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  1. #1
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    what dosage with test 160 - 170 lb

    What should be the dosage for someone who is 160 lbs for example. Is it a waste going for 500 mg a week and more sides??

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldemoro View Post
    What should be the dosage for someone who is 160 lbs for example. Is it a waste going for 500 mg a week and more sides??
    100mg of natural food.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Agreed with above. Yes you will gain some weight and you will loose it all because your diet sucks unless you are 5' 2"

  4. #4
    *El Diablo*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldemoro View Post
    What should be the dosage for someone who is 160 lbs for example. Is it a waste going for 500 mg a week and more sides??
    Training Experience?
    Previous Cycles?


  5. #5
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    age 28
    160 lb
    2 years training experience
    my first cycle was a bit wrong and long realy then i decided to join this forum
    first cycle
    1-4 d bol 15 mg a day
    4-8 nandrolone 100 mg a week
    8-16 test e 500 mg then i was out of test e so i used sustanon 500 mg a week
    12-16 stanazol 50mg eod

    im now on my second cycle please help

  6. #6
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldemoro View Post
    age 28
    160 lb
    2 years training experience
    my first cycle was a bit wrong and long realy then i decided to join this forum
    first cycle
    1-4 d bol 15 mg a day
    4-8 nandrolone 100 mg a week
    8-16 test e 500 mg then i was out of test e so i used sustanon 500 mg a week
    12-16 stanazol 50mg eod

    im now on my second cycle please help
    holy shit what a mess. You dont need gear. you need a diet. Id be happy to help you with a cycle if you can post for me your diet in full for us to review (in the diet forum i mean)

  7. #7
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    i tryed to diet before aas but all i was getting was a big stomack so after my first cyle o got the stomack down from 19% body fat to 15% body fat but i know i did a few things wrong my trainer was an old school guy a thought that should be the way i should cycle without mixing compounds together

  8. #8
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    it sounds like your whole program was messed up bro.

    If youre training right and dieting right you shouldnt be putting on so much fat.

    How is your workout split set up?
    Please post diet aswell

  9. #9
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMArmour View Post
    it sounds like your whole program was messed up bro.

    If youre training right and dieting right you shouldnt be putting on so much fat.

    How is your workout split set up?
    Please post diet aswell
    15% fat is ok for me since im trying to bulk. I have 3 to 4 times meal during the day but i dont use any protein shake just when im of cycle i use creatine. but i went up from 155 to 175 then came back down when my cycle was over after a month

  10. #10
    MMArmour's Avatar
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    then SOMETHING was not right if you lost all ur gains after cycle. Its not mystery stuff we are dealing with here. Its science. Something was not up to par with maintaining your gains otherwise you would have.

  11. #11
    arenawarrior is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by aldemoro View Post
    What should be the dosage for someone who is 160 lbs for example. Is it a waste going for 500 mg a week and more sides??

    check your PM's

  12. #12
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    first and all do respect to any guy new or old on here - keep answers on the deck... going pm for something like this looks shady like your offering the guy a solution that either sucks or cant be 2x checked or your offering him a sourec that could be good or bad.


    im going to tell you what you need to hear and what you want to hear...

    what you want to hear... you 28 a big boy and can make decsions for you self - if you want to use aas go for it but understand how it works and why it works...
    you did something right to be gainging weight form a cycle that was strange, non the less it was cycle of some good compounds. so you should have seen gains...

    what the problem looks like to me is the gains were from eating and working out and aas. what the losses were from is poor eating and no pct(post cycle thearpy) that is why very smart guys are posting to you that food should be you number one goal here... in my op - diet is 80% of what you look like, you will get more out of food than aas at this point of you training... trust me.

    so this is what you need to do... find a diet expert on here and post your diet, you will get some amazing help, amazing help!! it will be life changing. second, 2x check what your work out/splits are to make sure your good - i am a big fan of sling shot training... search it and read it. then you MUST RESEARCH PCT AND FIGUR OUT ON YOUR OWN WHAT IT IS HOW IT WORKS AND WHY YOU LOST ALL YOUR GAINS...


  13. #13
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    first and all do respect to any guy new or old on here - keep answers on the deck... going pm for something like this looks shady like your offering the guy a solution that either sucks or cant be 2x checked or your offering him a sourec that could be good or bad.


    im going to tell you what you need to hear and what you want to hear...

    what you want to hear... you 28 a big boy and can make decsions for you self - if you want to use aas go for it but understand how it works and why it works...
    you did something right to be gainging weight form a cycle that was strange, non the less it was cycle of some good compounds. so you should have seen gains...

    what the problem looks like to me is the gains were from eating and working out and aas. what the losses were from is poor eating and no pct(post cycle thearpy) that is why very smart guys are posting to you that food should be you number one goal here... in my op - diet is 80% of what you look like, you will get more out of food than aas at this point of you training... trust me.

    so this is what you need to do... find a diet expert on here and post your diet, you will get some amazing help, amazing help!! it will be life changing. second, 2x check what your work out/splits are to make sure your good - i am a big fan of sling shot training... search it and read it. then you MUST RESEARCH PCT AND FIGUR OUT ON YOUR OWN WHAT IT IS HOW IT WORKS AND WHY YOU LOST ALL YOUR GAINS...

    I had pct done after 1 week of my last shot of test with tamoxifen 20 mg a day for a month
    and hcg 500 iu every 3 day for 2 weeks. But still i lost most of it some people say its because of the long cycle i did is 16 weeks long should i go for 8 weeks next time and hit pct.

    the second thing is i get huge amount of bodyhair and itchines allergic when im on test shall i drop to treatment dose and also i dont know if its a waste if i go over 400 mg a week for someone lets say 160 to 170 lbs??

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