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Thread: online orders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    online orders for clomid

    i was told you could go online and legally buy arimidex,nolvadex, and clomid as long as it wasn't over a 3 month supply. any truth to this. i was given a site but didn't know if i should post it or not but just wanted to see if somebody was pulling my leg.
    Last edited by novice1; 11-16-2001 at 10:19 AM.

  2. #2
    CYCLEON Guest
    well, substances that are listed as "controllled" fall under the DEA's jurisdiction and I am unaware of whether the 3month rule applies - in most cases it seems NOT - for those substances that are prescription but not controlled fall under the FDA, which currently allows importation of a 3 month supply for personal use. Note, they are not required to let your stuff in - so there is no way that you can hassle them if they dont - it is sort of at their option - most of the time however, customs will let it through, even when they open it and they can clearly see what it is.

    So yes, most of the time ordering from an overseas pharm will get to you if its just anti-estrogens.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Yes it is true I just came through customs with 50 nolvadex,and
    50 clem,they took me in side a left me and my budy on a bench.
    When he came back he asked if I was a roider.I look him in the eye's and said "do I look like I take steroids" he started laughing
    and gave my stuff back and said have a nice day...

  4. #4
    CYCLEON Guest
    hmmmmmmm................. thats not good! looks like you will have to bump up that next cycle!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    finaplix legend
    I've had some anti e's inspected by cutoms that they still sent on to me... But it is still a crap shoot weather or not they even inspect any certain package... You could get some customs inspector thats in a bad mood that doesn't let it through.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    he he he , He was not laghing because I was small it is because I was surper bloted, and I was 3 times the size of him
    you guys are making me feel small And I am 5'10 225lbs 11% bf
    so be nice........

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