 times smaller than a mg. Clenbuterol and T3 for example are expressed in such small amounts. basically one can state that 1 mcg = 0.001 mg.
    So if your clenbuterol is 20 mcg, then its the same as 0.02 mg

    1 IU is an international Unit. This is product-specific, because this number will differ for every substance. 1 IU of Vitamin D is not the same amount as 1 Iu of HCG. And so forth. IU's are always different and can only be expressed in reference to 1 and the same product.

  4. #4
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    Question #22
    How should I dispose of needles ?

    ok, not the most posed question, but some nice info to pass along nonetheless, courtesy of ctgblue. But I will let him do the talking, here is a link to the thread. Good info and a must read for anyone that uses more than just the casual cycle. Careful disposal is a necessary contribution to society and goes a long way towards public acceptance of steroid use :

    It is always wise to use a sharps container. In some jurisdictions they also allow syringe exchanges.

    Question #23
    You guys seem to stress nutrition a lot in successful steroid use. Unlike most people, I'm smart and do really want this to pay off and I plan on eating adequately to grow good muscle. But my appetite isn't that big. What can I do ?

    Many guys seem to have a problem of eating enough calories to help them grow. Training/lifting doesn?t seem to be a problem, neither does taking the ?supplements?. Knowledge of supplements is so prevalent on the message boards that anyone can easily get the info they need with a simple click of the mouse. Nutrition on the other hand, is the most difficult aspect of bodybuilding. It takes up hours of your day, every day. It is also the most neglected aspect of our sport because it is: time consuming, expensive and lets face it, boring.
    The guys that take this sport seriously all realize that consuming enough good calories is what separates the men from the boys. There is no humanly possible way that a man can add 100 or more pounds of lean body weight to his frame without eating high calorie multiple meals thru-out the day.
    Most guys will admit that it is a daunting task. ?How can I continue to eat when I feel full or not hungry at all??. Well, that is what this article is all about. I will let you in on a time proven method of increasing your appetite that is 100% natural, no supplements or pharmaceuticals are necessary.

    The trick is in knowing how to make yourself hungry. If you have to force yourself to eat when you don?t feel hungry, it becomes a burden and you will certainly fail.

    The first step:
    Forget about the traditional way of eating. 3 meals per day just wont cut it (unless you are one of the genetically gifted few). A minimum of 6 meals will soon become your habit.

    For the first 5 days, I want you to eat every hour. YES EVERY HOUR !!!. Its not as bad as you think. Not full meals every hour, but small portions of anything.
    1 apple, ½ peanut butter sandwich, ½ protein shake, chocolate bar, banana.
    Quality of the foods you eat in these 5 days is not as important as the fact of actually eating something. It must be small enough to not fill you, even if you are still hungry, don?t eat. Let your stomach get used to the small hourly snack/feeding. By the 3rd or 4th day you find yourself starving, craving for that snack. Your metabolism will also start to adjust to your new eating habit. Rather than storing calories to hold you over till your next feeding in 4 or 5 hours (like you used to do), it will come to expect another feeding in a short period. Thus, send more calories to be burned for energy, or for muscle recuperation from your work outs. Can you now see the opportunity for body fat reduction?

    After getting your body used to the hourly feedings, you are going to find yourself hungry just about all the time. The logical step for the next 5 day period, is to start eating more at each snack time. But rather than eating every hour, spread the time out to every 90mins (1 ½ hour) or 105mins (1 hour 45mins).

    Continue with this process of 5 day periods until your are eating a full meal every 2 ½ or 3 hours minimum.

    Eating a lot is not easy. Food preparation of your 6 daily meals takes up a lot of time.
    An answer method for gaining is multiplying your body weight by 15-17 and this # is your given calories to begin. As you gain more weight and more muscle, your body needs a higher calorie intake, and you need to increase accordingly. High protein, moderate to high fats and moderate carbs is a solid macro-nutrient plan when cycling and trying to put on mass. % will vary dependent on your goal and the gear being used, but both gaining and losing can come from ALL compounds. The so-called ?cutting? or ?bulking? is not from the compounds chosen, but your diet!

    Question #24
    I am being drug tested for my new job next week. Will they be testing for steroids?

    99 times out of 100 a corporate company is NOT testing for steroids. They are testing for opiates amphetamines and other recreation drugs. Steroid testing is very costly and these places would have to spend extra money testing for something that is not all to common in the business world. Now if you are joining the armed forces or some type of professional sports team then there may be a chance of testing, however a normal job does not test for this.

    However, if you are concerned about being tested TestClear sells many detox products, and other merchandise to help pass a drug test.

    The normal military screening has been adjusted to include "any prescription substance with a propensity for abuse". This does mean that they will catch you for your pct drugs and some oral steroids will show up in the standard, non aas specific, whiz quiz.

    Question #25
    How can I ensure my source is legit?There is no way to ensure 100% that a source will come through for you. Good sources do go bad, usually without any warning at all. Sometimes sources have problems and products take longer to ship out than usual (sometimes several months), hence why you should always plan ahead of time and never start a cycle without all your gear/ancilleries in hand. Always contact the source's references and ask them about the source.

    Source checks will not be answered at

    Question #26
    I am under 18, why can’t I post here?.

    This is as much for your protection as it is our's and this site's. We would not like to deal with the legal ramifications of advising teens on the usage of illegal substances.

    Question #27
    Should I massage my shots?NO. oil based substances are irritants, not only should you not be massaging the injection site, but for every shot you should be using the z-track method of injection.
    Having the oil seep to the subcutaneous layers increases the chances of a sterile or nonsterile abcess as well as cellulitis or general irritation of the area.
    You want to inject deep(no 5/8" pins), and keep the oil in one spot.
    massaging the area of a shot can force the oil up the needle track(it doesn't close up near as fast as you think) into the sub-q area. It can also force it along the muslce fascia and through the fibers causing damage as it goes leading to more scar tissue and the possibility of deep tissue irritation as well. No one wants a swollen knee or elbow, do you?

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    You should give the person credit who wrote that.....

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Good read.

    You simply dont need 150mg/ED of Clomid. 25mg/ED has been shown to raise endogenous testosterone by 146%.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You should give the person credit who wrote that.....
    The guys name is CMC from musclediscussion. Guy knows his shit.

  8. #8
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by xnotoriousx View Post
    The guys name is CMC from musclediscussion. Guy knows his shit.
    So add that to the beginning or end...Originaly writen/posted by....gotta give him his credit

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Good read.

    You simply dont need 150mg/ED of Clomid. 25mg/ED has been shown to raise endogenous testosterone by 146%.
    I agree, Clomid and Letro were 2 of the nastiest chemicals Ive ever used.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  10. #10
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    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    So add that to the beginning or end...Originaly writen/posted by....gotta give him his credit
    Added in there... This is a great read for any level user in my opinion.. Almost covers everything you need to know.

  11. #11
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    sticky please

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by arenawarrior View Post
    sticky please
    Just need to keep it bumped for all the less experienced people. There's so many people that could have avoided the "wish I wouldn't have or woulda done this or known about that before I fckd myself up" stories.

    There's tons of them and all you have to do is just read and understand before you make any actions and then you're GOOD TO GO!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I agree, Clomid and Letro were 2 of the nastiest chemicals Ive ever used.
    Clomid at 150 ED for 1 week was one of the worst experiences I have had!!! Terrible terrible mood swings, headaches and just a nasty feeling that I can't really describe.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Good read.

    You simply dont need 150mg/ED of Clomid. 25mg/ED has been shown to raise endogenous testosterone by 146%.
    Changed the PCT part around. PCT is one thing that many people do differentally, so the best thing to do is do your research and find what you think is best. Post up your PCT plans in the PCT section and get a critique if in doubt.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    nice definitely helpful bro.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    nice definitely helpful bro.
    Anybody on this board who has a clue about this stuff owes it to guys like T-MOS to pitch in and try to keep the young and unexperienced from hurting themselves.

  17. #17
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  18. #18
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaliPhotog View Post
    Clomid at 150 ED for 1 week was one of the worst experiences I have had!!! Terrible terrible mood swings, headaches and just a nasty feeling that I can't really describe.
    Im with you, I could watch a sad movie and would have to hold back tears. I also had the blurred vision, always thought I saw something out the corner of my eye. Also right when it started to get dark I couldnt see very well at all. Letro destroyed my sex drive in a week, I had none, that makes you feel worthless to say the least !

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  19. #19
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    Jun 2008
    I'm going to run the lowest dose recommended for clomid because I hear so many horror stories

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Upstate, SC
    This is great. Thanks for posting this. Really great stuff for any level user.

  21. #21
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    Aug 2009
    Monroe LA
    Newbie, just read it,and glad i did !!!!!!!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by topherhinton View Post
    newbie, just read it,and glad i did !!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 08-27-2009 at 12:03 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Last edited by xnotoriousx; 08-31-2009 at 07:50 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I know there's more that should see this.

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