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  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    1cc into peck too much?? what's this lump?

    So I've been doing 1cc injections of 100mg masteron prop into my pecks usually a few times a week.... Let me break down what I'm doing a bit better so you get an idea...

    100mg test prop ed
    100mg tren ace ed
    100mg masteron ed
    3mg methyl tren ed

    Injections sites I use are:
    Delts (2 cc's only)
    Pecks (1 cc max)
    glutes 3 cc's
    quads 3 cc's

    Here's the deal though.... I stopped injecting quads for now because on my right one there is a lump under the skin.... maybe in the muscle where the gear goes? I am not sure if that's normal but it probably isn't so i laid off the quads for a while...the lump has gone away it seems mostly... but i'm not sure if i should inject there anymore of if 3 cc's is too much for the quads?

    Also during my peck injection last time i injected 1cc of masteron it left me with a lump in my chest for about a week or a bit more and it's just barely leaving.... it's very minimal now.

    Can someone let me know what they think of all this? Also maybe give some injection ideas since I'm doing 3cc's ed + 6 iu's or methyl tren (3 mg) I am not wanting to really find more injections sites.... calves i hear get veiny... and mine have lots of veins showing so I know I don't want to hit them.... Biceps i'm just really weird about wanting to inject 1cc into them... any ideas or help would be appreciated!!

  2. #2
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    I do Bi's with 1 cc never had a problem. They do get very sore (which I like) with clean US HG gear.

    I cannot answer the rest of the Q .

    Id say its your gear. Obviously

  3. #3
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    I do Bi's with 1 cc never had a problem. They do get very sore (which I like) with clean US HG gear.

    I cannot answer the rest of the Q .

    Id say its your gear. Obviously
    thanks for the info... i might give the bi's a try.... i wish i had someone to show me in person first time around but i'll just go to s i t e i n jctions . c o m and figure it out... yeah i'm sure it's the gear in there... why would it remain in my chest one time and not the previous? same with quads?? anyone know? Thanks man!

  4. #4
    CMPD213 is offline Associate Member
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    I would say move to lats and traps... I've shot 3cc in my lat with no problems at all, i've shot 1/2cc in my traps it gave alittle pain but it was tolerable. Also im guessing you're using a slin pin for your methyl tren shots so that is a very easy needle. Calves/Biceps/Triceps are spots i would use for methyl tren. With a slin pin and the minimal amount of gear going into those spots it shouldnt hurt at all

  5. #5
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    For bi's I flex the bi and hold. And it slides right in. Just stay a little to the righ or left of center . So that it goes directly into one of the two heads

  6. #6
    aestheticmind is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    100mg test prop ed
    100mg tren ace ed
    100mg masteron ed
    3mg methyl tren ed
    Good lord, that is a wicked cycle... How is it going?

  7. #7
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks guys for the help... i will give the bi's a shot.... I will think about trying the lats as well... any new site I can find is going to be something that will help me out BIG TIME, that's for sure.. :]

  8. #8
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aestheticmind View Post
    Good lord, that is a wicked cycle... How is it going?
    Yeah it's pretty crazy... if i thought it out better I would have had my source make me a blend where I wouldn't have to inject so many cc's ed... he could have dosed it differently for me but I didn't know that until after the fact.. =/ The cycle is actually going really well for me.... I'm very happy with how it's coming along. I think by this time next year after I bulk this winter a bit and work on getting ripped up for 2010.... i'll be really happy... i'm already really happy right now actually. :] I used to be 25% bf.... now i'm somewhere around 11-12% DIET DIET DIET is the key though to the gear I've really come to notice... It's tough for me sometimes but 5 days out of the week i'm spot on... 2 days i'm not horrible but i'm not SPOT ON..

  9. #9
    jackman22 is offline Associate Member
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    I found when doing ED injections that shooting in the body part you were going to work (about an hour before) that day would disperse it or at least it seemed to. Done 2 cycles with ED injections and know how bad it can get lol

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