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  1. #1
    crash6969 is offline New Member
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    Need some help with my first cycle...please!

    Hey guys I need some advice on which route to go as far as doing a cycle of steroids . Now I have made up my mind that I am going to do one SMART, thought out, cycle. I am currently 6’5”, weight 180 pounds and do not lift very often at all. I have decided that I would like to put on 20-30 pounds. Now, everyone I have talked to has told me that one cycle will probably be enough to accomplish this. However, I have heard a lot of different things regarding steroids. The person I am purchasing them from says that he does them in one month cycles. I have been reading online and never have I come across such a thing as a one month cycle. He also gave me three options for steroids. They are “test two fifty,” “deca ,” and “parabol.” My real question is, how can I accomplish my goal of gaining 20-30 pounds using the above facts? Should I take a 8-12 week cycle like most of the info I have read about or do I take his advice and do a one month cycle? I am just asking for some general advice here from someone who knows what they are talking about. Thanks in advance and I appreciate all the responses I get.

  2. #2
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by crash6969 View Post
    Hey guys I need some advice on which route to go as far as doing a cycle of steroids. Now I have made up my mind that I am going to do one SMART, thought out, cycle. I am currently 6’5”, weight 180 pounds and do not lift very often at all. I have decided that I would like to put on 20-30 pounds. Now, everyone I have talked to has told me that one cycle will probably be enough to accomplish this. However, I have heard a lot of different things regarding steroids. The person I am purchasing them from says that he does them in one month cycles. I have been reading online and never have I come across such a thing as a one month cycle. He also gave me three options for steroids. They are “test two fifty,” “deca,” and “parabol.” My real question is, how can I accomplish my goal of gaining 20-30 pounds using the above facts? Should I take a 8-12 week cycle like most of the info I have read about or do I take his advice and do a one month cycle? I am just asking for some general advice here from someone who knows what they are talking about. Thanks in advance and I appreciate all the responses I get.
    I don't think the juice is for you. You need to gain more naturally with a proper diet in place first. Head over to that section and post what you eat everday.

  3. #3
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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  4. #4
    MarkinHouston's Avatar
    MarkinHouston is offline Associate Member
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    Ditto here, and I would never recommend aas for someone who "...does not lift very often at all." You have no idea what your natural limits are. Until you know that, why mess with aas?

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crash6969 View Post
    Hey guys I need some advice on which route to go as far as doing a cycle of steroids. Now I have made up my mind that I am going to do one SMART, thought out, cycle. I am currently 6’5”, weight 180 pounds and do not lift very often at all. I have decided that I would like to put on 20-30 pounds. Now, everyone I have talked to has told me that one cycle will probably be enough to accomplish this. However, I have heard a lot of different things regarding steroids. The person I am purchasing them from says that he does them in one month cycles. I have been reading online and never have I come across such a thing as a one month cycle. He also gave me three options for steroids. They are “test two fifty,” “deca,” and “parabol.” My real question is, how can I accomplish my goal of gaining 20-30 pounds using the above facts? Should I take a 8-12 week cycle like most of the info I have read about or do I take his advice and do a one month cycle? I am just asking for some general advice here from someone who knows what they are talking about. Thanks in advance and I appreciate all the responses I get.
    Doing a cycle at your level isnt a very wise thing to do, or i should say smart thing to do. You need to start training and get the body use to those intense workouts and build some natural muscle, this will takes yrs and not within a month or so! forget steroids they will cause you more harm than good at this moment in time and your dealer doesnt know what he is talking about and just wants to sell his gear! diet and training is what you need so id go down the these sections here and take the first step.

  6. #6
    beachboygemini is offline New Member
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    The only thing, that I know of, that you can be lazy and still make some gains are growth hormones. You would maybe gain 25 or 30 pounds of fat muscle tendons and whatever else weighs. Remember, I intend to offend nobody.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachboygemini View Post
    The only thing, that I know of, that you can be lazy and still make some gains are growth hormones. You would maybe gain 25 or 30 pounds of fat muscle tendons and whatever else weighs. Remember, I intend to offend nobody.
    I haven't a clue what your trying to explain there

  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    25-30pounds of muscle tendons?? man that would be sweet

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