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  1. #1
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    First cycle AAS- Test-E

    Hey guys, this will be my first AAS cycle. I have previously done 2 PH cycles and was not impressed that much with them. I am 5'10'', 165lbs, 5% body fat or less. Im a classic ectomorph, eats around 5000 K Cals per day and have a thin bone structure, so im constantly bulking haha.. I am not gyno or baldness prone and my HPTA comes back pretty fast. I want to start a stand alone cycle of Test-E at 500mg per week for 10 weeks. 250mg on Sunday and 250mg on Wednesday, shooting it up in my glutes! I am in no way afraid of needles or sticking myself. I have access to nolva and letro and will have those on hand during cycle and nolva on hand for my PCT as well as a natural test booster. This is my first real cycle, so any tips I can get would be much appreciated. What can I expect for the first few weeks? The whole 10 weeks? I will be starting in December, so I will probably be around 170-175 by then and will be spending time with my family. I don't want them to know I will be on an anabolic , so will the results be "that" noticeable to them as I am on cycle while home? Thanks for any feedback you can give and I'm hoping to get a bunch!

    -US Army

    "Rangers lead the way!"

  2. #2
    Duma23 is offline Junior Member
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    could add dianabol 35mg per day for 1st 4 weeks to kickstart the cycle as u probably knoiw test e takes around 4 weeks to kick in properly.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    I somehow doubt you are under 5% body fat.

    I'd consider adding clomid to the pct as well, and having an AI on hand in case of gyno.

    Yes, people may be able to tell you've gotten bigger, just tell them you're on creatine.

  4. #4
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    Age:21 turning 22 in less than half a year after start of cycle.

    And keep up the feedback =D!

  5. #5
    Duma23 is offline Junior Member
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    to young for anabolics

  6. #6
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    No, I am done growing physically and hormonally. Besides, I have a risk taking personality, dont test it haha..

  7. #7
    jcosley is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyRangerDoom View Post
    Hey guys, this will be my first AAS cycle. I have previously done 2 PH cycles and was not impressed that much with them. I am 5'10'', 165lbs, 5% body fat or less. Im a classic ectomorph, eats around 5000 K Cals per day and have a thin bone structure, so im constantly bulking haha.. I am not gyno or baldness prone and my HPTA comes back pretty fast. I want to start a stand alone cycle of Test-E at 500mg per week for 10 weeks. 250mg on Sunday and 250mg on Wednesday, shooting it up in my glutes! I am in no way afraid of needles or sticking myself. I have access to nolva and letro and will have those on hand during cycle and nolva on hand for my PCT as well as a natural test booster. This is my first real cycle, so any tips I can get would be much appreciated. What can I expect for the first few weeks? The whole 10 weeks? I will be starting in December, so I will probably be around 170-175 by then and will be spending time with my family. I don't want them to know I will be on an anabolic , so will the results be "that" noticeable to them as I am on cycle while home? Thanks for any feedback you can give and I'm hoping to get a bunch!

    -US Army

    "Rangers lead the way!"
    There is no "On hand" for's not a PH cycle. You USE Nolva for PCT no if ands or but' OTC B.S....and probably would benefit to use clomid along with it during PCT.

  8. #8
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    What I meant was I will have the nolva, of course im going to use it. I have a vial of it right now in front of me.. I was thinking about clomid too... But this cycle is not until end of November/ beginning of December, so I have some time.

  9. #9
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    You have a vial of nolva?

    Sorry soldier, you need to do more research and more growing.

  10. #10
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    You need to work on you natural base before using gear. At 5'10 and 165lbs you have some natural growing to do. You need to work on your diet and training. 5000 calories, come on I eat 8-12 times a day to get that and I know you would not have the time, dedication nor money to spend on food like that, so stop with the BS. Honestly I would put the cycle off for a while, I know your excited, but you have plenty of time and some natural work to do before you start using hormones. It seems real glorious right now but wait until you stop, its not even close to what you feel like coming off of ph's. You need to research some more, your pct is way off. Stick around, get your diet, training straight while learning more about AAS , then make your decision, don't rush into this. Take it from me, you pay for all you do when your young and dumb later on in dearly.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  11. #11
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    Vial of nolva, yes. 60ml of liquid nolva. 1ml=20mg. And BG, I dont pay for my food, I eat for free. My 3 main courses consist roughly of 1500 to 2000 calories per meal. Mucho simple/complex carbs and mucho protein. My post workout shake is about 700 calories and my pre bedtime shake is bout 700 calories. Shake consists of protein powder and 2 percent milk. Believe me, I have an endless stomach and an inability to gain fat. I know I have some growing to do (feels like I have hit my plateau though =P) , and research as well, I have no problem admitting that.

  12. #12
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    Lets See a photo of you at this claimed 5% or less Bodyfat! Do you have any idea what 5% body fat is? that is just a little higher than what a professional bodybuilder is a week from contest... You could not live with less than 7% BF all the time or you would not function properly

  13. #13
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    I am just making a guestimation on my body fat percentage, a rough estimate. If your going to flame me, do it in the form of an email, thank you!

  14. #14
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I am in no way flaming you! I want to see a picture So I can accurately tell you within a couple of points what your BF is! Most that come on here and say they are 4-5% end up actaully being 8-12% so if you really would like to know, post a pic. I was not flaming you! Trying to help

  15. #15
    gunslinger2's Avatar
    gunslinger2 is offline Associate Member
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    Three points.

    1. I think you need to train hard and eat right for another 5-7 years minimum before you even consider AAS.

    2. I would stay far away from the Clomid.

    3. Your BF is most likely higher than you think and the ONLY accurate way to measure it is a dunk tank. If you have a shredded 8 pak and cross striations all over your body, you may have 6-7%.

  16. #16
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Just somyou have some reference... this is Clerance Bass He is about 4%BF in this photo
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First cycle AAS- Test-E-cbass-big.jpg  

  17. #17
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    Then I would probably say between 6-7 percent
    I have done more research, how does this look?

    still 500mg of test-e per week for 10 weeks, 2 dosages of 250mg per week
    letrozole on hand during cycle at .25mg per day if gyno starts to appear, I have problems retaining water so I wont mind any water bloat..
    Nolva a few days after last dosage at 40/20/20/20
    Clomid same time as Nolva at 50/50/50/50

    Still constantly researching, and gaining new knowledge...

    Also, dont have a camera, and the people here are not willing to take pictures of me, they arent into lifting as I am and finds it strange that I would want any progress pics...

  18. #18
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    thats cool I just wanted to give you some reference... here is another photo.. this is Jay Cutler... He is right around 6-7% in this picture.. The cycle you are proposing looks fine.. I would run the nolva 40/40/20/20 and the clomid 100/100/50/50 but thats me
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails First cycle AAS- Test-E-jaycutler.jpg  

  19. #19
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    Hopefully, this cycle will fix my chicken leg problem, I guess its a swimmer thing, but I have a rather large upper body, but skinny legs. Dont get me wrong, they are chiseled, but I want them to grow and I think my leg routine is pretty intense..

  20. #20
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    Oh, I know Jay haha, massive dude.... And I will definitely take your advice.. Would adding an OTC product like trib. be beneficial with my PCT?

  21. #21
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    Any1 have input on adding an OTC along with my PCT?

  22. #22
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyRangerDoom View Post
    Then I would probably say between 6-7 percent
    I have done more research, how does this look?

    still 500mg of test-e per week for 10 weeks, 2 dosages of 250mg per week
    letrozole on hand during cycle at .25mg per day if gyno starts to appear, I have problems retaining water so I wont mind any water bloat..
    Nolva a few days after last dosage at 40/20/20/20
    Clomid same time as Nolva at 50/50/50/50

    Still constantly researching, and gaining new knowledge...

    Also, dont have a camera, and the people here are not willing to take pictures of me, they arent into lifting as I am and finds it strange that I would want any progress pics...
    I still think your'e too young, haven't built up a decent enough natural base, bro.

    But if you do cycle, you best get those pct start times squared away. Pct does not start "a few days" after your last Test E shot, it's 14 days.

    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyRangerDoom View Post
    Any1 have input on adding an OTC along with my PCT?
    worthless, imo.

  23. #23
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your to young for AAS, you will have a good chance of damaging your own hormonal system, you have a very high amount of natural test floating around to make decent gains, dont shut it down and cause yourself problems, you need more of a natural base from hard training and concentrate on your diet, drugs are not for you.

  24. #24
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyRangerDoom View Post
    Vial of nolva, yes. 60ml of liquid nolva. 1ml=20mg. And BG, I dont pay for my food, I eat for free. My 3 main courses consist roughly of 1500 to 2000 calories per meal. Mucho simple/complex carbs and mucho protein. My post workout shake is about 700 calories and my pre bedtime shake is bout 700 calories. Shake consists of protein powder and 2 percent milk. Believe me, I have an endless stomach and an inability to gain fat. I know I have some growing to do (feels like I have hit my plateau though =P) , and research as well, I have no problem admitting that.
    To many calories and protien from shakes, absoption is real low. Need more whole food to build muscle naturaly. But i can tell you already ahve it stuck in your head that your going to use AAS, so to each there own. You will one day think back on what I said to you and be like...Shit he was right. Gears not going to help your skinny legs, eating lots of whole food and training will.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  25. #25
    ArmyRangerDoom is offline New Member
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    I agree with you, believe me, but with the whole military lifestyle, eating six times a day cleanly is an extremely hard task to accomplish. Its hard to get my 3 heavy meals in a lot of the time, but I do it none the less..

  26. #26
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArmyRangerDoom View Post
    I agree with you, believe me, but with the whole military lifestyle, eating six times a day cleanly is an extremely hard task to accomplish. Its hard to get my 3 heavy meals in a lot of the time, but I do it none the less..
    Exactly the point, there is no need to use AAS if you cant eat the required amounts and types, also your to young and you dont want to be causing issues with your HPTA at your age when its running at full speed, concentrate on your diet for a few more years, best of luck

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