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  1. #1
    Texas Secede is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    Tren-Ace and enanthate cycle ?'s

    Hey everyone just wanted to say this is my first time post! I have been a avid reader of this forum and the site for about 5 years now...and i have to say this site has helped me understand anabolics and working out more than any book ever would. Im proud to say that i support 100%!

    Now that having being said I've had my share of experience with the god's liquid for awhile. I have experiencewith many substances and had great gains in my lifetime with the stuff. I have recently got my hands on more. I've got 20cc's of enanthate and going to be stacking it with 20cc's of Tren -Ace. I've heard amazing things on the Tren and think its time to give it a try. I'm going to be running the enanthate for 12.5 weeks of course at 500mg a week..2 shots, I know that stuff. My question is on the Tren and how to take it. I've been told by SWIM that you do it every other day. My question to ya'll is how would be the best way to run this...the Tren weeks 1-7 at like 75 ed or 125 eod....or totally not sure if my doses are correct either. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated! Also Im picking up a full bottle of HCG this week and I am clueless on all aspects of how to run this. I was stupid in my earlier years and never used this. Again any info would be greatly appreciated.

    weight 190
    Height 6,1
    age 34
    anabolic experience all tests..dbol .deca .winny.
    Bodyfat..not sure exactly..probly around 10% im pretty jacked already, and have a nice 6 pack thats pretty defined.
    Diet...dnt worry about that i will be consuming a 2.5 grams of protien per pound of my wieght...this is not counting many meals a day...all very high in nutrients carbs and protien.

    Thanks everyone, and im glad ive finally become a active member to the best bodybuilding site on the net

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I'd prefer to combine a shorter ester test like prop with tren A.

    but if you're going to run test e with it,

    you could do
    test e 1-12 500mg/wk
    Tren a 4-10 50mg/ED (or 100mg/EOD)

    Shooting ED would be best. Most users report a decrease in sides shoot ED as opposed to EOD.

    That's a pretty good starting dose for tren. You can always assess sides and adjust the dose during cycle.

    what's your planned pct?

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    If you have enough, i would run the tren @ 50mgs ED weeks 2-8 or 4-10. That's 6 weeks and a good place to start. You can still get the same results w EOD injects but i find the sides are a little more tolerable with ED.

  4. #4
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd go with the tren ed weeks 8-14. In my experience it's better at the end. You can run it a little past the test E.

  5. #5
    Texas Secede is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    Thanks for the feedback! I was wondering which way is the best for keeping gains? 4-10 or 2-8? or run it at the end 8-14? Did u keep good gains with the 8-14 hankdiesel?

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