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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    First cycle

    Hey team

    I'm about to start my first cycle soon when i am happy i fully understand everything i need to know and have my cycle properly planned. I'm listening to everyones advice at the moment and reading as much as i can.

    I was wondering if a few people could suggest my first 12 week cycle for me, including pct.

    I am only small, only weigh 70kg atm, however i was less then 60 when i started body buidling.

    I have obtained myself Tamoxifen , Test Prop and Dbol .

    So what dosages etc would everyone suggest over 12 weeks


  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    body fat?
    training experience?

  3. #3
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    If you have your cycle properly planned... Why are you asking us to tell you a cycle?

    Propose a cycle. And we will tweak it for you.

    Give us stats.... What are your goals. Hows your diet?

  4. #4
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    almost 23
    height 179cm's i think..
    body fat would be around 12%
    i have been doing weights for 4 years, i am very pedantic on correct technique and i follow my training program very well, i like to do compount exercises full body every 3rd day for 5 weeks 10-12 reps. then 5 weeks of 6 reps, then 5 weeks 12 rep isolation, then 5 low rep isolation..

    PCT to be honest i really need to learn alot more, i have no idea yet, thus why i still have my gear sitting there

  5. #5
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    I also do lots of cardio aswell. like kick boxing and running etc, I'm not planning on being a body builder, i only want to get to about 78 kilos i think. see how i look at that size

    however i wont be doing much cardio while bulking

  6. #6
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    If you have your cycle properly planned... Why are you asking us to tell you a cycle?

    Propose a cycle. And we will tweak it for you.

    Give us stats.... What are your goals. Hows your diet?

    i have not got it properly planned, i was saying i wont start until i have it properly planned with exactly what i want to do. sorry i should have worded it better

    I really have alot more to learn before i start my cycle

  7. #7
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    AHHHH had me confused there for a second.... Was wondering why you wouldn't post it.

    First cycle.... Test only. Perhaps jumping it with dbol .
    Test beginner cycle info

    Good read to start understanding.

    Your kind of light for your height...... Hows your diet.

  8. #8
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    Diet is great, I only eat lean food, I eat fruit and vegetables with most meals each day, i have my nuts with each meal, i eat low gi and multi grain , brown rice and all that, i dont need to count calories as i'm an ectomorph and keep very active. i have about 6-8 meals a day including shakes

    I really do get the right amount of nutrients in the correct ratios and i dont eat crap like junk food and drink softdrink etc

  9. #9
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    AHHHH had me confused there for a second.... Was wondering why you wouldn't post it.

    First cycle.... Test only. Perhaps jumping it with dbol .
    Test beginner cycle info

    Good read to start understanding.
    yeah i was reading that, though i think i might be better with only 20mg of dbol instead of 40?

    I'm not really after massive gains, i'd prefer to have slower gains and lose less because i'm just aiming for a size to stay at and get my body really balanced and work more cardio etc when i'm at that size

  10. #10
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    I wouldn't even run the dbol then. You will have good gains with simple test e.

    Only reason i ask about the diet is.... for 5'8 155 is a bit light.

  11. #11
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    yeah im pretty skinny, i have always been the skinny kid, i was tiny before i started working out

  12. #12
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    How long have you been working out?

  13. #13
    Chase Hard is offline New Member
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    4 years

    I havent made huge gains because i do so much cardio aswell
    if i want to bulk i pretty much have to stop my cardio for a while and i hate that

  14. #14
    c-Z's Avatar
    c-Z is offline Educate B4 You Medicate (RIP T)
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    i wouldn't stop it completely... just cut it down....

    my cousin is in the same situation... Runs like a few miles a day. And wonders why he isn't getting big.... You need to figure out what you want.... it's hard bulking with a large amount of cardio unless you up your food intake... Because a good deal you will be burning off.

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