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Thread: Sustanon 250, Deca Durabolin and Danabol DS Stack

  1. #1

    Sustanon 250, Deca Durabolin and Danabol DS Stack

    Hello guys..

    Would like to ask you some opinion about my upcoming cycle..

    This is gonna be my second cycle and I'm planning to stack on Sus, Deca and Danabol DS together for a 8 weeks cycle. My schedule would be something like this:

    Sustanon 250 : Week 1 - 8 (250mg/week)

    Deca Durabolin : Week 1 - 2 (200mg/week)
    Week 3 - 5 (400mg/week)
    Week 5 - 7 (200mg/week)

    Danabol DS : Week 1 (20mg/day)
    Week 2 - 3 (30mg/day)
    Week 4 (20mg/day)
    Week 5 (10mg/day)

    FYI, I am 26 year-old, 172cm, 5 ft 6 inch, 141lb..

    Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Deca and the sustanon need to be ran longer than at. Also dosing needs to stay constant there is no benifit to pyramiding. Unfortunately that is a very poorly laid out cycle.

    Whats your pct going to be?

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply mate..

    Any ideas on how to tweak my cycle?

    Right now, I have 8 vials of Sustanon 250, 10 Amps of Deca Durabolin 200mg/amp and a bottle of Danabol DS on hand..

    And my PCT would be:

    Clomid 50 mg, 2x/day, 30 days
    Nolvadex 20 mg daily, 45 days

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You have the right pct stuff on hand so that is good but you will need to get more sustanon and deca to run them.

    I would sugest 500mg/week sustanon split into 2 shots at the minimum per week
    along with 400mg/week of deca. Run the Sustanon for 12 weeks and the deca for 10 weeks.

  5. #5
    I see.. So the cycle should be something like this right?

    Sustanon 250 :
    Week 1 - 12 (500mg/week) - Sunday and Thursday

    Deca Durabolin :
    Week 1 - 10 (400mg/week) - Sunday and Thursday

    Danabol DS :
    Week 1 (20mg/day)
    Week 2 - 3 (30mg/day)
    Week 4 (20mg/day)
    Week 5 (10mg/day)

    PCT(Starting week 14):
    Clomid 50 mg, 2x/day, 30 days
    Nolvadex 20 mg daily, 45 days

    But my main concern is, whether the amount of Sustanon and Deca would be too massive for me or not.. Would it be alright if I just extand the Sustanon up untill week 12 and the Deca up untill week 10, BUT with the same ammount of injection.. Say 250mg/week Sustanon and 200mg/week Deca?

    Thanks again mate..

  6. #6
    right now u dont have enought juice to do anything but shut u down brotha

  7. #7
    I have no problem re-stocking the juice right now, just that whether it's too much for me or not since this is only gonna be my second cycle..

    I am looking for a lean muscle gain between 15lb - 20lb from this cycle..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro no offence but your diet or training are off if you are 140lbs after a cycle. Before starting another i would work on those two.

    but yes you would need more gear and pyramiding isnt good either

  9. #9
    I think it's my diet.. Been fasting for a month so I'm not eating during the day.. Hehe..

  10. #10
    dear me no food no muscles!!!

  11. #11
    No worries bro.. The fasting month is already over, so everything's going back to normal again..

    So any tips on the cycle instead?

  12. #12
    wtf were you fastinng for??? dont you no that shit is against our religion!!! Its the cardinal sin of body building

  13. #13
    sust 500mg weeks 1-12
    deca 400mg weeks 1-10
    dianabol 30-40mg ed weeks 1-4/5

    but 140 is light as hell even if you are a 5 foot 6

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I dont get it either. Why bother doing a cycle if you are only going to fast later and destroy all your muscle?

    Also, 140 is WAY to light to be considering doing a cycle. Even at your stature you should be around 170+ before doing a cycle.

    Also adding Deca to your 2nd cycle is also over kill. Fist cycle is Test only. 2nd cycle is either Test only again or maybe one oral. 3rd cycle add Deca to the mix or depending on your preference???

    It doesnt matter that you just came off a fast for whatever reason your diet suck. Learn to eat properly. Yeah you will say it's clean, then why did you fast???? Oh yeah to get rid of toxins because your diet sucks. Now learn to eat 6x a day or more and learn what to eat.

    Dont consider a cycle untl you hit 170.

  15. #15
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    Real talk man, go to the grocery store, grab yourself a stable diet, then go to GNC and pick up a Test Booster and some Kre-Alkalyne Creatine, change your workout routine and see the results.

    Then after all this come back to the forums and ask again. Cycling with next to no gains is detrimental to your health for no good reason really.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I dont get it either. Why bother doing a cycle if you are only going to fast later and destroy all your muscle?

    Also, 140 is WAY to light to be considering doing a cycle. Even at your stature you should be around 170+ before doing a cycle.

    Also adding Deca to your 2nd cycle is also over kill. Fist cycle is Test only. 2nd cycle is either Test only again or maybe one oral. 3rd cycle add Deca to the mix or depending on your preference???

    It doesnt matter that you just came off a fast for whatever reason your diet suck. Learn to eat properly. Yeah you will say it's clean, then why did you fast???? Oh yeah to get rid of toxins because your diet sucks. Now learn to eat 6x a day or more and learn what to eat.

    Dont consider a cycle untl you hit 170.

    Dude I apprecite your concern but before you came up with question why do I need to fast and make some rude comments and mock me about my diet, go study about other religions aswell.. You maybe good at your dietry and workouts but that doesn't mean you can just come and mock anyone.. Remember, everyone starts from zero, i repeat zero.. Be a bit matured and give constructive comments if you need to..

    Anyway, thank you so much for the rest of you guys..

  17. #17
    bro dont listen to them,as long as the gear you have is good stuff (organon) you will gain,i weighed the same as you and a year later i was 47 pounds heavier,yes 47 pounds!! i did 4 cycles on the same stuff and bam! i ate like a s.o.a.b as well, trained hard and slept well,only sides i had was water retention and increased aggression no biggy really. all the best

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by xthernalghost View Post
    Dude I apprecite your concern but before you came up with question why do I need to fast and make some rude comments and mock me about my diet, go study about other religions aswell.. You maybe good at your dietry and workouts but that doesn't mean you can just come and mock anyone.. Remember, everyone starts from zero, i repeat zero.. Be a bit matured and give constructive comments if you need to..

    Anyway, thank you so much for the rest of you guys..
    It's not mocking and has nothing to do with your beliefs. It's about science and common sense. If you are going to do these things to your body then you should not cycle. You are to small/light also to cycle, there is no need, it's 100% waste. Again it has NOTHING to do with whatever you religion or beliefs are, science and health dont care about those things.

    so, my above post IS constructive IF you choose to read it as such.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn8wn View Post
    bro dont listen to them,as long as the gear you have is good stuff (organon) you will gain,i weighed the same as you and a year later i was 47 pounds heavier,yes 47 pounds!! i did 4 cycles on the same stuff and bam! i ate like a s.o.a.b as well, trained hard and slept well,only sides i had was water retention and increased aggression no biggy really. all the best
    Yeah listen to the newbie and Ill bet soon enough you will get a PM from him wanting to sell you gear.. Looks like you have may have a new best friend.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by xthernalghost View Post
    I see.. So the cycle should be something like this right?

    Sustanon 250 :
    Week 1 - 12 (500mg/week) - Sunday and Thursday

    Deca Durabolin :
    Week 1 - 10 (400mg/week) - Sunday and Thursday

    Danabol DS :
    Week 1 (20mg/day)
    Week 2 - 3 (30mg/day)
    Week 4 (20mg/day)
    Week 5 (10mg/day)

    PCT(Starting week 14):
    Clomid 50 mg, 2x/day, 30 days
    Nolvadex 20 mg daily, 45 days

    But my main concern is, whether the amount of Sustanon and Deca would be too massive for me or not.. Would it be alright if I just extand the Sustanon up untill week 12 and the Deca up untill week 10, BUT with the same ammount of injection.. Say 250mg/week Sustanon and 200mg/week Deca?

    Thanks again mate..
    No need to pyramid the d-bol. I think Redz mentioned that already. Everything else looks good now. It's not "too massive" for you. It's basic, common cycle that will yield good results giving your diet and training regimen is on cue.
    Yes, you could go with the lower dosages if you like but i think you'll like these results much better.
    Don't pyramid that d-bol.
    Good luck man.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn8wn View Post
    bro dont listen to them,as long as the gear you have is good stuff (organon) you will gain,i weighed the same as you and a year later i was 47 pounds heavier,yes 47 pounds!! i did 4 cycles on the same stuff and bam! i ate like a s.o.a.b as well, trained hard and slept well,only sides i had was water retention and increased aggression no biggy really. all the best
    Ya. Nothing matters and long as your stuff is organon. To the op, if you fast for a month you must not be too serious about building muscle...which is fine. But, steroids are for those who are serious about packing on muscle.

  22. #22
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    where do i find a profile on danabol DS? curious about this compound.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn8wn View Post
    bro dont listen to them,as long as the gear you have is good stuff (organon) you will gain,i weighed the same as you and a year later i was 47 pounds heavier,yes 47 pounds!! i did 4 cycles on the same stuff and bam! i ate like a s.o.a.b as well, trained hard and slept well,only sides i had was water retention and increased aggression no biggy really. all the best
    ok so you did four cycles of sust deca and dbol just to get to 180-190 thats REAL IMPRESIVE... the problem w/ doin that is u are using steroids to get to your natural potential there therefore to get bigger than you would have been able to natty your gunna have to continually do more and more juice and you probably really dont know how to put any size or strength on w/ out it do you.

  24. #24
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Ya. Nothing matters and long as your stuff is organon. To the op, if you fast for a month you must not be too serious about building muscle...which is fine. But, steroids are for those who are serious about packing on muscle.
    exactly, with or without gear, if u fast like tht you wont hold muscle, as for unkn8wn, best if he stays unknown, unread, unheard of etc etc etc

  25. #25
    agreed look bro we are all just givin you advice to look out for you in the long run but i know what it is to be stubborn and if you wana run your cycle just look at waht i posted earlier and you will be on the right track as far as how to run the gear and training is on you bro

  26. #26

    Need Advice.

    Hi Guys,

    Need opinions and advice on the specs and cycle. I plan to start asap.

    Age: 28 Years
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 149 lbs
    Height: 170 Cms
    Bodyfat: 17%
    Working out for 2 years - Zero Juice
    Currently on - Creatine & Myofusion
    I was 125 lbs when i started working out two years ago

    Danabol (everyday) - Week 1,2,3 - 60mg (30AM 30PM); Week 4,5,6,7 - 80mg (40AM 40PM); Week 8,9,10,11 - 60mg (30AM 30 PM)
    Sustanon (mondays) - week 2,3,4,5 - 500mg; week 6,7,8 - 750mg; week 9,10,11 - 500mg
    Deca Durabolin - week 2,3 - 200mg; week 4,5,6,7,8 - 400mg; week 9,10,11 - 200mg

    Additional Question(s)
    * I am already cycling creatine (2nd week). Can i go on with it while on cycle?
    * Any way i can control acne?
    * I am aware of the side effects of male pattern baldness and aggression as well, any way to limit them to the minimum?
    * Any other stuff you guys think i should watch out for?

    Since this is my first cycle and i AM a little stressed. Would really appreciate help here.

    Last edited by sickpuppydawg; 11-15-2009 at 10:08 PM. Reason: Formatting, additional information

  27. #27
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sickpuppydawg View Post
    Hi Guys,

    Need a couple of opinions on the specs and cycle. I plan to start asap.

    Age: 28 Years
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 149 lbs
    Height: 170 Cms
    Bodyfat: 17%
    Working out for 2 years - Zero Juice
    Currently on - Creatine & Myofusion
    I was 125 lbs when i started working out two years ago

    Week Sustanon(Monday) Deca durabolin(Thursday) Danabol DS (everyday)
    1 60mg
    2 500 mg 200mg 60mg
    3 500 mg 200mg 60mg
    4 500 mg 400mg 80mg
    5 500 mg 400mg 80mg
    6 750 mg 400mg 80mg
    7 750 mg 400mg 80mg
    8 750 mg 400mg 60mg
    9 500 mg 200mg 60mg
    10 500 mg 200mg 60mg
    11 500 mg 200mg 60mg
    You need to start your own thread, you wont get any answers posting in someone elses, hit the new thread button

  28. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You need to start your own thread, you wont get any answers posting in someone elses, hit the new thread button
    Thanks. Will do.

    figuring out how to.

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