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  1. #1
    trinikev is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    Superdrol NG question

    Hey Guys This is my first post here and I came to this site to find the right answers. I have bought superdrol NG which I found out not to be as hard as the original Superdrol. The guy who sold it to me told me that Gaspari's Novedex Xt would be a good enough PCT for this superdrol... which didnt make sense but there was nothing else at his store that I could see so i bought it...

    I then went to another store and got some Estrodex by SANS hoping that would be enough.

    Now as you could probably tell this is my first cycle ever of a PH or even a test booster. I am 27 and have been lifting for a few years and looking to make some extra gains.

    Would these things work if I put them together? Or am I way off? I understand the concept of a PCT but from all the forums and research I have done, superdrol NG doesnt seem like that big of a deal, It sounds like its like LG sciences methyl-1d. I dont want Gyno soooo it would be nice to get some straight facts on what I should do.

    Oh yea I have Milk Thistle also, altho my liver doesnt look like its in any danger with this... Now If these all can work can someone help me put this together please?

  2. #2
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2008
    This is a steroid forum, not many people here do PH.

    However, many of us have done them, so someone might chime in some advice for you

    If I were you, I would post this same question at www. ************* .com . They are a forum that strictly deals with Pro Hormones. They can better assist you there.

  3. #3
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    www. anabolic minds . com

  4. #4
    trinikev is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    oh.. lol I thought this was that forum.. Thanks for your help!

  5. #5
    CHAP's Avatar
    CHAP is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont know much about the NG . But you still should run a PCT with it. I know they are trying to make people think that it is a Superdrol clone. But IF I remember correctly it is not. And I would not expect very goos gains from it. Also if this was your 1st cycle be glad you did not get the real SD . If taken at the correct dose it can have some bad sides.

    I dont know what NG is but keep your diet in check and workout hard. Well see how your gains turn out.

  6. #6
    premedreject's Avatar
    premedreject is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2008
    no problem, that other forum will totally be much more assistance for you!

    if you do check this post again...I've done 4 prohormone cycles.
    Keep in mind, most these pills are methylated and need to go through your liver, so you PLEASE take a combination of liv.52 and milk thistle. This is a not a joke. It's toxic to your liver. In my opinion it's even more toxic than injectable steroids . Be careful, just because it's legal doesn't mean if safer.

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