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Thread: Would resting a couple/few days hurt?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Would resting a couple/few days hurt?

    Ok here is my situation:

    Started a cycle about 1 month ago, started doing less rest days AND skyrocketing up in weight.

    My d-bol ended on friday, I don't think my test-E has fully kicked in. I feel VERY drained, and I have a LOT of places that are sore/hurt. Yes I know I went up in weight too fast, and I'm dumb for that.

    My main question is since I feel very fatigued, would it help me or hurt me for take 2-3 days off (maybe just do moderate cardio during those days)? Or should I just trudge through it?

    My current workout routine is
    Chest & Tri
    Back & shoulder
    Bicep and Calves

    then 30 mins of cardio 2 days in a row, rest, 2 more cardio, rest, etc.
    Then Abs every other night.

    and this is on top of working 6-7 days a week, 10 hours a day doing construction.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Personally not the smartest thing to do..... but you have to listen to your body. I would ahve taken a week off a few weeks prior to cycling.. to let everything rest up.... But in all honesty... You have to listen to your body. Or you can do some damage.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    resting is not the smartest thing to do?

    I'm thinking of resting 2 days, since my workout got screwed up and I've done legs, then chest, and was gonna do back tonight, but EVERYTHING hurts lol. I figure 2 rest days might do me good, and I might feel a bit more fresh when I grab the weight next.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    rest, your body needs it. Rest 4-5 days.. youll come back strong

  5. #5
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by xephonics View Post
    resting is not the smartest thing to do?

    I'm thinking of resting 2 days, since my workout got screwed up and I've done legs, then chest, and was gonna do back tonight, but EVERYTHING hurts lol. I figure 2 rest days might do me good, and I might feel a bit more fresh when I grab the weight next.
    Not smart since you have only been on cycle for 4 weeks.... basically saying you should have thought about it before jumping onto a cycle.... BUT you have to listen to your body. If you feel you need rest. Then take the time necessary.

  6. #6
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    4-5 would not be detrimental?

    I guess I just get obsessive when it comes to weight lifting (As I'm more of a powerlifting mind set, so losing 5 lbs on DL makes me depressed lol)

    But I guess resting up would probably do me way more good than harm.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    i take a week rest every couple of months.. it helps a lot.. even off cycle

  8. #8
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    Yepppp i feel stronger after a little break... ofc you dont want to take a break every other 2 weeks... but... every couple months i take a week off.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Not smart since you have only been on cycle for 4 weeks.... basically saying you should have thought about it before jumping onto a cycle.... BUT you have to listen to your body. If you feel you need rest. Then take the time necessary.
    Yeah I researched most everything else, but I must have missed the rest before cycle part :/

    But thanks for the advice, now I will not feel AS bad about not working out for a couple/few days.

    Yeah I've not had a break for a few months now, longest break being probably 2 days in a row. So I guess i'm due :P

  10. #10
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    Nothing really saying you should/have to rest before a cycle..... I like to do it jut to make sure i'm good to go.........

    If you go for 4 months no rest then go for a cycle you will find yourself in your situation.....

  11. #11
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    personally if your body says rest just rest. rest for 1-2 days and then see how you feel again.

    you could over do it and then you'll be out for even longer

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the further encouragement

    Yeah I'm gonna try for 2 days and see how I feel then.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    breaks are a good idea bro, i just came back from a 1 week break , i feel really strong and i feel better

  14. #14
    everyone is different..i was burning out bigtime...took a week off and went back and knew after that one day felt like shit...went back today after two weeks and feel fine...listen to your body..

  15. #15
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    The fact that everything hurts and you are questioning whether you should work out or not indicates you need rest.

    Would a simple two day rest really destroy his cycle?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    I don't rest while on cycle because i dont want to waste it. Usually i will rest for a week a little bit before my cycle and then again a few weeks after PCT. But if your body needs rest then rest

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    It's funny cuz i was just gonna ask the same question, however, I haven't felt well (cold), So I missed 4 days so far and was feeling really bad about it. Guess it aint so bad as I thought.

  18. #18
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    hi mate, im a powerlifter too, 7 days rest wont do you any harm at all, you sound most def overtrained, ive taken 2wks off before and came back a stuffed my previous d'lifts. gear or no gear if your body needs rest it needs it

  19. #19
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    If you do not rest if you need it you will hurt more than help in the long run! I just took 3 days off myself. I have a small shoulder tar I am babying and I slammed my left elbow on a plate getting into the hammer strength Iso Incline press machine and it has been sore for 3 weeks now... If I need a couple days off here and there I take them! Listening to your body is IMO 1 of the most important things you have to do! On cycle or off!

  20. #20
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    Taking a break upwards of a week during a cycle is perfectly fine. In fact, you have the support of the compounds you're running to help maintain your muscle gains.

    If you're feeling sore, burnt out, it means you're overtraining and you need a break.. simple.

    Don't feel guilty or paranoid about it, your body needs it and you'll be just fine. You won't shrink.

    I had to take a break during my cycle because I was overdoing it. I took a week off, everything was fine when I started at it again. Just recently I injured my neck and took almost two weeks off to recover. I'm lifting the same weights 2 days back.

    You're gonna be up shits creek if you don't listen to your body and cause serious injury. Then you WILL shrink when you're out of the gym for a month or two. Also gotta be nice to your CNS.. it can take a real beating as well.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    yeah bro listen to your body. If it is telling you that you are wore out then take 3-4 days rest and then get back at it.You do construction any way so its not like you are a coach potato. I think it will do ya good.

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