edited and warned. one more post like this and your gone
edited and warned. one more post like this and your gone
Last edited by PT; 09-01-2009 at 03:10 AM. Reason: fishing
That's a great way to get raped... up the butt.
Meet me in this dark one way alley and wear sweatpants and be prepared for a master education in glutes 101.
www. s p ot injections.com
jackasses! lol i dont mean like that if u taking roids just show me how to use the needles and stuff. I am nervous to go to the community college's professors that administer roids becuase of the allegations against them. so i need some outside help. without being a jckass or a jerk or w/e do u think you can help me?! anybody?! (this doesnt imply to just the 2 that posted)
I live in jersey. but sure as hell would not meet with any one off the internet... but ide be more than glad to answer any of your questions...... my aim is there if you need help since you cant PM.
Last edited by c-Z; 08-31-2009 at 07:24 PM.
Personally if your that nervous about it all... your looking into the wrong thing........ its all rather easy with basic math.... a little common sense... you will be fine....
but no one is going to be like yeah meet me here. No telling if your a cop.. or even whos to say im not a cop? I'm not.. but I'm just saying....
DSM lives in PA, im sure he'll drive across and 'meat' you in a dark alley!
To the "OP" Please edit your post. I had to report this because you are violating a bunch of rules with this thread! No E mail addresses and should not be asking to meet that is kind of considered "Phishing" This thread might get deleted but you can edit the post and talk with people through "PM's" when you get enough posts...
Thanks Nine.....
LMAO its open for the kill hell why not. HAHA
Trynaimprove....All of your questions can be answered over the internet. I live in NJ, it is an election year, no one is going to be stupid enough to meet you in person. Probably an initiative to crack down on steroid users so some DA can use it in his campaign. Seriously, your post is the fastest way to getting labeled as a cop/narc/informant. Also, you have no idea who any of these people are, you could get approached by people lurking who are cops, or people who will rob you, or any number of possibilities. Common sense man.
I heard the word butt ....
what what
O yea bro I live in NY, meet me at the 7th precinct and ill be the guy at the main counter just go ahead and ask him....I mean me about injecting roids.![]()
go to **************.com and check it out.
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