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Thread: Test/Primo/Tren E Recomp Cycle Advice...

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Test/Primo/Tren E Recomp Cycle Advice...

    I'm constructing a nice recomp cycle for next Summer and really want to run a 16 week cycle this time around.

    My previous 12 week cycle of Test E/Mast E/Var/Winny went great, but I want to step things up a bit.

    I'm well aware of the strength and sides that Tren E brings and will be using Pharm Femara as well as Caber Tabs 3x weekly AND Pramipexole ED while on Tren, but plan on keep its dosage low and will only run it for 10 weeks inside my 16 week cycle just to be safe. (240-320mg weekly)

    My question is this:

    I want to run a nice lean anabolic throughout the cycle on top of my low dose of Test E (250 wkly) and am considering Proviron @ 75mg ED, Primo @ 400mg wkly, or simply the Test E.

    I'd be kickstarting with OT @ 60mg and wrapping things up with Winny @ 60mg.

    Clen and Albuterol will also be cycled on a 1 week on/1 week off pattern throughout.

    I hear Primo's effects during a cut/recomp cycle are second to none and being a nutritionist enables me to get great gains out of small dosages so...

    Should I just run Test/Primo?

    Is Tren needed here?

    Should I just run Test/Tren instead?

    On paper Primo is stronger than Masteron so I am willing to run just Test/Primo if the board feels that would be enough.

    Thanks in advance for any and all advice,

    26 years old
    7% BF

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  2. #2
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    what were your previous cycles? just the one you listed?

    what exactly are your goals?

    I usually don't think of a recomp for someone as lean as you.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    what were your previous cycles? just the one you listed?

    what exactly are your goals?

    I usually don't think of a recomp for someone as lean as you.
    I'm a veteran prohormone user, but as far as AAS is concerned, yes... I've only ran the 12 week Test E/Masteron E/Var/Winny cycle.

    I'm not concerned with wet mass or aromatizing compounds. My primary goal is to be as dry and lean as possible while running a CKD diet.

    Rumors state that Primo is KING for this and I really want to give it a shot, but if Primo's gains can be had or surpassed by using a low dose of a stronger compound, then I'm all ears.

    TTT for experienced guidance and suggestions.

  4. #4
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    I have not used primo personally but upon all of my research a lot of members are claiming that it needs to be run at a fairly high dosage to see results from it.

    I'm not so sure Tren E is a good choice for a second cycle. Have your considered short esthers? Tren A may be a better choice to see how you react to the compound.

    I would say try Test and Primo..... but i'd probably do atleast 600mg's/wk of the Primo. It's very very mild anyways...... lets us know how you like it if you use it.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I have not used primo personally but upon all of my research a lot of members are claiming that it needs to be run at a fairly high dosage to see results from it.

    I'm not so sure Tren E is a good choice for a second cycle. Have your considered short esthers? Tren A may be a better choice to see how you react to the compound.

    I would say try Test and Primo..... but i'd probably do atleast 600mg's/wk of the Primo. It's very very mild anyways...... lets us know how you like it if you use it.

    Hmm... That's a lot of ccs. I'm really trying to keep things within 3ccs 2x weekly.

    What about either of these?


    Weeks 1 -16: Test E @ 200mg Weekly
    Weeks 1 -16: Primo @ 400mg Weekly
    Weeks 3 -14: Tren E @ 240mg Weekly



    Weeks 1 -16: Test E @ 250mg Weekly
    Weeks 3 -14: Tren E @ 320mg Weekly

    Which do you think would be best?

  6. #6
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    All you need is test and tren. Primo is so weak that you wont even notice it with the tren in there. Nr.2 all the way. Tren is simply an awesome aas for recomp.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    why run a 16 wk cycle? why so long!
    400mgs of primo wont do anything, needs to be at least double that to see results and thats if your one of the lucky ones, very weak but if ran high enough it can be a great addition.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    All you need is test and tren. Primo is so weak that you wont even notice it with the tren in there. Nr.2 all the way. Tren is simply an awesome aas for recomp.
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    why run a 16 wk cycle? why so long!
    400mgs of primo wont do anything, needs to be at least double that to see results and thats if your one of the lucky ones, very weak but if ran high enough it can be a great addition.
    So just go with Test/Tren? I'm very concerned with estrogenic sides as Test and I don't mix very well, thus the low dosage.

    I WILL be running Proviron throughout my cycle between 50-100mg ED depending on the point of the cycle. I'll also be running legit Femara as well.

    Knowing this, what dosage would you guys recommend for the Tren E?

    Marcus, I'm leaning toward a 16 week cycle as I don't want to overlap my orals this time around. I'm running 50 days of both OT and Winny at each end and a 16 weeker gives me a nice 26 day break in between.

    Thanks again for all your help.

  9. #9
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    I would say go with either test/tren or primo+test. 300 is the highest I would go with tren. And please cut down your cycle.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    I would say go with either test/tren or primo+test. 300 is the highest I would go with tren. And please cut down your cycle.
    As far as length/weeks?

    I can run a 14 week cycle. That'll still give me some time off of methylated orals.

  11. #11
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    IMO test e, tren e and one of the orals at the back end of the cycle with winny being my favorite of the two. Test for 14 weeks at 300mg at least and tren e at 400mg for 12 weeks. The tren will carry you through this cycle be ready and fasten your seatbelt. Good luck

  12. #12
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    I would say go with either test/tren or primo+test. 300 is the highest I would go with tren. And please cut down your cycle.
    Why no more than 300mg of Tren? that is a low dose.

  13. #13
    Pretty decent cycle.

    IMO, you need much more primo though. I find my sweet spot is ~700mg each week.

    3cc x 2 a week isn't going to cut it for a cycle like this.

    IMO up all the dosages, except the test.

    I would start tren @ 400mg EW, and then go from there.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Why no more than 300mg of Tren? that is a low dose.
    I personally would go higher also but maybe because he's never used tren before?


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    IMO test e, tren e and one of the orals at the back end of the cycle with winny being my favorite of the two. Test for 14 weeks at 300mg at least and tren e at 400mg for 12 weeks. The tren will carry you through this cycle be ready and fasten your seatbelt. Good luck
    Due to recent recommendations, I may bump the Test to 300mg and the Tren E to 320mg.

    Just curious, but since I'll be on pharm grade Femara and Proviron throughout, would that keep me safe as far as bumping up my Test dosage? I just really want to keep sides to a minimum and my diet allows me to get great gains out of low doses. (Even with PHs)

    I'm not looking for crazy mass from this cycle. If I gain 10 lbs while getting even more shredded then I'll be MORE than happy.

    Last edited by Lean1038; 09-16-2009 at 12:28 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I personally would go higher also but maybe because he's never used tren before?

    Bingo! But why do more than 300mg of tren? Most of us here will recommend 400mg with deca. Tren is 5x as strong than anything else. 400mg of tren is pretty hefty imo.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by omna82 View Post
    Bingo! But why do more than 300mg of tren? Most of us here will recommend 400mg with deca. Tren is 5x as strong than anything else. 400mg of tren is pretty hefty imo.
    I just finished an 8 week of Tren A at what is considered a low dose of 350/wk and loved the results. Tren E is less potent if I am correct, you would need roughly 425/wk of E to = 350/wk of A (Vets correct me if Im way off).

    Im an advocate of low dose cycles, but even I think you are way too low and wasting money when a simple 150 more per week (75/shot) would yeild much better.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lean1038 View Post
    Due to recent recommendations, I may bump the Test to 300mg and the Tren E to 320mg.

    Just curious, but since I'll be on pharm grade Femara and Proviron throughout, would that keep me safe as far as bumping up my Test dosage? I just really want to keep sides to a minimum and my diet allows me to get great gains out of low doses. (Even with PHs)

    I'm not looking for crazy mass from this cycle. If I gain 10 lbs while getting even more shredded then I'll be MORE than happy.

    Bump the tren e to 400 trust me. With proviron that will be a killer stack. In that case leave the winny out. Boy test, 19nor,and DHT, tasty. Keep the femara and some caber and you'll be set

  19. #19
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Aizen Sosuke View Post
    Bump the tren e to 400 trust me. With proviron that will be a killer stack. In that case leave the winny out. Boy test, 19nor,and DHT, tasty. Keep the femara and some caber and you'll be set
    That sounds killer man!

    Believe me guys, I'm all for trying 400mg, but I'm afraid of potential sides when I hear guys that have run as low as 250mg weekly with great results. I just think there's that balance point of gains:sides and I just don't want to overshoot it right off the bat ya know?

    I may start off with 320mg and work up around the 4-5th week if sides are low.

    Again, thanks for all the help.

  20. #20
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    That would be smart.

  21. #21
    I'm running this cycle right now for my [mock] contest prep:

    Test E (1-10) 200mg/week
    Tren A (1-8) 700mg/week
    Winny (8-12) 75mg/ed
    Aromasin (10-12) 25mg/ed
    Bromo (1-8) 2.5mg/ed

    I love it so far (week 3), tren is ridiculous at keeping lean body mass and even being able to generate some during cutting. Can't wait for the back half of the cycle, and so far no gyno or lactating flare ups, which were present when I tried test at 500mg/week and tren at 525mg/week. With an ai and low dose test, don't worry about not looking lean. As long as you're bf is low, you're fine.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    I'm running this cycle right now for my [mock] contest prep:

    Test E (1-10) 200mg/week
    Tren A (1-8) 700mg/week
    Winny (8-12) 75mg/ed
    Aromasin (10-12) 25mg/ed
    Bromo (1-8) 2.5mg/ed

    I love it so far (week 3), tren is ridiculous at keeping lean body mass and even being able to generate some during cutting. Can't wait for the back half of the cycle, and so far no gyno or lactating flare ups, which were present when I tried test at 500mg/week and tren at 525mg/week. With an ai and low dose test, don't worry about not looking lean. As long as you're bf is low, you're fine.
    Wow! I've considered going as low as 200mg with my Test as that's still DOUBLE what the body produces and can see bumping up the Tren to 400mg in that case as it's 5x stronger than Test.

    Hmm... How do you feel on 200mg? And which brand of Aromasin are you running. PM me if you have to.

  23. #23
    Absolutely no libido problems, whatsoever. It's not like 500+mg test where you want to bang everything resembling a female figure, but it I actually love this dose. I'll post some pics when I'm done with the back half, I might run letro along side the aromasin to see how dry I can get, I'm 3 weeks in and a (7pt) caliper tested 10%bf.

    I pm'ed you as well.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Absolutely no libido problems, whatsoever. It's not like 500+mg test where you want to bang everything resembling a female figure, but it I actually love this dose. I'll post some pics when I'm done with the back half, I might run letro along side the aromasin to see how dry I can get, I'm 3 weeks in and a (7pt) caliper tested 10%bf.

    I pm'ed you as well.
    Great! I too plan on running Aromasin ED and a small dose of Femara (.625mg) twice weekly. I may bump up to M W F if needed, but we'll see.

    I like dry, VERY dry.

    Thanks for the insight man!

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