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Thread: frontloading test e

  1. #1
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    frontloading test e

    how to frontload test e if i am to use 500mg per week?

  2. #2
    dont bother.

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    deep in th heart of texas
    I agree with jigga bro. Especially if its virgin muscle good luck pumping that in there. Stats and whats your cycle look like your planning. I never front load, I just go with a good oral as a kick start.

  5. #5
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    The test E ester is too long.(5 wks to see gains approx)

    It would be a waste of time.

    That's why you run a fast acting oral to kickstart the cycle.

    If this is your first, then you only need to run test E.



  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JiGGaMaN View Post
    dont bother.
    Could you eloborate on this? Never heard this before. I am a noob, only 1 cycle. I was planning on frontloading my next cycle. The logic behind it seems very reasonable. If you're running 500ml/wk that's only two 2ml shots for the first 2 weeks. Seems easy enough to me. Only costs you an extra 4mls of gear - less than half a bottle.

    So is what you are saying that the benifits of front loading aren't worth 30 bucks?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    The test E ester is too long.(5 wks to see gains approx)

    It would be a waste of time.

    That's why you run a fast acting oral to kickstart the cycle.

    If this is your first, then you only need to run test E.


    Isn't the long ester the reason why you front load?

    As I understand it, the reason long esters take a long time to kick in is because it takes a long time for the free test in your blood to get high enough to see effects. Front loading makes the free test get high enough twice as fast, so the cycle "kicks in" twice as fast. Am I understanding this wrong?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    Could you eloborate on this? Never heard this before. I am a noob, only 1 cycle. I was planning on frontloading my next cycle. The logic behind it seems very reasonable. If you're running 500ml/wk that's only two 2ml shots for the first 2 weeks. Seems easy enough to me. Only costs you an extra 4mls of gear - less than half a bottle.

    So is what you are saying that the benifits of front loading aren't worth 30 bucks?
    He's saying that you won't benefit from it.

    This guy is only running test by itself.

    So, it would be pointless to front load on this particular cycle.



  9. #9
    Join Date
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    deep in th heart of texas
    exactly.. he should spend that extra 30 bucks on an oral to kick it off....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    Isn't the long ester the reason why you front load?

    As I understand it, the reason long esters take a long time to kick in is because it takes a long time for the free test in your blood to get high enough to see effects. Front loading makes the free test get high enough twice as fast, so the cycle "kicks in" twice as fast. Am I understanding this wrong?
    No, not completely.

    Injecting more of it , over 500 mgs wk., won't benifit him.

    Now, if it was being used in conjunction with more advanced cycle, then yes.IMO



  11. #11
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    Dec 2008
    Forgive me if I'm missing what you are saying, but why does it matter if he is running test alone?

    The idea behind frontloading is that you offset the time it takes for long estered steroids to enter the bloodstream by doubling the dossage for the first half life. I thought the whole reason to front load was to make long esters kick in faster. What am I missing here?

  12. #12
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    No, not completely.

    Injecting more of it , over 500 mgs wk., won't benifit him.

    Now, if it was being used in conjunction with more advanced cycle, then yes.IMO


    You say it won't benifit him, but you don't say why?

    From everything I understand about frontloading, it will benifit him just as much as it would benifit someone running multiple compounds. It doesn't make sense that frontloading is only benificial when running multiple compounds. WHY???? From what I understand about frontloading it would def. benifit him by making him notice the effects about 2 weeks earlier. If I am wrong please help me understand why.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    Forgive me if I'm missing what you are saying, but why does it matter if he is running test alone?

    The idea behind frontloading is that you offset the time it takes for long estered steroids to enter the bloodstream by doubling the dossage for the first half life. I thought the whole reason to front load was to make long esters kick in faster. What am I missing here?
    Ok, I'm not the most technical guy on here, but here goes,

    If he injects 500 or 700 mgs a week, it will still take the same amount of time to work.,even though you are using more of it.

    I know the part that is confusing you.

    It sounds like it would work.

    But unless he uses a fast acting oral, say d-bol. It's pointless.

    And if it is his first cycle, we want to keep him on test only.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Ok, I'm not the most technical guy on here, but here goes,

    If he injects 500 or 700 mgs a week, it will still take the same amount of time to work.,even though you are using more of it.

    I know the part that is confusing you.

    It sounds like it would work.

    But unless he uses a fast acting oral, say d-bol. It's pointless.

    And if it is his first cycle, we want to keep him on test only.

    The way I understand front loading is that if he is running 500 mg/wk test e, then he would run 1000 for the first half life or the first 2 weeks. Now this won't do the same thing as some dbol, but it will get the test level in the blood up more quickly and make the test kick in faster. I don't know from practice, just theory. Are you just saying that front loading doesn't work?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    The way I understand front loading is that if he is running 500 mg/wk test e, then he would run 1000 for the first half life or the first 2 weeks. Now this won't do the same thing as some dbol, but it will get the test level in the blood up more quickly and make the test kick in faster. I don't know from practice, just theory. Are you just saying that front loading doesn't work?
    It does work.

    But not with what we are talking about now,

    And you do not want to run 1000mgs of test.

    I don't know of that many pro's, if any would do that.

    If you need the exact terminology, there are those members on the board that can explain exactly why and how.

    I just know what works and what will not.



  16. #16
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    C-man is watching this post. And Now D7M

    Wanna chime in???

    You can explain this better that me.


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    It does work.

    But not with what we are talking about now,

    And you do not want to run 1000mgs of test.

    I don't know of that many pro's, if any would do that.

    If you need the exact terminology, there are those members on the board that can explain exactly why and how.

    I just know what works and what will not.


    Thanks for continuing to respond Titanium.

    Could you explain the way you understand frontloading. I have researched frontloading and found that doubling the dosage for the first half life is standard. So for test e, that would mean double dose for 2 weeks. If you are running 500 mg/wk (pretty standard) that would mean 1000mg for the first 2 weeks. People do this all the time and pros are doing things that are much more aggressive. I've heard that there are pros that cruise on 1 g test.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    Thanks for continuing to respond Titanium.

    Could you explain the way you understand frontloading. I have researched frontloading and found that doubling the dosage for the first half life is standard. So for test e, that would mean double dose for 2 weeks. If you are running 500 mg/wk (pretty standard) that would mean 1000mg for the first 2 weeks. People do this all the time and pros are doing things that are much more aggressive. I've heard that there are pros that cruise on 1 g test.
    I think when we cross the thresh hold into what the pro's do, we are on another tier all together.

    I have seen some really aggressive cycles myself.

    And some of these guys are on TRT all ready, small price to pay for the big "O".

    But what I under stand of front loading is that with test e, which is what we are talking about, usually it is done without front loading.In this particular post as it is related to the op.
    He would really need a kicker to get the benefit of it.

    Last edited by TITANIUM; 09-08-2009 at 10:56 PM.

  19. #19
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    I totally disagree with the members that say it WILL not benefit him. Let me just say that i have done this myself 2x in the past and actually loved it. I will continue to Front load. I used this method with Testosterone Cyp. Take a look @ this and you should be clear and understand.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by XD40 View Post
    I totally disagree with the members that say it WILL not benefit him. Let me just say that i have done this myself 2x in the past and actually loved it. I will continue to Front load. I used this method with Testosterone Cyp. Take a look @ this and you should be clear and understand.
    This is what I was trying to say w/o offending anyone who might be more experienced than me. thanks for linking the thread.

  21. #21
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    Interesting thread.

    I guess you need to find out what works for you .

    So, I guess I stand corrected by that thread.

    And ,I appreciate you taking into consideration about not offending more experienced members,

    You'll find that you need "THICK SKIN" to participate here.

    We are a learning board as well as a teaching board, so it's all good.

    Peace bro.



  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Its one of those things your going to have to try for yourself and see if your respond to it, on paper its looks great but not everyone who tries it agrees!!.

    For me, I prefer frontload and it kicks sooner and i can shorten the length of the cycle down, i wouldn't recommend a frontload to someone who hasn't cycled though. When ive frontloaded, ive always felt like I am hitting the cycle at running speed and growth starts straight away, sides are low and cycle can be shortened which results in better recover and maintenance. each to their own!

    I wouldnt even recommend this method to any newbie....

  23. #23
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    i am running deca at 300mg along with test but the reason i am frontloading test only is cause i cant afford to frontload the deca as well

  24. #24
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    Im from a lot of places
    Top for more info on frontloading a Test e cycle .....

    I was under the impression that you would do 1000 mg's just for the first week of this cycle then 500mg's per week for 12 weeks.... split up into monday morning and thursday night shots...
    week 1
    monday 500 mg
    thursday 500 mg
    week 2- 12
    monday 250mg
    thursday 250mg

    make sense anyone ?

    below is from the thread frontloading explained....

    Now progression with “Double Dose” front loading:
    Day 1 – 500mg
    Day 7 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 14 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 21 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg

    Now you tell me which cycle you want to be on

  25. #25
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    Im from a lot of places
    p.s .

    i say every monday and thursday night as the halflife of test e is 7.5 days

    am i right on this . ???

    or should we be just injecting every 7 days.... wow i just confused myself
    Last edited by markhyena; 09-09-2009 at 07:34 PM.

  26. #26
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    Monday Morning/Thursday Evening

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by jfalco View Post
    Could you eloborate on this? Never heard this before. I am a noob, only 1 cycle. I was planning on frontloading my next cycle. The logic behind it seems very reasonable. If you're running 500ml/wk that's only two 2ml shots for the first 2 weeks. Seems easy enough to me. Only costs you an extra 4mls of gear - less than half a bottle.

    So is what you are saying that the benifits of front loading aren't worth 30 bucks?
    thats not how it works in real life. since no one on the board (including myself) is scientifically competent, we can only speculate for the most part. i mean, couldnt you then just inject the whole bottle on the first day and it would kick in right then and there?

  28. #28
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    Im from a lot of places
    I was under the impression that you would do 1000 mg's just for the first week of this cycle then 500mg's per week for 12 weeks.... split up into monday morning and thursday night shots...
    week 1
    monday 500 mg
    thursday 500 mg
    week 2- 12
    monday 250mg
    thursday 250mg

    make sense anyone ?

    below is from the thread frontloading explained....

    Now progression with “Double Dose” front loading:
    Day 1 – 500mg
    Day 7 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 14 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 21 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg

  29. #29
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    Im from a lot of places
    anyone ??

  30. #30
    I always frontload
    Test e does not take 5 weeks for me to kick in, i get mooned faced on wk2
    big difference imo

  31. #31
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    yes front load

    BUT remeber these are longinf acting esters, and u need to take into account the half lives of them, which people seem to forget to remeber

    even if u front load, itll take atleast 2 weeks to notice the effects becuase of the longer acting ester

    as for front loading test, this is how u should do it
    depening on how much u wann run a week
    im going to say u want to run a dosage of 500-600mg a week? throughout ur cycle

    to front load a cycle like this u would inject
    week 1
    750-1000mg monday
    thursday 750-1000

    week 2
    monday 250-300mg
    thursday 250mg-300 and continue throughout ur cycle like that

    how it works

    compare 2 cycles
    frontload dosages
    week 1 1500mg
    week 2 500mg= 2000mg in 2 weeks (less wait time)
    week 3 500mg
    week 4 500mg

    no frontload
    week 1 500mg
    week 2 500mg
    week 3 500mg
    week 4 500mg= total 2000mg in 4 weeks (longer wait time)

    u c with a front load its in ur system faster, but der still the wait time by the long ester

    so even with a front load u may wanna run oral steroids for the first 2 weeks

  32. #32
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    yes front load

    BUT remeber these are longinf acting esters, and u need to take into account the half lives of them, which people seem to forget to remeber

    even if u front load, itll take atleast 2 weeks to notice the effects becuase of the longer acting ester
    as for front loading test, this is how u should do it
    depening on how much u wann run a week
    im going to say u want to run a dosage of 500-600mg a week? throughout ur cycle

    to front load a cycle like this u would inject
    week 1
    750-1000mg monday
    thursday 750-1000

    week 2
    monday 250-300mg
    thursday 250mg-300 and continue throughout ur cycle like that

    how it works

    compare 2 cycles
    frontload dosages
    week 1 1500mg
    week 2 500mg= 2000mg in 2 weeks (less wait time)
    week 3 500mg
    week 4 500mg

    no frontload
    week 1 500mg
    week 2 500mg
    week 3 500mg
    week 4 500mg= total 2000mg in 4 weeks (longer wait time)

    u c with a front load its in ur system faster, but der still the wait time by the long ester

    so even with a front load u may wanna run oral steroids for the first 2 weeks
    I dont think you fully understand what happens if your frontload a long ester, if done correctly peak levels are within the first half live.

  33. #33
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    From:Mike XXL,

    I have been reading so many posts about when will my gear kick in...and quite frankly i am getting sick of i decided to put up a post that will explain all of that in about as clear format as i can. No matter what gear you take, this formula applies to everything, the acctual numbers might be fictitious but the concept is the same no matter what gear you choose. First off all let’s clear up the idea of esters. Esters do not slow down the initial release of hormones into blood stream they only extend the half-life of the drugs. Half-life mean that, that is you inject certain amount of drug, in a certain amount of day half of that drug will still be active. For example if you take 250mg of drug and it’s half life is 7 days, that means that in 7 days there will be 125mg of that drug still active in your system. With all AS once they are injected there is a huge release that takes place and most of the drug is in your system within 1 day. The only reason that some people do not feel the effect immediately is that the buildup of that drug to substantial/effective amount takes place over time. There is a solution to that; it’s called front loading. Front loading means taking double or triple (I recommend double) amount of the drug on your first day of the cycle. For example if you were planning to take 250mg of Sust per week, you would take 500mg on day 1 of your cycle. I hope this all makes sense and clears up a few misconceptions about “when is my gear going to kick in”, because it’s RIGHT NOW!!! As I said it works for everything, EQ, Deca, Test any ester, Tren Eenth, Masteron everything…just the half life’s change.

    Regular way of taking AS and its natural buildup progression:
    Day 1 – 250mg
    Day 7 – 125mg + 250mg = 375mg
    Day 14 – 187.5 + 250mg = 437.5mg
    Day 21 – 219.2 + 250mg = 469.2mg
    Day 28 - 234.6 + 250mg = 484.6mg
    Day 35 – 242.3 + 250mg = 492.3mg
    Day 42 – 246.1 + 250mg = 496.1mg

    Now progression with “Double Dose” front loading:
    Day 1 – 500mg
    Day 7 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 14 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 21 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg

    Now you tell me which cycle you want to be on

  34. #34
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    why do people think front loading makes an ester kick in faster? I don't understand this at all.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    why do people think front loading makes an ester kick in faster? I don't understand this at all.
    becuase u acheive higher concentrations of it in ur blood system faster

    read the above posts

    and to marcus i do understand idea behind front loading, the orals were reccomended becuase ive known few people who front load and still think it takes 1-2 weeks for it to reach a good peak in ur system

    but u dont have to use orals of course

    anyways stand by what i said on how to frontload

  36. #36
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    Why not frontload with prop?

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironside View Post
    Why not frontload with prop?
    ^^ Many, many people do... It's one of the most common kick-starts. (it's not a front-load.)

    Test-Prop (weeks 1 - 4) @ 75mg ED
    Test-E (weeks 1 - 12) @ 525mg EW

    It's a really simple method, but for some reason most people would rather try some elaborate "front-loading" protocol.

    I front-loaded my last cycle, and 100% it was bogus. All front-loading gave me was a bloated "moon-face" from the 1.5 grams of test I put into my body in the first week.

    If you're going to front-load make sure you keep some accutane on hand, 1+ gram of test (even for a week) made me break out worse then ANY other cycle (excluding 19-nors.)

    OP, just buy a 20mL of test prop, it'll still cost you LESS then frontloading with test-E. haha.
    Last edited by Vitruvian-Man; 09-13-2009 at 12:40 PM.

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