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Thread: Why is it considered wrong to use AS before achiving ones genetic potential???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Wales (UK)

    Question Why is it considered wrong to use AS before achiving ones genetic potential???

    ...The typical answer I seem to hear to this question is "If you can't gain naturally, you won't be able to hold onto what your gain 'artificially', so don't bother." I.e. Your diet & training must suck etc etc.

    But what if this isn't the case? - For example, a male with an initial bodyweight of 130lbs, trains naturally for 1-2 years, and slowly but surely gets himself up to 170lbs. So basically, he now has a fairly good foundation of knowledge of what works well for himself in terms of diet & training, and yet, he is still a good 30+lbs away from his genetic potential.

    So what, ethically, scientifically, and practically is wrong with him now making the decision to incorporate Steroids to assist/speed further progression???

    Cheers y'all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    That is for people who want a shortcut aka magic pill, and this being a anonymous board... noone knows if they have that knowledge of diet and training... so its more of a safety thing because if use improperly and w/o proper training before hand gear can increase the chance of serious injury (torn tendons, ligaments, muscles from over training) and with out proper diet (HBP, and strain on your body) and being unhealthy (high bf%, lack of "inshapeness")... gear can be dangerous...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    New York
    how can you know if you've reached your genetic potential?...that doesn't make sense...there's no real way to tell......but to try and answer...because its just not necessary don't need to spend the money i guess even though it still would greatly help...people think its unethical cuz you would assume that person is young?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I honestly do NOT believe that you have to be at your UTMOST genetic potential to start a cycle of AAS... but, you would have to be in decent shape.. a LOW BODY FAT PERCENTAGE...

    Mainly the reason it is recommended is because if you aren't in shape then odds are you DON'T KNOW HOW TO EAT, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TRAIN... So using AAS isn't going to HELP YOU IN ANY WAY !! It will do more HARM then good... But say your Genetic Potential is 230lbs at 6'2" and that's at like 10% BF... if you get yourself into like a 205lb. 12%-15% BF I would see nothing wrong with starting your first cycle then...

    IT'S PEOPLE who want to use AAS who weigh 160lbs at 6'2" only been working out for 3 months and think that AAS are a magical cure all that are going to make you huge...

    Or people who weigh 305lbs. 40%Bf and think that if the use AAS all the FAT will turn to Muscle and/or the AAS will help them slim down...

    It's just not a good solution for those type of people....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I honestly do NOT believe that you have to be at your UTMOST genetic potential to start a cycle of AAS... but, you would have to be in decent shape.. a LOW BODY FAT PERCENTAGE...

    Mainly the reason it is recommended is because if you aren't in shape then odds are you DON'T KNOW HOW TO EAT, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO TRAIN... So using AAS isn't going to HELP YOU IN ANY WAY !! It will do more HARM then good... But say your Genetic Potential is 230lbs at 6'2" and that's at like 10% BF... if you get yourself into like a 205lb. 12%-15% BF I would see nothing wrong with starting your first cycle then...

    IT'S PEOPLE who want to use AAS who weigh 160lbs at 6'2" only been working out for 3 months and think that AAS are a magical cure all that are going to make you huge...

    Or people who weigh 305lbs. 40%Bf and think that if the use AAS all the FAT will turn to Muscle and/or the AAS will help them slim down...

    It's just not a good solution for those type of people....
    I agree with this aswell. I did nit start at my genetic potiental. And most do not. I strated before I knew what I was doingg and that is when problems will occur the most.

  6. #6
    Again my personal mantra is that anything accomplished physically will be down to the synergistic use of knowledge and will. If both are attained at a good level, and the experience is there (which is the only way you'd aquire both), then you should be ready.

    Please, all this genetic potential and not-before-the-age-of-24 stuff is just rhetoric. Find an IFBB pro who's went that way. If you have the drive to train intensely and properly, have the knowledge and will to eat properly, and understand the intricacies of bodybuilding, you can use chemical enhancement to progress your well built, solid base.
    Last edited by alpmaster; 08-28-2009 at 04:38 PM.

  7. #7
    I believe I am nearing my natural body weight, being an ecto and having an extremely small skeletal frame.

    I'm 6' 190, up from 150lbs. I think 200lbs is about all I can hit - however I see nothing wrong with me running a cycle now @ 190lbs (12-14% BF).

    I think it's more important to have your diet in check, and have been working out for more then 3 months then to have reached your genetic 'limits'.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Who could possibly know their genetic potential anyway. However I agree with waiting until one is older and more mature physically and mentally.

  9. #9
    Sorry forgot to add what MuscleScience just did. It's about being mature too! (aka the right age).

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