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Thread: test enanthate cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    test enanthate cycle

    hey im trying to learn about steroids and cycling, would 250mg of testosterone enanthate injected once a week for 12 weeks have good results and be relativly safe at that dosage? or is it best to add dianabol to it for 1st 4 weeks at about 25g a day. and what should pct look like for somone doing a cycle like this? im not planning on doing a cycle just yet cause im not reeli ready but when it comes to it i want to make sure im on the right track.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    bay area/ colfax
    well for your first cycle test only is the only way too go, but i would hit about 400mg a week. look under the pct threads for pct info, make sure your diet is spottless and your training is on spot before thinking about starting a cycle

  3. #3
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    Same as above, run a simple test only cycle to assess your tolerance for Test. You will see great gains with this if you feed yourself correctly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    ok thanks for the advise, if i was to buy some it would be in a 250ml vial so would it be ok to take 500mg instead. it would make it easyer instead of havin to measure it? and would it be shot in one go or split it twice a week?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yes 500mg is fine i did that on my first test only

  6. #6
    Dianabol is simply there as a psychological function anyways.... It just jump starts the gains, but those gains I've heard from numerous people are almost impossible to keep once you resume a test E monocycle. Complete waste IMO...

  7. #7
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    What are your stats?
    sounds like you have allready bought your test

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfkr2 View Post
    ok thanks for the advise, if i was to buy some it would be in a 250ml vial so would it be ok to take 500mg instead. it would make it easyer instead of havin to measure it? and would it be shot in one go or split it twice a week?
    Twice a week, every 3-4 days

  9. #9
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    I give up

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigman roid View Post
    What are your stats?
    sounds like you have allready bought your test

  11. #11
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    Your 5'6 and you weight 119....wats the rest?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by elitepeptides View Post
    Dianabol is simply there as a psychological function anyways.... It just jump starts the gains, but those gains I've heard from numerous people are almost impossible to keep once you resume a test E monocycle. Complete waste IMO...
    i wouldnt go that far, its more useful than that

  13. #13
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    Apr 2009
    sorry for late reply, yeah im 125 pounds 5.5 or 5.6 20 years old, and easy under 10% body fat. like i said im just finding out about stuff. no im not buying my stuff already its just that i had vials of ethanate 250mg but im getting rid of them. i trust vials more then i do a big jar full of the stuff cause i read its harder to make a vial so less likely to be fake and i know where i get it is legit. and yeah i know im not ready for a cycle i dont need telling. and thanks for for the repsonses

  14. #14
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    i am on my first cycle and doing TEST-E 250x twice a week i do Tues and Friday and it has not been hard for me to handle so far. Only side has been the pain in the muscle for a few days after injection. If you can do it in your glutes do so. I cant so i do my thighs and that hurts more to me anyhow. Makle sure you break it up into two shots though.

  15. #15
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    wiat you are 20? No good man. you have enough natural.

  16. #16
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    ohryt, have you noticed any decent gains yet or are you early into your cycle?

  17. #17
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    wait till 25 too start a cycle bro, you dont wanna mess up youre body for the future

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    If you're gonna shut yourself down anyway, you might as well run 500mg/week.

    And I can't tell you not to do it, reason being I'm 20 myself and on cycle as we're talking, but well...don't do it.

    I spent countless hours learning about Steroids and human kinetics in general. At this point I don't mind taking the risk of shutting down my HPTA. I respond very well to PCT and I usually get back to normal pretty quick. And of course I know what I'm doing to my body.

    And even I only plan to do maybe one cycle a year. Well one bulking (heavy) cycle and a light cutting cycle in the spring consisting of Anavar.

    But that's about it. And my bulking cycles will probably consist of Testosterone only for now, for a good 3 or 4 cycles. I don't plan to add another compound till later on in life.

    Do it proper, do it safe. That's the motto.

    "Educate before you medicate"-T-Mos (R.I.P.)

    But before you jump on Test, why don't you try adjusting your diet and workout before everything? Do that for at least a good 6 months, then if you still need a push, you can try Anavar. But at your weight, with a proper diet adjustment you'll be gaining muscle like a dream. Grab yourself a weight gainer while you're at it, but don't rely on it to gain muscle. Food is the most anabolic supplement you can put in your body.


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    thanks for the replys, yeah i am waiting before i do a cycle, i want to weigh a bit more before i go on, by that i mean muscle weight

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