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ok bro you want your answers questioned here it is.
depending on your ester of the tren it takes different time. for example tren e takes longer to kick it. from my experiences it is not too difficult to find legit stuff from pharm's. a buddy and i bought 2 bottles and they were both from dif. legit pharm's. It is best to run TESTOSTERONE with tren because tren will shut down ALL of your natural testosterone and your body NEEDS testosterone to build muscle efficiently and also to keep other functions of the body in order. Tren alone will give you massive sides including gyno (bitch tits), bad acne, and could permanently damage your HPTA meaning you will never regain full natural testosterone and could even make you insterile which means you would not be able to have kids (dunno if want to or not but just saying). in my opinion your first cycle should be test only so see how your body reacts and to gauge what compounds work for you. for example i have a buddy who did test only his first cycle and had great results but on his second cycle he used dbol and test...he said he was miserable, got gyno and acne sides and also retained a shitload of water weight so he believes dbol is not right for him (he was able to understand dbol was the cause because this did not happen with test only). HOPE THIS HELPS! GOOD LUCK!
PS. people on this forum can be a little edgy because they see these questions all the time and can get frustrated however they all mean GOOD! they want to make sure you are ok. and also PCT is important