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Thread: first cycle ever -GOOD READ-

  1. #1

    first cycle ever -GOOD READ-

    hey guys im new here because after years of trainin natural i wanna step it up. im really excited.
    -i will be doing a 10 week cycle of test-e only 250/mg twice a week(maybe up to 12 weeks if i like the results and don't have bad sides. i have pct on hand. i don't have HCG should i make sure i have some?
    -im think of using 23g pins at 1"
    i think i'll pin my outer thighs. left then right for week 1, then glutes for week 2, then switch back to legs and so on. is this good to do so i avoid scar tissue buildup? or is that to paranoid?
    -i hope to gain 20 lbs and KEEP at least half,
    -i am 6' 1 and a half
    -26 years old
    -190lbs (i am quite certain 200lbs is my genetic max, natural genectics lol)
    -10% body fat
    -training since 14, but seroiusly since 18. i have been off now for a year due to shoulder injury, and just started to get back in the gym...i want to peak naturally then crank, and get BIG!!!
    I hope to learn from you guys so any advice/comments are great.l
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You look good bro. I never used HCG and regret it. You should get some. Good luck with gettin jacked. Your BF looks pretty good. Better than mine. Try to keep it low while on cycle and you will blow up.

  3. #3
    thanks bro. i also forgot to mention that i think i am gyno prone (i have used m1t's in the past at 1 pill a day and got soreness and tissue build up from that for a while)
    i do have noval on hand and was planning on using it 2 weeks after last pin, but if i think gyno is forming then i will immeditaly start taking noval at the normal dose until the gyno is gone then stop taking it, then simply start like normal for PCT.
    is this correct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by extolism View Post
    thanks bro. i also forgot to mention that i think i am gyno prone (i have used m1t's in the past at 1 pill a day and got soreness and tissue build up from that for a while)
    i do have noval on hand and was planning on using it 2 weeks after last pin, but if i think gyno is forming then i will immeditaly start taking noval at the normal dose until the gyno is gone then stop taking it, then simply start like normal for PCT.
    is this correct?
    Yes that is correct. Some use other compounds but Im not familiar enough to explain without lookin it up my self.

    Read through this for other options

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    You look good bro. I never used HCG and regret it. You should get some. Good luck with gettin jacked. Your BF looks pretty good. Better than mine. Try to keep it low while on cycle and you will blow up.

    You would recommend HCG in pct or during cycle?

    I am 4 weeks into cycle and dont have it on hand, I'm curious if I should order it (I have clomid, nov, and l-dex for my pct currently, would you still recommend HCG?).

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