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  1. #1
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    starter cycle need help please

    Hello, im 20yrs i currently weigh in at 176lb 6%bf. I have been lifting 5 days a week for the past 2 1/2yrs. My last gold was when i was weighed in at 150 and wanted to get to 170 in a year. I did that and then some. I have been a natural athlete all my life. I just lost my track scholarship in track due to a tore muscle in my groen. I have focused my attention at lifting now. I eat 4-5 meals a day mostly chicken and brown rice, some hamburger helper(college student its what i can affored) if you all have any other options on quick fixes for me food wise that would be great to. But my real question is about D-bol. I was looking into it mostly cause iv been working out busting my butt for 2 years and i have reached all my goals but this last one is just like i hit a brick wall. I was wondering if for a biggener such as my self if D-bol would be a good stand alone i will as well have nolvedex as a pct if you think it would be required. Any help would be great. If you have any other suggestions on a good starter that would be great to. Iv always been really cut cause i was in track and i couldnt have the extra weight but now that im out of it i have no reason not to bulk up and then cut down once i reach my main goal of 200 lbs. Thanks

  2. #2
    beachboygemini is offline New Member
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    This is what they will all tell you.

    First of all they will say that 20 is far to young and you could really mess up yourself. Then they will send you to the diet section because 4-5 meals is just not enough and your goals could probably be reached easily if you significantly change your diet. Also if you are able to get past those very important facts, they will begin to tell you that you will lose most of your gains with dbol only and it will mostly be water weight included within your gains. Remember, I am not intending to disrespect or offend anyone!!!@!

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young to start AAS it could cause some harsh sides at your age and they might be with you for the rest of your life, please read this thread and then go to the diet section all your answers are within that area . AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle (Great Read)

  4. #4
    sigman roid's Avatar
    sigman roid is offline Ar's cockney geezer Retired
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    I'd like to see pics if you are 6% bf

  5. #5
    MarkinHouston's Avatar
    MarkinHouston is offline Associate Member
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    For a new guy, beach boy nailed it! Again, I know it's not the answer you wanted, but it should be comforting to know you might be able to reach you goals legally and w/o sticking yourself. Use the $$ saved on aas for chow!
    PS 6% is pretty ripped up....

  6. #6
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your to young to start AAS it could cause some harsh sides at your age and they might be with you for the rest of your life, please read this thread and then go to the diet section all your answers are within that area . AAS: Things to consider before starting a first cycle (Great Read)


  7. #7
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    i agree 6% is the lowest i have ever gotten and that was at ncaa nationals a year and a half ago almost. sense then i have met my goals of gaining around 12lbs. Im a natural stocky guy if you look at my family gene history my dad wrestled at OU and my Uncle wrestled at Kansas. All my family is between 5'10 and 6'1. I have been getting tested for the past 10 or so years about my body and how it is going due to my mothers diabetes and how it is easly inherited*sp. So i have considered the major down falls of using at such an early age. my growth plates are for the most part done growing according to my dr.He said that i may grow a little more wider in the shoulders but nothing to noticably and that i may become more dense in rib cage giving me the more stalky look.

    As well my diet has been in check im getting between 3800 and 4200 calories. I just have a very fast rate of digestion and my body is used to the high calories due to the high level of training i have put my body through. I am guess once my body gets used to the all lifting and less cardio ill be able to put on those lbs again i was just wanting to know more if possibly Dbol would help kick start persay that. And i know all about the water weight and the retention that most products give you to make think it is working but in reality its just water weight and then you loose it once you start cardio again. Iv seen several discus and shot throwers go from 240 to like 225 or so just from not being on the cycle any more and going back to the hard in season trainning instead of the off season non stop lifting to get that extra distance in the throw. They kept a little less than half i would say in strength and apperance but still yet it was a good change to see ya know.

    thank you for your answers and the helpfull comments i will take all in to account and try to make the best choose once i have had a few more reviews and talks with more people and other websites(i understand this is the main website for steriod use but it never hurts to talk to people who have been there and done it in my situation). An i am not the kind of person who will say the hell with what all these people are saying im not going to listen to them im going to try it any way. i want my body to last as long as it can and hopfully get me back in some sort of athletic event whether it be arean football or back on a track. Thanks again.

  8. #8
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    sorry for the double post. but if you have any ideas of good products that are alternatives that you feel may be helpfull please let me know i will take any second option above a steriod due to the chance of drug testing.
    so far my list stash is as follows:

    on whey protien
    mass protien
    mega men multi
    animal flex
    musclemeds eNOXIDE
    ce2 hi def or whatever its called
    ***** 3 fish oils
    Coq-10(heart supplement)
    milk thistle (dont want my liver being over stressed...lame i know)
    and a few more little stuff.

  9. #9
    beachboygemini is offline New Member
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    Its rarely recommended but

    I recommend tmg=betaine anhydrous. TMG helps control homocysteine, which is an amino acid produced when your body digests meat(an its toxic). It also does a number of other things for your cardiovascular system. It protects dna(so the bottle says ha ha). From what I have read, it can promote muscle weight gain.

  10. #10
    mckensel is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice i think..Any other suggestions. I was looking at a natural test booster or something along those lines untill i get my next blood test and see what im at.

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