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Thread: Is 0.5mg Adex enough for this cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Is 0.5mg Adex enough for this cycle?

    Hey guys,

    In this winter im gonna run a cycle consist of 1000-1200 mg sust pw&60mg Dbol ED for the first 6 weeks.....
    is 0.5 mg of Adex enough to keep me away from bloating and all these estro side effects??Or is it better to up the dose to 1mg ed??
    if ill put Letro instead of Adex whats its beneficial dose??
    And finally, are the ugl arimidex products effective and nicedosed??(i ask this because their prices are way too low...)


  2. #2
    well what was your last cycle like and how did you fair? asking us to evaluate how you are going to react is very difficult because side effects tend to vary from person to person.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    no im not bloating or having gyno problems in any cycle.....even if im not use any ancilarrie

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by m3ssias View Post
    Hey guys,

    In this winter im gonna run a cycle consist of 1000-1200 mg sust pw&60mg Dbol ED for the first 6 weeks.....
    is 0.5 mg of Adex enough to keep me away from bloating and all these estro side effects??Or is it better to up the dose to 1mg ed??
    if ill put Letro instead of Adex whats its beneficial dose??
    And finally, are the ugl arimidex products effective and nicedosed??(i ask this because their prices are way too low...)

    Looking back over your cycle history will give you a good ideal how you handle bloat, if you have never had any issues in the past I would start on 0.25mgs EOD and see how you go and work up from that.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Looking back over your cycle history will give you a good ideal how you handle bloat, if you have never had any issues in the past I would start on 0.25mgs EOD and see how you go and work up from that.
    Yeah im not aromatizing so last cycle was 750 test e and 300 tren a per week.....used only 10mg nolva ed and never had any excess water.....
    That makes me think even if its better to use the old-classic proviron&Nolva it a good idea(and sure more economic....)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by m3ssias View Post
    Yeah im not aromatizing so last cycle was 750 test e and 300 tren a per week.....used only 10mg nolva ed and never had any excess water.....
    That makes me think even if its better to use the old-classic proviron&Nolva it a good idea(and sure more economic....)
    proviron would be a good call. personally i would use a bit of arimidex like marcus' advice above as well. always good to be prepared.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by m3ssias View Post
    Yeah im not aromatizing so last cycle was 750 test e and 300 tren a per week.....used only 10mg nolva ed and never had any excess water.....
    That makes me think even if its better to use the old-classic proviron&Nolva it a good idea(and sure more economic....)
    Use what you have used in the past, if you have never had any issues maybe just have it to hand just incase, nolva or a-dex is fine if problems occur.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    ill see maybe ill throw in 100mg proviron ed with 10mg nolva......dosages are higher than past cycles but i have a good feeling that proviron would handle the estro low.....wasnt proviron the solution for excess etsrogen in the past decades when there werent any AI's????

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by m3ssias View Post
    .wasnt proviron the solution for excess etsrogen in the past decades when there werent any AI's????
    many DHT based steroids do to some extend due to binding affinity to aromatase, but that doesnt mean they are 100% effective. arimidex itself is only shown to reduce E2 levels by about 50%...

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by m3ssias View Post
    Hey guys,

    In this winter im gonna run a cycle consist of 1000-1200 mg sust pw&60mg Dbol ED for the first 6 weeks.....
    is 0.5 mg of Adex enough to keep me away from bloating and all these estro side effects??Or is it better to up the dose to 1mg ed??
    if ill put Letro instead of Adex whats its beneficial dose??
    And finally, are the ugl arimidex products effective and nicedosed??(i ask this because their prices are way too low...)

    Thats some pretty hefty dosages. 1/2mg daily should work fine for you,,,you can always adjust accordingly as you go.

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