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Thread: changing to short acting test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    changing to short acting test

    Ok, i'm currently on a t400 dbol cycle. dbol at 30mg/d, and 400test/week. i plan on doin a twelve week cycle, and of course followed by clomid. I read the previous post about changing from long acting esters to short acting to help avoid post cycle crashes. here is my plan, i want to know if this is a good idea. after 8 weeks of the T400(which i will not do again, pain in the ass), i was goin to switch to t200, at 400mg a week, injecting on sunday and wed. is this a good idea? from what i have read and researched it sounds like it would help. also, how long after my last shot woudl i need to start the clomid, since i would have the short acting ester? thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    t200 is enanthate, which is a long ester as well. Short esters are prop or susp (no ester). If this is your first cycle, just continue what you've been doing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    yea if your going to switch it cant be to a t200 its prop or cyp

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool Highs and Lows . . .

    Remember that all test has a peak-and-valley effect, in which the test concentration peaks about 24-48 hours after an injection and ebbs over the next 10-14 days. Obviously, the peak-and-valley effect is quicker when using a short-acting test, which has more potential for mood swings than long-acting test.

    My recommendation would be to simply taper your injections of enanthate or cyp. As you're coming to the end of your cycle, spread the injections a little farther apart, and move from 200 mg. per shot to 100 mg., for example. In other words, treat it like cigarettes - wean yourself off (or as a physician would say, titrate down) rather than quitting cold turkey.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Vegas, NV

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i am old school, what tnt said falls right in line with my way of thinking. i do think switching to a short acting ester could be beneficial if you are an expeirianced user.

    cyp is a long acting test pureanger.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Ok ok the reason to switch to a short ester is not to avoid the hormone swing but to have the system clear the day after the cycle ends. Were talkin about two diff things.Im thinkin that even if you "titrate" down to 200mgs a week of cyp down from 1gram a week, your still going to have test in your system weeks after the cycle ends. But wait, your guys way of thinking is perfectly applicable if you titrate with a fast acting test Although i agree sometimes its better to keep it simple, most people hate daily injects anyway.
    Last edited by Psycoswole; 11-19-2001 at 04:56 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i dont discount short acting test at the end of the cycle at all, i just feel that as a beginner, keeping it simple is best. i dont recommend prop or susp. to beginners at all, for someone not accustomed to needles, injecting everyday, especially with the way those 2 feel, is just not a good idea. as far as tapering goes, i always have and always will. no study ever done can overide my personal experiance. i've experimented on my body for years, and have a good grip on what works and what each his own though. i am always opened to try new things, dont get me wrong, but the basics, as far as what works for me, will probably always be as they are now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Vegas, NV

    Thumbs up

    Well said; ill be using 125mg ed of 200mg/ml prop for 12 weeks my next cycle, that is going to be pain

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    i feel for you bro! you know i am a big puss when it comes to pins anyway! i think i am going to add some suspension with in the next few weeks though, i need a boost. some hcg is in order also.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    in Denial
    Big Kev, I thought that the general consensus was that HCG was worthless and is prop a type of suspension or just an ester with a very short half life.

    On a seperate note, would there be any theoretical benefit to switching to a type of gear that has shown to half less of an effect on endegenous test levels at the end of a cycle of test (sust, enat, etc.) like primo or anavar to keep the test levels and anabolic state of the body up while you taper on the longer acting esters to allow for clomid to be started much earlier because of the faster clearing effect from the system of the alternate types of drugs.

    I am trying to put on the maximum amount of weight and keep most of it....basically the same thing everybody is trying to do but when I start sometime in January, I have a good foundation of about 255 and would like to get up to about 275-280 after my first cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Kev stays on a lot bro, thats when HCG is ideal

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