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Thread: Im stuck cant gain a pound at all!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
    The Bat cave!

    Im stuck cant gain a pound at all!

    3 years of lifting
    never cycled

    i no im a still young but im completley stuck ive been on a bulking diet for about 2 months now and i cant seem to gain even a pound and keep it.
    im at about 3900 cals.
    my bmr is 1978 cals
    tdee is 3100 cals

    jsut looking if i could get a little bit of advice.
    thanks guys.

    Diet -

    Meal # 1 ish (6:00am)
    whey protein shake 5/6/30 (125 cals)

    Meal #1 (7:30am)
    1 table spoon of olive oil - 7/0/0 (40cals)
    6 egg whites - 0/0/20 (100cals))
    1 full egg - 5/.4/6.5 (74cals)
    1/2 cup onions - 1/8/.70 (35cals)
    1/2 cup red pepper - 1/9/1.5 (63cals)
    half cup dry oats - 4/30/8 (130cals)

    fat - 18 carbs - 47 pro - 37g
    total cals - 442calories

    Meal #2 (10:15am)
    weight gainer shake - 15.5/78/35 (460cals)
    1 cup 2% milk - 9.6/12/9 (130cals)
    organic PB - 10/2/5 (100cals)

    fat - 35 carbs - 92 pro - 49g
    total cals - 690 calories

    Meal #3 (12pm)
    1 can tuna - 2.5/0/26 (125cals)
    1 table spoon mayo - 4/2/.1 (40cals)
    1/4 cup onions - .75/4/.35 (17cals)
    1 oz avacodo - 5/0/0 (33cals)
    2 peice whole wheat bread - 2.4/32/7 (170cals)

    fat - 15 carbs - 38 pro - 33g
    total cals - 385 calories

    Meal #4 (1:30pm)
    5 oz moose meat - 6/0/38 (200cals)
    3 oz brown rice - 1/20/3 (95cals)
    1/2 cup veggies - 0/2/.5 (23cals)

    fat - 7 carbs - 22 pro - 39g
    total cals - 318 calories

    Workout (3pm)

    Meal #5 (PW) (4:30pm)
    weight gainer shake (water) - 15.5/78/35 (460cals)
    1 table spoon flaz oil - 14/0/0 (120cals)

    fat - 30 carbs - 78 pro - 35g
    total cals - 580 calories

    Meal #6 (1 hour after shake) (5:30pm)
    3 oz brown rice - 1/20/3 (95cals)
    5-6 oz chicken breast, (moose, pork) - 6/0/38 (200cals)
    1/2 cup veggies - 0/2/.5 (23cals)
    1 oz avacodo - 5/0/0 (33cals)

    fat - 12 carbs - 22 pro - 42g
    total cals - 351 calories

    Meal #7 (7:30pm)
    5 oz chicken breast - 6/0/38 (200cals)
    3 oz brown rice - 1/20/3 (95cals)
    1 cup veggies - 0/4/1 (45cals)
    1 table spoon olive oil - 7/0/0 (40cals)
    2 table spoon teriakiy sauce - 0/5/.2 (20cals)

    fat - 14 carbs - 29 pro - 42g
    total cals - 400 calories

    Meal #8 (10:30pm)
    1 table spoon of olive oil - 7/0/0 (40cals)
    6 egg whites - 0/0/20 (100cals)
    1 full egg - 6.5/1/6 (70cals)
    1 table spoon flax oil - 14/0/0 (120cals)

    fat - 27 carbs - 1 pro - 26g
    total cals - 330 calories

    Total - Fat (158g), Carbs (331g), Protein (301g)

    total cals - 3655 calories

    i would like to try something to get my over that palteu im stuck on.
    maybe some test?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    have u tried changing your workout? lots of times that helps break through plateus

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    head over to the diet forum, my friend. They'll help you get over your plateau over there.

    To start with you can drop those crap "weight gainer shakes" and replace with real food.

    you have 120g cho from real food. And 160g cho from those shakes.

    So up your clean carbs. 3oz. of brown rice in a sitting is nothing.

    Most of those shakes are loaded with sugar and fillers. If you schedule doesn't allow you to eat at those times, I'd rather you make your own "weight gainer shake".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    Looks not too bad, but if I were to make 2 suggestions...

    1) up the meat in meals 4,6 and 7 to at least 8oz.
    2) drop the weight gainer shakes, use a good quality whey isolate and add in oats, banana etc or something to that affect. Im sure a lot of people will argue about this, but the excess carbs in a lot of those are sugars you really dont want. On top of that, those wieghtgainers are usually quite expensive and require 4-6 scoops.

    And as a side addition, maybe some casein before bed to help after the 3rd hour onwards while you are sleeping.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    R.I.P My friends
    I type too damn slow, you guys always beat me to what Im writing =)

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    If your at a sticking point adjust the diet, ive seen alot worse diets and it looks like your heading in the right direction but go down to the diet section and ask for help, this is the AAS q&a.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    not 100% on how you do things but maybe your cardio is too intense and burns muscle and fat. i would also up the cals just a bit by replacing a shake with real food as mentioned before (if your bf is low enough). other than that your diet looks pretty solid. maybe some test is in need

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Damn, i'd think you would be gaining. Good advice above. Replacing at least 1-2 of those gainer shakes with big clean meals and making sure you're not doing to much cardio and you should be growing with no problem. Also keep in mind, that if you are not gaining or losing weight you're almost right where you want to be. Slight adjustments will get you there. Good luck bro.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    The Bat cave!
    ok thanks alot guys so cut out 2 of the shakes and make it 1 cup of rice and 8oz lean meat. and veggies are pretty much for fiber. what about the 6 am shake?
    o and i cut the wieght gainer right out and now i am trying muscle milk, any good? or should i jsut got straight whey?

    instead of AAS, what about trying a test booster like novadex xt?

    Sorry for posting in the wrong section.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    The Bat cave!
    bump any one. what about test booster since im still young?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by exploitz View Post
    bump any one. what about test booster since im still young?
    You shouldn't need one at your age.

    Your doing fine.

    Try mixing up a different WO plan.

    That, with diet tweaks is all it takes sometimes.



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Living easy in Asia
    I too would replace a couple of the shakes (not the Pre or Post workout ones) with real meals, I would also look at something else for the last meal, meat or casien type proteins

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by grinchinit View Post
    not 100% on how you do things but maybe your cardio is too intense and burns muscle and fat. i would also up the cals just a bit by replacing a shake with real food as mentioned before (if your bf is low enough). other than that your diet looks pretty solid. maybe some test is in need
    still a little early to jump right on the test train bro!
    he needs to try other suggestions and wait another year or better yet imo another two before he jumps on AAS!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008
    keep the wieght gainer shake straight after the gym, sugar is good to have straight after working out... these carbs will go straight to your muscles for energy to train again

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