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Thread: Clen cycle ending short :-(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Clen cycle ending short :-(

    Hi Guys,

    As some of you may know, ive been taking clen for 2 weeks, had 2 weeks off, and am currently at the end of my 1st week back on. After dosing up from 20mcg, for 2 days, i upped to 40mcg (as there were no shakes), and, today i went upto 60mcg as the shakes had gone.

    Well, today on the 60mcg dose, I began getting pain in the heart region, and up the left side of my neck. Taking the smart route, i think i will have to put my hands up and say maybe Clen isnt for me. Right now as im typing i have no shakes, but there is pain in my chest and neck.

    I had taken Taurine, and eaten right, cardio was spot on...the time that i was on Clen, it was amazing...but i have to do the smart thing and come off.

    I have all the supplies for an ECA, others have said that is much safer...mybe thats my calling.

  2. #2
    It sounds like you're dehydrated, and cramping up.

    That's probably a smart call though to stop though. Best of luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by underworldmagic View Post
    Hi Guys,

    As some of you may know, ive been taking clen for 2 weeks, had 2 weeks off, and am currently at the end of my 1st week back on. After dosing up from 20mcg, for 2 days, i upped to 40mcg (as there were no shakes), and, today i went upto 60mcg as the shakes had gone.

    Well, today on the 60mcg dose, I began getting pain in the heart region, and up the left side of my neck. Taking the smart route, i think i will have to put my hands up and say maybe Clen isnt for me. Right now as im typing i have no shakes, but there is pain in my chest and neck.

    I had taken Taurine, and eaten right, cardio was spot on...the time that i was on Clen, it was amazing...but i have to do the smart thing and come off.

    I have all the supplies for an ECA, others have said that is much safer...mybe thats my calling.

    You got pain in your chest? Get your arse to the f#cking doctor.

    Spreading pain from the heart area= danger,IMO.

    Don't risk it brother, please.


    Last edited by terraj; 09-05-2009 at 08:34 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    SOund to me like you started dosing a bit too much IMO

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    You got pain in your chest? Get your arse to the f#cking doctor.

    Spreading pain from the heart area= danger,IMO.

    Don't risk it brother, please.



    Thanks for your concern mate, I took the tabs in the morning and its now 8pm, and everything seems fine. Ive booked an appointment with the doctor anyway. Going to see him Monday.

    Quote Originally Posted by IggySupra View Post
    SOund to me like you started dosing a bit too much IMO
    I think i was doing correctly. this is what i did.

    week 1
    day 1 - 20mcg
    day 2 - 40mcg
    day 3 - 40mcg
    day 4 - 40mcg
    day 5 - 40mcg
    day 6 - 40mcg
    day 7 - 40mcg

    I still had the shakes at 40mcg so stuck to that dose.

    week 2
    day 1 - 40mcg
    day 2 - 40mcg
    day 3 - 40mcg
    day 4 - 40mcg
    day 5 - 40mcg
    day 6 - 40mcg
    day 7 - 40mcg

    Week 3 off
    Week 4 off

    week 5
    day 1 - 20mcg
    day 2 - 20mcg
    day 3 - 40mcg
    day 4 - 40mcg
    day 5 - 40mcg
    day 6 - 40mcg (I felt no shakes)
    day 7 - 60mcg -- This was today when i started getting the pain.

    This was my dosing, i always went from low dose and increased.

  6. #6
    potassium levels could of been low, i got that same pain in left side of my chest and neck i went in and got a ekg and a echo and they looked at me like i was stupid, it was muscle tension and cramping up, were you checking your bp? what was it at when you felt this pain?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    potassium levels could of been low, i got that same pain in left side of my chest and neck i went in and got a ekg and a echo and they looked at me like i was stupid, it was muscle tension and cramping up, were you checking your bp? what was it at when you felt this pain?
    Hello mate, I wasnt checking my bp so cant tell you that. I was drinking 2 bananas in a smoothie i make in the day (dont know if that enough?) and was on Taurine. I also take Animal Pak daily.

    At least that makes me feel better, you had the same symptoms as me...did you continue clen or stop? would you take it again?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i had the same thing happen to me. i stopped and dont plan to use it again i saw some one wrote "abs start in the kitchen" that's were im going to start my game plan.

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