I'm constructing a nice recomp cycle for next Summer and really want to run a 16 week cycle this time around.
My previous 12 week cycle of Test E/Mast E/Var/Winny went great, but I want to step things up a bit.
I'm well aware of the strength and sides that Tren E brings and will be using Pharm Femara as well as Caber Tabs 3x weekly AND Pramipexole ED while on Tren, but plan on keep its dosage low and will only run it for 10 weeks inside my 16 week cycle just to be safe. (240-320mg weekly)
My question is this:
I want to run a nice lean anabolic throughout the cycle on top of my low dose of Test E (250 wkly) and am considering Proviron @ 75mg ED, Primo @ 400mg wkly, or simply the Test E.
I'd be kickstarting with OT @ 60mg and wrapping things up with Winny @ 60mg.
Clen and Albuterol will also be cycled on a 1 week on/1 week off pattern throughout.
I hear Primo's effects during a cut/recomp cycle are second to none and being a nutritionist enables me to get great gains out of small dosages so...
Should I just run Test/Primo?
Is Tren needed here?
Should I just run Test/Tren instead?
On paper Primo is stronger than Masteron so I am willing to run just Test/Primo if the board feels that would be enough.
Thanks in advance for any and all advice,
26 years old
7% BF
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