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Thread: Back to square one...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Back to square one...

    i'm sooo pi$$ed off right about now...been working my a$$ off and getting myself prepared to start my first cycle. everything was going great, got my diet in check and got my workout regime down. I was feeling on top of the world and thinking can't wait to explode when i start the cycle... that is until i start feeling aches and pains in my back... over night my legs felt like they were burning up with cold sweat's throught-out the night, then when i wake up the next day i've got a sore throat and banging headache and can hardly move outta bed...tried contacting my local GP and he thinks it's the dreaded swine flu arrgghh...

    So now i'm on Tamiflu and looks like i'm not gonna be able to even get into the gym for the next one-two weeks

    really wanna hit the weights but can't in the state i'm in...what do you guys do when your hit with illness? Stop training or just lighter training? What i'm thinking is to give two weeks recovery, followed by 4 weeks retraining in the gym and then start the cycle? what do you guys think i should do?

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    def dont train mate......1) it wont do you any good....2) ul prob spread it about........what you said sounds pretty good to me.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    man..what your talkin about happened to me this year ...I stayed in bed all day took 3 or 4 hot ass baths and just laid and rested all day long...drank lots of water and kept my nutrition up..the headache was almost gone by day day three i was completely back to normal..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    yeah right swine flu lol...hopefully not but it just sounds sound dumb when people bring it up...nothing against you cause if you have it that sucks but you got a headache and feel sick and your doctor is like...hmm must be the swine flu

    peace bro

  5. #5
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    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by domeyeahaigh View Post
    yeah right swine flu lol...hopefully not but it just sounds sound dumb when people bring it up...nothing against you cause if you have it that sucks but you got a headache and feel sick and your doctor is like...hmm must be the swine flu

    peace bro
    The funny thing is my GP won't even see me lol just spoke to him on the phone and he tells me don't come into the surgery, get a friend to come and pick up the persciption...guess they don't wanna spread it, which is fair enough...

    Hope it is just a viral infection that clears up in the next few days... as for spreadin it in the gym, i workout from home gym, so no probs there

  6. #6
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    well if you have any kind of flu just rest till you feel better then rest a couple more days just to make sure your back on track......

  7. #7
    The last 5 weeks of my cycle a few months ago, I ended up having a high fever, the flu, and bronchitis, and I still worked out like crazy for 5 weeks straight. High-intensity cardio included. Sure, I puked about 4 times while lifting, but the high fever helped with the fat burning.

    It was hard as hell, but you can't lay around when on gear. Since you are not on it yet, I would suggest resting for a bit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    I had swine flu about 8 weeks ago got tested by gp and had it confirmed i didnt take tamiflu he gave it to me but i heard to many bad things about it,as for training stay at home bro and rest dont train you dont want to pass it around and training wont help your recovery

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Training definately off the cards for the next week, had the worst night sleep, sweating hard but feeling cold and aching all over...Wouldn't be to bad if i could actually eat but my throat like sand paper and only taking fluids... if i continue like this for the next few days think i'm gonna lose atleast 10lbs ...

    Definately got some kind of flu, can't even get outta bed without feeling off balance, so gonna continue with the tamiflu, only risks i've heard are that the virus could develope a resistance to the drug.

    ... atleast i can continue my thumb muscell development with my xbox training

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Houston, TX
    just drink assloads of fluid bro...assloads upon assloads...

    get some sunshine if you can as well...

    your body needs nutrients to recover and agua for about 20989284 different reasons

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Meshy View Post
    Training definately off the cards for the next week, had the worst night sleep, sweating hard but feeling cold and aching all over...Wouldn't be to bad if i could actually eat but my throat like sand paper and only taking fluids... if i continue like this for the next few days think i'm gonna lose atleast 10lbs ...

    Definately got some kind of flu, can't even get outta bed without feeling off balance, so gonna continue with the tamiflu, only risks i've heard are that the virus could develope a resistance to the drug.

    Yeah, I would take a rest if I were you. It sounds like the symptoms you get that would eventually lead to bronchitis. Being cold, sweating, and aching all at the same time is the worst feeling ever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meshy View Post
    ... atleast i can continue my thumb muscell development with my xbox training

    Call of Duty all the way bruddah.

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