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Thread: drinking winstrol??

  1. #1

    drinking winstrol??

    hey guys, is it true that you can drink winstrol instead of injecting it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    Oral winstrol trough mouth; injectable winstrol is to be injected.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Klimax View Post
    Oral winstrol trough mouth; injectable winstrol is to be injected.
    dont gettem confused

  4. #4
    i know oral tablets are to be taken oraly! but the tablets and the liquid are 17aa. i just want to hear from some oaks if they ever drink the winstrol depot?

  5. #5
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    Yes you can drink it but it will not be near as strong so the dose will have to be increased to achive the same blood levels you would have if you were to inject it.

    OH and if you do decide to drink it youll wish you had pinned it. The taste will probably make you throw up.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Yes you can drink it but it will not be near as strong so the dose will have to be increased to achive the same blood levels you would have if you were to inject it.

    OH and if you do decide to drink it youll wish you had pinned it. The taste will probably make you throw up.

    Mix with some water and you're laughing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Yes you can drink it but it will not be near as strong so the dose will have to be increased to achive the same blood levels you would have if you were to inject it.

    OH and if you do decide to drink it youll wish you had pinned it. The taste will probably make you throw up.
    When drinking it the Liver breaks it down so u wont get the full dose per/ml.
    Why would u want to drink it anyhow?

  8. #8
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    my mates drank theirs even after i showed them info about it, but they were wussy and got nearly no gains from it

  9. #9
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    If you have paid the extra and got injectable Winstrol, inject it.

    Why waste money and ingest it orally, when its in an injectable state?

    Seems stupid to me.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If you have paid the extra and got injectable Winstrol, inject it.

    Why waste money and ingest it orally, when its in an injectable state?

    Seems stupid to me.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Yes, you can drink injectable winny, just slightly adjust the dose to allow for absorption.

  12. #12
    best way to drink it is to mix it w/ a one of those bottles of grapefruit juice u get at the gas statiion....the grapefruit juice is the only thing i found that could cover up the god aweful taste and it helps w/ the absorption rate so u get more in your workd for me

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by *El Diablo* View Post
    When drinking it the Liver breaks it down so u wont get the full dose per/ml.
    Why would u want to drink it anyhow?
    Winstrol is a 17aa, and will survive the first pass through the liver no matter how you take it...

    I hate injecting winstrol, due to the pain...and the best run i ever had at winny were 50mg winny caps....Really doesnt matter how you take it, so i always suggest, just getting oral winny and taking it orally....why pay more for injectible, when they will basically do the same thing...

    and even if the injectible is absorbed a lil better, the oral winny will be a lot less expensive, so you can buy more and just take a higher dose....also, oral winny does not hurt...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klimax View Post
    Oral winstrol trough mouth; injectable winstrol is to be injected.
    you can drink the injectable winny but it's less effective so IMO it's a waste so please inject it...(search engine)...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    If you have paid the extra and got injectable Winstrol, inject it.

    Why waste money and ingest it orally, when its in an injectable state?

    Seems stupid to me.

    That's not entirely true. In my neck of the woods I can get Injectable Winstrol cheaper than Oral, so I see where he's coming from. And it's not a shitty UGL either.

  16. #16
    I've done it and let me warn you it tast like shit

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by shread View Post
    my mates drank theirs even after i showed them info about it, but they were wussy and got nearly no gains from it
    you don't gain a lot off winny anyway bro but it certainly will harden you up quite a lot

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by .EA. View Post

    That's not entirely true. In my neck of the woods I can get Injectable Winstrol cheaper than Oral, so I see where he's coming from. And it's not a shitty UGL either.
    I can get the injectable a ton cheaper here too.I have some tabs that I went ahead and sprung the extra on for my next cycle that I will be starting in about a month after my bloodwork.i could have gotten 5 vials for the same as the 50 50mg tabs

  19. #19
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    You can drink your winny... Or EA's winny and prob Swifto's winny and diff you can drink.....oh I'll stop

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