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Thread: EQ vs. Deca

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Washington DC

    EQ vs. Deca

    i understand properties of these 2 are the same, or so i was told. I prefer EQ, but my question is can you run them both in a 12wk cycle with out risk of blocking all your receptors up fast. The cycle i am thinking of running them with includes Oxymethalone and winstrol.

    thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    don't run them together...Madmax..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    u could run both bro ,but they wont block all receptors,they compete for the same receptor ,i would run one or th other ,and are u planning to run drol and winn at the same time ?u know there both 17 alk ur liver will be under great stress,plus u have no test which is the foundation of every cycle ,i would rethgink ur cycle .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Washington DC
    wasn't really thinking of running them together, was kinda wanting to run them in different cycles but close together. I am going shopping soon and trying to get some ideas together. for sure my 1st cycle is going to be

    1. t4, EQ, and d-bol
    2. t4, Deca, and_____ (help please)
    3. EQ,Winne, and_____(help please)
    your opinions will be greatly thanked

  5. #5
    Originally posted by soulspaz
    wasn't really thinking of running them together, was kinda wanting to run them in different cycles but close together. I am going shopping soon and trying to get some ideas together. for sure my 1st cycle is going to be

    1. t4, EQ, and d-bol
    2. t4, Deca, and_____ (help please)
    3. EQ,Winne, and_____(help please)
    your opinions will be greatly thanked
    1. what is your goal? what are you trying to achieve? you know t3 is man made and it's 4 times stronger that t4. do you know how to paramid them? unless your dieting, you don't ned t3 t4 crap.
    just tel us the the objective of your goal and we'll work from there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Washington DC
    thank you for your reply,
    sorry my abbreviations i guess suck, in T4 i ment test 400, and as for using t3 i am thinking of throwing in some cytomel for an added protein break down.

    my goals are the first cycle to try to gain as much mass as possible, second try to maitain the mass and add some hardness along with vascularity, and the third well lean up. may throw in some clembuterol.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    1) test, deca and d-bol
    2) test, equip and d-bol
    3) equip, primo, win

    Just my .02

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