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Thread: Sust + EQ + Masteron 16wk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Sust + EQ + Masteron 16wk


    Diet is A-okay
    Lean and strong
    My goal is to put on more mass and stay near the same composition. I kinda know what to expect but but ANY input is appreciated.

    700mg/wk Sust
    500mg/wk EQ
    400mg/wk Masteron(prop)
    Plan on pinning EoD. May switch to every day because of higher volumes of juice.

    Test-Prop has been my T of choice for awhile but i would like to try out sust. Prop has been my favorite because i retain very little water while on cycle but I want to dick around with sustanon

    Masteron is new to me... I've been hearing wayyyy too much good stuff about it to ignore it. My cycles have been pretty good to me.. I'm just hoping Masteron will make a good addition. I'm not sure if i need to run low dose anti-e during cycle b/c of masteron.... some say i will be fine but ill be prepared probably with an AI. I've felt some gyno sensations before.... maybe they have been only in my mind but i hardly doubt that it COULDNT happen to me - i'll be prepared.

    Pretty standard PCT (serm)

    Again, Any thoughts would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    What's you bf% like? and Cycle exp? If you have used boldenone before at what dosage? and did you gain anything of it? The masteron sounds good at 400mg/week injected EOD. Good idea to keep an AI just in case, especially if you know you are gyno prone. How long are you planning to run each? and please elaborate on PCT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    is there any way you could swap the eq for deca? That would be an awesome cycle as you would have your 19-nor (deca), your test base with the sustanon, and a dht with the masteron. You would be extremely happy with the results IMO.

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