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Thread: Anavar and proviron

  1. #1

    Anavar and proviron

    Alright so I got a two bottles of anavar and a bottle of proviron and basicallyl before I touch the stuff I want to ask you experienced guys. I want to take anavar for 6-8 weeks at 50mg ED. My proviron I would add in at 50mg ED at week 4-6 depends how long I make my cycle go. Also, would I need any other PCT or would proviron do the trick? Also any other tips would be nice. This is my first cycle so I'm kinda nervous but I'm ready for it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis

    years training?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by natedawg429 View Post
    Alright so I got a two bottles of anavar and a bottle of proviron and basicallyl before I touch the stuff I want to ask you experienced guys. I want to take anavar for 6-8 weeks at 50mg ED. My proviron I would add in at 50mg ED at week 4-6 depends how long I make my cycle go. Also, would I need any other PCT or would proviron do the trick? Also any other tips would be nice. This is my first cycle so I'm kinda nervous but I'm ready for it.
    I would save the PROVIRON for another time. You dont really need it here.
    Most guys do very well on 40-60mg ANAVAR daily,,8-10 wks.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by d7m View Post

    Years training?


  5. #5
    Age: 22
    Hight: 6'1
    Weight: 191
    Years training: 2+

    So, basically what your saying is doing a 6 maybe 8 week cycle of anavar at like 60mgs a day I should be fine when I come off? I read that adding prov wouldn't be to bad. But yea so what should I do? Also, at 60mgs a day and the pills are 10mg should I take doses 3 times a day with two pills? Another thing.. even on my nonwork out days such as the weekend I still take my doses right?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by natedawg429 View Post
    Age: 22
    Hight: 6'1
    Weight: 191
    Years training: 2+

    So, basically what your saying is doing a 6 maybe 8 week cycle of anavar at like 60mgs a day I should be fine when I come off? I read that adding prov wouldn't be to bad. But yea so what should I do? Also, at 60mgs a day and the pills are 10mg should I take doses 3 times a day with two pills? Another thing.. even on my nonwork out days such as the weekend I still take my doses right?
    Yes, you still want to take the oxandrolone on your off days from the gym as well. The goal here is to get stable blood levels of any AAS that you plan to take. Also, you shouldnt need to run 2 DHT derivatives together...the oxandrolone will be just fine without the mesterolone. Hope this helps

  7. #7
    Alright well I've done a little bit more research and alot of people like dbol with anavar.. the only thing is that does dbol mess harsh with your test levels? Cause I'm only 22 so I could wait a few more years if I had to.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by natedawg429 View Post
    Alright well I've done a little bit more research and alot of people like dbol with anavar.. the only thing is that does dbol mess harsh with your test levels? Cause I'm only 22 so I could wait a few more years if I had to.
    Yes. I think that's a great idea.

    save your money and spend it on food.

    In the meantime, keep reading around here. dbol/var is a terrible cycle.

    Here you go,

  9. #9
    Well I'll probably just run a cycle of stand alone anavar. How much do I need per day. I'm 6'1 at 193ish pounds. And would a 6 week cycle be good? One more thing do I need a PCT with anavar?

  10. #10
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    I honestly don't think you should run any cycle. Oral or injectable.

    Why bother messing with your hormones now, when you have tons of natural test in your system.

    And you want to want to go suppressing your HPTA for var?

    And if you're dead set on running a cycle, I don't know why you'd spend the money on such a weak compound as var.

    Imo, var is pretty much a woman's drug.

  11. #11
    I want to use a weak steroid for my first cycle just to break in and also to just take it easy on my system for now cause I don't think var will do much damage if I just do one cycle every couple months.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by natedawg429 View Post
    I want to use a weak steroid for my first cycle just to break in and also to just take it easy on my system for now cause I don't think var will do much damage if I just do one cycle every couple months.
    ...if I just do one cycle every couple months. What do you mean...?

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by natedawg429 View Post
    I want to use a weak steroid for my first cycle just to break in and also to just take it easy on my system for now cause I don't think var will do much damage if I just do one cycle every couple months.
    Dont talk stupid for gods sake,

    stop everything you have planned and do some research, your to young to do weak AAS, your talking like some kid who thinks AAS is the only answer, do you know you have the highest amount of test floating around at your age? do you know your own system hasnt fully developed yet and you could cause damage even with weak AAS, stop acting stupid and stop and research anf forget AAS for a few yrs, jesus whats wrong with this place lately.

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