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  1. #1
    IggySupra is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2009

    Need your input!

    So here is my dilemma guys. This is the beginning of my 7th week, had my 1cc@350mg last night. This is what I started noticing, my appetite has gone through the roof. Like I starve every hr, no kidding. I just ate about 2.5 bowls of white rice with chicken about 25mins ago and I could start feeling my stomach emptyish. And to be honest, this is fuqking annoying. I need someone who eats ALOT, to give me their diet. It seems like I will have to be stuffing myself with every meal, no more portions for me. I have had about 7 meals withing an 8hr time spand. And i still have a few more hrs to go.

    Now, my other little issue, I know my test levels are peakng the fuqk out about now. Cause I get pissed over any little shet. I feel like im turning into the hulk every single time over anything. How do you guys manage to keep in control? I need some advice in that area too because I have never been like this, even though Im a very inpatient person in general off cycle. Well appreciate any help I get, Thanks.

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    Your appetite will increase that is one of the perks of a cycle.
    Have self control and breath for the anger. Also just keep yourself out of situations that may cause problems

  3. #3
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    if you actually have the appetite, to eat what you need for growth. than consider yourself lucky. i eat a lot, but i still need to force some calories into me, to ensure i grow a lot. there is no way i can just naturally eat 5000cals a day, it has to be forced.

    as for the rage, everyone is different. i get like that too, but im like that both on and off cycle. and i just try to rationalize in my head, that shit happens. so dont let it bother you.

  4. #4
    IggySupra is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2009
    Yeah thats true, I guess I should just wake up and make about 8 meals and store them, cause when I get hungry, I start getting grumpy FAST. Thats 10 meals@ 500 caliers a piece!! Damm thats alot, Iw would say I consumed about 4000+ up to right now. And still got a few hrs to go.

    I was also suggested to start counting from 1-10 in my head when I get angry, Im going to try that and see what happens.

  5. #5
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I usually get up and make breakfast and eat then after that i make my food for the rest of the day that i just reheat. Sometimes i will make it for the next couple of days

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