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Thread: Not sure what to call this.

  1. #1

    Not sure what to call this.

    I joined a few months ago I guesse and havent visited a whole lot since then.

    Point being I was told to drop weight before starting a cycle. I am 26 I was 215 at 24% BF. But what the hell I did it anyway. Now almost 10 weeks later I am now 225 but now 16% BF. I went from benching 170ish at the end of June to 270 on friday.

    I lift on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. And pin 125mg of Prop M-F. I also to mild cardio 20-30min 3 days a week. I havent really changed my dieting but I usually eat pretty well anyway.

    I am always burning up and sweating all the time, my body was tricked into going through puberty again (which I actually love). M nips are puffy and sore from time to time.

    Anyway I had went to my Dr. prior to the cycle and he did cyles in the past and he told me even at my higher BF % there was medicaly no reason that it would have any greater ill effects than dropping the weight first. I just dont understand where some people get their info and straight turn people to the dieting section. I did just about everything the opposite of the advice I have seen in this site and have had FANTASTIC results.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Your still on cycle - so for one - you have no basis to give your opinion on whether the results will stay or not.

    You said yourself - M nips are puffy and sore from time to time ... This is because at a higher BF% you are more susceptible to Gyno.

    Just because your mid-cycle and think things are all fine and dandy doesn't mean they are - and I guarantee they aren't.

    Your only hurting yourself by not eating a set, healthy diet. You could have had even better 'results' if you had been.

    I did just about everything the opposite of the advice I have seen in this site and have had FANTASTIC results.
    Again - you don't have results because your not done... Let me guess - your not going to run PCT merely to defy good advice, correct?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    I will tell you why we turn people to the diet section. 99% of the people coming here to et advice have no idea how to eat. let alone eat correctly on Steroids.. This means not just getting the proper nutrients total for the day, but getting the proper nutrients in each meal which is called a "balanced diet" and the higher bodyfat... That Puffy and sore feeling in your nipples... THAT is Gyno strating to show and the reason is probably cause your bodyfat was too high! Also did you say you are shooting prop everyday Mon. through Fri? None on the weekends? That is not very good for your body either to be spiking and shocking your levels like that on a weekly basis! and by your calculations, You Gained just over 30# of Lean Muscle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rebel750 View Post
    I joined a few months ago I guesse and havent visited a whole lot since then.

    Point being I was told to drop weight before starting a cycle. I am 26 I was 215 at 24% BF. But what the hell I did it anyway. Now almost 10 weeks later I am now 225 but now 16% BF. I went from benching 170ish at the end of June to 270 on friday.

    I lift on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. And pin 125mg of Prop M-F. I also to mild cardio 20-30min 3 days a week. I havent really changed my dieting but I usually eat pretty well anyway.

    I am always burning up and sweating all the time, my body was tricked into going through puberty again (which I actually love). M nips are puffy and sore from time to time.

    Anyway I had went to my Dr. prior to the cycle and he did cyles in the past and he told me even at my higher BF % there was medicaly no reason that it would have any greater ill effects than dropping the weight first. I just dont understand where some people get their info and straight turn people to the dieting section. I did just about everything the opposite of the advice I have seen in this site and have had FANTASTIC results.
    Let me get this straight.

    - You're pinning 125mg prop ED monday-friday and off on weekends? what the
    - You were 24% when starting cycle?

    You're doctor is wrong mate.
    You're definatelly at greater risk for many estrogen related sideeffects when you have higher bodyfat (due to aromatization).

    - Higher risk of gyno
    - Increased blood pressure

    and other ERSE!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Oh by the way - I'm glad your content with 16% body-fat, Gyno symptoms, incorrect cycle amounts and schedule (RUNNING A SHORT-ESTHER TEST ONLY TWICE A WEEK (or skipping weekends)) (), and having a poor diet - but why would you come in here saying that we're wrong for referring users to the diet and work out section?

    Are you that stupid?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    southern ca.
    Quote Originally Posted by rebel750 View Post
    I joined a few months ago I guesse and havent visited a whole lot since then.

    Point being I was told to drop weight before starting a cycle. I am 26 I was 215 at 24% BF. But what the hell I did it anyway. Now almost 10 weeks later I am now 225 but now 16% BF. I went from benching 170ish at the end of June to 270 on friday.

    I lift on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. And pin 125mg of Prop M-F. I also to mild cardio 20-30min 3 days a week. I havent really changed my dieting but I usually eat pretty well anyway.

    I am always burning up and sweating all the time, my body was tricked into going through puberty again (which I actually love). M nips are puffy and sore from time to time.

    Anyway I had went to my Dr. prior to the cycle and he did cyles in the past and he told me even at my higher BF % there was medicaly no reason that it would have any greater ill effects than dropping the weight first. I just dont understand where some people get their info and straight turn people to the dieting section. I did just about everything the opposite of the advice I have seen in this site and have had FANTASTIC results.
    just trying to steer you in the right direction for health reasons and to get the max benefit from proper training 15% ,proper diet 80%, and gear usaage 5%

  7. #7
    This is exactly the bullshit you feed everybody. sore and puffy nipe isnt always gyno Trust me I have been checked out. I didnt say I ate junk food daily I just dont obsess with it all the time.

    I am glad what you do is working for you. But my routine is workin just fine. I love how most of you think your are Professionals or doctors. All you know is what others tell you and what you read. If someone told you the sky was green you would probably believe them.

    **** this site and all of your misguided dilusional BS

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by rebel750 View Post
    This is exactly the bullshit you feed everybody. sore and puffy nipe isnt always gyno Trust me I have been checked out. I didnt say I ate junk food daily I just dont obsess with it all the time.

    I am glad what you do is working for you. But my routine is workin just fine. I love how most of you think your are Professionals or doctors. All you know is what others tell you and what you read. If someone told you the sky was green you would probably believe them.

    **** this site and all of your misguided dilusional BS
    Good luck with your future cycles and life. Thankfully - you won't be lasting long on this board.

    I didnt say I ate junk food daily I just dont obsess with it all the time.
    I stand corrected - EOD is perfectly fine.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    If someone told you the sky was green you would probably believe them.
    It's obvious by your posts that if someone said, "Don't jump in front of that speeding car, it will kill you!"...

    You'd probably do it anyways and say, "No, I'm just paralyzed..." Good post OP.
    Last edited by Juturna; 08-30-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Bro your on a forum. And here for help obviously.... We aren't amateurs here. Well most of us at least aren't..... We know what we are talking about and have been in your shoes. there are proper ways and improper ways to run these substances..... By someone telling you you need the diet section.... Is a form of advice...Which is why you are here....

    Sore and puffy nipples aren't always gyno? perhaps your milk glands are producing milk.

    I speak from experience 99% of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by rebel750 View Post
    This is exactly the bullshit you feed everybody. sore and puffy nipe isnt always gyno Trust me I have been checked out. I didnt say I ate junk food daily I just dont obsess with it all the time.

    I am glad what you do is working for you. But my routine is workin just fine. I love how most of you think your are Professionals or doctors. All you know is what others tell you and what you read. If someone told you the sky was green you would probably believe them.

    **** this site and all of your misguided dilusional BS
    If you aren't happy here I'm sure admin wouldn't have a problem removing you........ Your call.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I love posts when it's the OP verses us..... LMAO........ can't stop laughing..... Your doc is right it's not gyno.... you just have bitch tits.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    inside my mind
    lol this guys sounds like hes 12

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    End of the Earth
    Enjoy your new set of titties.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Yeah you don't have gyno..... Just really large protruding pecs.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    southern ca.


    guess what he has that i dont have?...........GYNO!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post

    Yeah you don't have gyno..... Just really large protruding pecs.
    Damn how did you get a picture of my ex-wife.

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