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Thread: Dangers of Steroids for Novice Lifters???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Dangers of Steroids for Novice Lifters???

    What are the dangers of using anabolic steroids if you are still a beginner lifter? I ask this b/c I used to work out about 2 years ago for about 1 year and then stopped for 1 year. Now I have been back at the gym for about 4 months now. I would like to get on juice as quick as possible, not because I am impatient but b/c now is a good time b/c I can avoid any complications at my job (i.e possible testing).

    I am 5-10, 160 lbs, with a pretty weak lift right now. I have already gained about 10 lbs in the 4 months by eating (with a couple of N-large shakes and lifting). My main purpose is to gain mass in the range of 20 lbs plus or minus a couple of lbs. I can assure everybody that although I did leave the gym for 1 year, I am committed to hitting the weights 3-5 times per week. I can scarf anywhere between 3000 calories (on high-quality foods) to 5000 calories (which would include some junk/fatty fast foods). My bench is the weakest part of my routine right now.

    Are there any real risks of starting a cycle of Test/EQ/D-bol/Arimidex right now? Without talking about my comittment etc, are there any physical/health risks? At this stage, can I notice the gains that I want by working out 3-5 times and eating the diet above? If anybody has knowledge about this, I would appreciate your help. If you are someone who started a cycle as a beginning/novice lifter, please put in your 2 cents.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    If Leo DeCaprio can do it for his new movie you can do it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    I am not a doctor or a long term AS user but have been there and seen some things, My experiences were 1)deca = cock and ball shrinkage along with no sex drive 2)test= high blood pressure, problems sleeping, severe acne- post cycle 3)D-bol= just post acne, but my concious of dosing a substance considered to be toxic to the liver, however though with other supplements taken during and after AS most of these things can be avoided. What are your dosages? Your combo should'nt give you much trouble, the test will make you horny with some blood psi. elevation, the eq. will make you hungry alot, and the dbol will get you excited because if they are administered at the beginning of your cycle you should see some gains real quick. The others take a little while. Just try to avoid mixing alcohol with d-bol=toxic. Once again your dosages mean alot when deternining AS effectiveness and amount of side effects. HAVE FUN

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The dangers are so many... I can think of a few and I am sure we can rattle them off throughout this thread...

    - You don't know how to train. I don't care if you THINK you do, you don't. Not after only a few months. Learning basic theories and principles is an evolution that you go through.

    - You don't know what works best for you. Everything seems to work when you use AAS - so you never really learn what get's you results. And if you don't know what gets you results, how are you suppose to maximize your efforts and keep your gains?

    - Joints and ligaments are suddenly forced to take a heavier load than what they are trained for, and the muscles out grow them. These fragile guys need time to gro and strengthen. Adding 50lbs to a 350lbs bench is okay for an avanced athlete - but quickly adding 50lbs to a 135lbs bench is too much for a beginner.

    - It goes on and on... gear is NOT A CRUTCH. It is a tool to be used correctly. It's like me asking you this, "Why give your 4-year-old a Big Wheel when he/she could go so much faster on a Motorcycle?"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    I beleive warrior sums it up pretty nicely. Learn what works for your body naturally first, then get into the heavy stuff. Your prior year of training has been pretty much wipped out, it is like you are starting as a newbe. With the proper training and nutrition you can probably get AAS like returns due to your training stage. Why waste your money on AAS now, save them for later.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hey jobedog, how long were you lifting for before you went on juice? How much did you weight/lift before and after your first cycle?

    Warrior, I appreciate your input. I understand where you are coming from. Although I definitely would like to wait it out, I will be starting in a new job further down the line that may require drug testing. That is why I would like to do it sooner rather than later, so that I have adequate time to get it out of my system.

    In terms of my cycle, I would probably do per week:
    300mg Test Enanth.
    400mg EQ
    30mg D-bol
    Arimidex during cycle
    Clomid post cycle (haven't decided on amounts yet for these 2)

    I would hope to gain 20 lbs from it using the routine in my original post?Does anybody see any health dangers in this cycle? Warrior mentioned joint damage, which I will definitely consider before I commit. Also, money isn't a huge factor for me. My future job will pay reasonably well and I still live at home with parents so have a lot of disposable income (if it doesn't go on AS, it will go to some other junk anyway). So if I could get 20 lbs, I would consider it money well spent.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I never used Eq so i can't really comment on it, but that cycle that you just outlined looks pretty miled to me. You may aswell bump the test up too 400mg wk. How long are you gonna run the d-bol? I would go ahead and bump the d-bol up to around 40mg e/d for 4-5 wks But 30mg will do fine.

    Warrior is right about joint damage, I advise upping the weight in 10lb increments a week. I know you will be able to prolly up it more then that, but you will risk injury. Get plenty of Vitamine C for tissue repair, and of course your liver supps.

    You will see that 20lbs if your diet is in check

    Is your job gonna test for gear?

    Peace out

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    bro no flame here but 5 10 160 you too small to start a cycle now.wait untill you are 180 at least,but if you are not looking to far ahead then start and you will get some nice results too.KEEP IN MIND TEST SHOULD BE THE BASE OF ALL YOUR CYCLES NOW.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    Time out. What job is going to test for steroids? That's an expensive test - i've never heard of anyone ever being tested for steroids on a standard job interview. Unless you're trying out for the olympics I don't think you've got anything to worry about. You do want to avoid pot/cocaine/heroine/speed/pcp before that drug test. You can do tons of steroids right up until a drug test for them and still get by if you take the right stuff. It sounds like an excuse to me. Not an excuse to us but to yourself. You're convincing your smarter side that you really ought to do it now. You really do need to spend more time in the gym before juicing up.

    Other than that your doses are OK. That's enough for a first cycle for someone your size. Run it 8 to 10 weeks. At least spend a few months working out hard and get to your top shape before you do it although I really do think you should stash the gear for later on down the road - a few years from now.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Hey bro, you gained 10lbs in 4 months naturally, it took me seven years to get that!, and I eat and train like a mad man, I am one commited Mofo! But I'm a hard gainer and I had no other choice but to juice, but if you can add 10lbs in 4 months, keep going naturally bro, see what you can do with your natural ability to gain first. Train for at least 3 more years before you consider you cycle* Oh, and juice isn't a quick fix, I have only gained a couple lbs in 9 months, but I'm happy with that, jut don't let the hype get your hopes up, juice ain't magic, it just helps a little.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I say if your a novice weight lifter you still got awhile to go I went till my body peaked then i started AAS good things come to those who wait you will get big if you diet good and train hard dont worry about aas right now just get as big as you can and when you think you are at your peak in a couple of years then you can think about using it aas is not something you can just jump into just cause you think your weak everyone is weak when they first start out well at least i was if your one of those people who are lucky enough i have the geins the hell im jelous but good luck on whatever you do.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Any input from ppl who started a cycle when they were a novice lifter? Or does anyone else have something to say?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Oh yeah. I'm not totally sure that there is steroid testing in my new job. I do know that there is random drug testing, but do not yet know what will be tested for.

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