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Thread: Hurt me, I can take it...

  1. #1

    Hurt me, I can take it...

    29, 175-185 lbs, 6'1", lifting for about 6 years, naturally ectomorphic hardgainer (perma-sixpack) with an above average not-so-clean diet.

    I've already made the mistake of embarking on use without the best advice or supervision. Just completed a month long use of sust (2x-3x/week) and I feel lost and confused. Put on about 10 lbs, most of it water weight it seems, did see some significant gains and a heck of a lot of strength gain.

    I've considered moving on to Gaspari's novodex but I know that's not proper PCT nor is it a good option for continued forward progression... I am shooting for some fitness competing in November/December and am open to another sust cycle.

    Acne was my only real side effect (beyond the shrinkage downstairs) and I am considering acutane to deal with it. The acne is pretty bad.

    I've heard about milk thistle and bought this something you want to be taking during a cycle?

    Please tear into me... but I am hoping to receive a bit of guidance as well. I will be exploring the forums and profiles in the meantime!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Are u still on the sus or have you finished that now????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Milk thisstle is for use along side oral steroids..... 4 weeks of sustanon was worthless and you still need pct.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Milk thisstle is for use along side oral steroids..... 4 weeks of sustanon was worthless and you still need pct.
    Exactly........ The pct you mentioned is no pct.... get some clomid and nolva.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtAngleRookieYear View Post
    29, 175-185 lbs, 6'1", lifting for about 6 years, naturally ectomorphic hardgainer (perma-sixpack) with an above average not-so-clean diet.

    I've already made the mistake of embarking on use without the best advice or supervision. Just completed a month long use of sust (2x-3x/week) and I feel lost and confused. Put on about 10 lbs, most of it water weight it seems, did see some significant gains and a heck of a lot of strength gain.

    I've considered moving on to Gaspari's novodex but I know that's not proper PCT nor is it a good option for continued forward progression... I am shooting for some fitness competing in November/December and am open to another sust cycle.

    Acne was my only real side effect (beyond the shrinkage downstairs) and I am considering acutane to deal with it. The acne is pretty bad.

    I've heard about milk thistle and bought this something you want to be taking during a cycle?

    Please tear into me... but I am hoping to receive a bit of guidance as well. I will be exploring the forums and profiles in the meantime!
    First - why wouldn't you be eating a clean diet...?

    Second - Your open to ANOTHER Sust cycle after you just embarked in a harmful cycle with no PCT on hand? You are not thinking - you aren't in any position to even consider another cycle.

    x3 On the Milk Thistle.

  6. #6
    i would get my shit together before starting another cycle, and i would definitely come here for guidance on how to build a proper one. good luck and welcome to the boards.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Read the stickies very useful.

  8. #8
    Thanks guys I do really appreciate it.

    I am 2 weeks off the sust now and you're right, I haven't considered a proper PCT plan. How much danger am I in? One of you called my junior sust cycle "harmful"...?

    I'd like to do another cycle the right way - i.e. clean diet, appropriate length and amount. With my month of sust I did see the results I wanted - strength and about 3 lbs of lean mass.

    If my window is through until the end of November, can someone suggest some steps to take? I.e. do I need PCT right now or can I move on to another sust cycle, perhaps stacked with something else?

    I see the logic on milk thistle for oral steroids. What about accutane, is this a common tactic to tackle acne?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    3lbs is nothing bro. you could have seen much more if you did it right...

  10. #10
    Help me do it right... I was looking through the newbie cycle post and saw this as a cycle:

    Cycle 2:
    1 – 10 Cyp 400mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED

    Start PCT 18 days after last Cyp injection

    I am assuming this means 1-10 and 1-12 weeks? I am confused however by the fact that you continue two more weeks of nolva and l-dex. He mentions pct 18 days after the cyp injection... so you stack the 10 mg and .25 mg everday on top of another dose?

    And on a final note, does Novedex have any value? What with its claims of reducing estrogen and boosting test?

    Am I in danger right now being 2 weeks off the sust and not engaging in PCT?
    Last edited by KurtAngleRookieYear; 08-30-2009 at 05:05 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtAngleRookieYear View Post
    Help me do it right... I was looking through the newbie cycle post and saw this as a cycle:

    Cycle 2:
    1 – 10 Cyp 400mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED

    Start PCT 18 days after last Cyp injection

    I am assuming this means 1-10 and 1-12 weeks? I am confused however by the fact that you continue two more weeks of nolva and l-dex. He mentions pct 18 days after the cyp injection... so you stack the 10 mg and .25 mg everday on top of another dose?

    And on a final note, does Novedex have any value? What with its claims of reducing estrogen and boosting test?

    Am I in danger right now being 2 weeks off the sust and not engaging in PCT?
    If your two weeks off cycle and have no PCT - there is nothing you can do to fix it except order PCT for next time...

    He means;
    Cycle 2:
    1 – 10 Cyp 400mg/wk
    1 – 12 Nolvadex 10mg ED
    1 – 12 L-dex .25mg ED

    Then at week 12 you will do a normal PCT;

    40/40/20/20 Nolva ED

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    BUT OP -

    YOU HAVE OVER THREE MONTHS TO GO before you can engage in another cycle.

  13. #13
    3 months?

    I'm confused...I'm just two weeks off from last dose, is it that ill-advised to simply continue this week for another 5 weeks alongside nolva and l-dex?

    I did a total of 10 doses over 1 month...surely I don't have to wait 3 months?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Do NOT continue this cycle - ESPECIALLY with the fact that you haven't run any PCT.

    Your body is scrambling to recreate it's natural testosterone production right now. If you ever want to have sex again or gain muscle - your going to discontinue any plans you have to embark on another cycle. So YES you need to wait three months.

  15. #15
    I am appropriately frightened now and you have my attention...

    so PCT is not an option now... what about the novodex i previously mentioned? I planned on that + trib. Will that help my situation at all?

    What are my options for musclebuilding towards november?

    I will definitely test liver function/test/cholesterol this week as I have an amazing and no-questions-asking doc.

    I'm pretty freaked out, let me know.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    NOVODEX or Nolvadex? If you have a way to get real PCT fast - do it. (Nolvadex, Clomid)

    Until December it's all natural from here buddy. Work hard.

    Get your levels tested and feel free to post the info.

  17. #17
    I can get PCT tomorrow but I'm not sure if I've made it in time (i.e. 18 days). As of right now, I have bad acne (pursuing acutane), I think I'm "coming back" downstairs, my sex drive still elevated. I will post blood results.

    I'm just not sure if I should be rushing out to do PCT or if I should just try trib and the Novodex I mentioned. Will PCT hurt my gains towards November?

    Gaspari Novodex XT - Thoughts?

    Serving Size: 1 Capsule
    Servings per Container: 60 Capsules
    Amount Per Serving:
    Novedex XT Proprietary Blend 60mg
    6, 17-keto-etiocholeve-3-ol tetrahydropyranol
    3, 17-keto-etiochol-triene

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Get PCT tomorrow and take Nolva at

    40/20/20 for three weeks.

    Stop worrying about your gains and focus on your health. It's worth losing 2 lbs of gains to be able to do a healthy cycle in the future and still have your manhood.

    Nolva > Novo

  19. #19
    OK, I will pick up the nolva and go with your 3 week recommendation seeing as how I've crapped my pants

    I'll also try the nolvo xt and trib, clean up my diet and continue lifting hard and heavy.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    southern ca.
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtAngleRookieYear View Post
    OK, I will pick up the nolva and go with your 3 week recommendation seeing as how I've crapped my pants

    I'll also try the nolvo xt and trib, clean up my diet and continue lifting hard and heavy.
    click on red banner at right top of screen. IDK if anyone told you this or not

  21. #21
    Is that 40 mg nolva each day for a week, then 20 then on?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    First off, from this point on do a few things for me
    1)make sure you have the knowledge of what your taking and how it should be taken
    2)Make sure you know what proper PCT is and have it planned out B4 you start
    3)Make sure after you plan , you purchase the correct amount of gear and the proper Ancillaries (pct stuff)
    4)Work on your diet.. It is the single most important part of your cycle.. more important than the cycle itself x 5
    5) Read Read Read

  23. #23
    I do hereby swear to abide by everything you just listed there. Lesson learned. I am thankful for my health and base body and feel like I narrowly avoided doing something really bad here.

    Can I get some input on my plan to take the nolvo, the gaspari product and trib (any counteraction there?) I am seeing my doc for a bloodtest tomorrow morning. I also need some reassurance I'm not going to shrink before my november comps

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtAngleRookieYear View Post
    Is that 40 mg nolva each day for a week, then 20 then on?
    7 days of 40mg ED
    7 days of 20mg ED
    7 days of 20mg ED

  25. #25
    thanks man. how do you feel about that gaspari product? would that counteract?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nolvadex !!!!!

    Don't waste your time if you have access to proper PCT!

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